I'm a newb to WGT...so I bought a sleve of the WGT Golf Balls. How long do the balls last?...providing you don't loose them...do they have a "hit" number or "shelf-life" to them? Do they start to loose their punch after awhile?...or last forever?
Each type of ball has a different life span. Which kind did you purchase?
Good day,, He got B-XD with 2.5 dots of life,, you should get many games from each ball.. they hit the same start to finish, If tou go OB or in the water it will be gone ,,hope that helped
When you you're playing the game, you'll see a little meter down on the right that says hits. That little meter tells how much life is left in your ball.
They don't loose punch over time, they hit like brand new until they are removed from your bag. Like digital signal : Full strength / No strength : nothing in the middle. Unless you count the balls I like to keep stored in the lake on Kaiwah. \|:^)