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Big Berthas

Wed, Jun 4 2014 8:29 AM (134 replies)
  • flateric6363
    9 Posts
    Sun, Mar 30 2014 1:47 AM

    I have the R1 driver and bought also the Big Bertha L96 driver ...

    After playing 3 rounds my conclusion is : stay with the R1 because the high trajectory from the BB L96 costs you lenght about 5 à 7 yards shorter.

  • MainzMan
    9,586 Posts
    Sun, Mar 30 2014 12:00 PM


    After playing 3 rounds my conclusion is : stay with the R1

    Thanks, you probably just saved me 3,200 credits.

  • Spammage
    694 Posts
    Sun, Mar 30 2014 1:00 PM



    After playing 3 rounds my conclusion is : stay with the R1

    Thanks, you probably just saved me 3,200 credits.

    Mainz - after three rounds with the L100 Nike I would have said the same thing.  After playing numerous rounds with it I don't know if the R1 will ever see my bag again.  It is probably shorter overall by a yard or two (maybe????) but the added carry allows things that the R1 just can't do.  My suggestion is to let them fix the bug with Avatar angles and wait for the (hopefully) free rental period during Masters weekend to give it a shot yourself before plunking down your hard earned dough.

  • mukbrain
    225 Posts
    Sun, Mar 30 2014 1:37 PM

    I myself don't even have a 287 yard driver since I was going to level 100, then decided to save 500k XP and 500 credits to go R1, then when the Alpha came out, I am going for that driver. Same stats as the Nike, but 4 levels less (925k less XP), for 200 less credits. Only thing I need, going to try it out if I don't get to that 3295 credit amount if they have free rentals during Masters.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Mar 30 2014 1:38 PM

    It is probably shorter overall by a yard or two (maybe????) but the added carry allows things that the R1 just can't do.

    Very interesting - thankyou.

    For the sake of not asking, and just in case: Does the L96 BB driver play any different to the  L100 Nike?  If they are basically the same I might be looking.

    Just wondered if any one has tried both / played in a group with both these bad boys involved.  As a gear freak the new driver interests me, and I will try it out in the next free rental.  The R1 is v good, but if there is the odd extra snazzy shot hmmmmmmmmmm for a gear freak like me maybe too much to resist.  I was not going to put myself out to get to L100 sooner than it happens, but if it's there already then the trick might work on me lol  

  • Tamsach
    2,823 Posts
    Sun, Mar 30 2014 4:50 PM

    I have it, but in substitution of R11s. I don't know R1. It's better than R11s. obviously. Bye

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Sun, Mar 30 2014 7:46 PM


    Mainz - after three rounds with the L100 Nike I would have said the same thing.  After playing numerous rounds with it I don't know if the R1 will ever see my bag again.  It is probably shorter overall by a yard or two (maybe????)


    I switch back and forth...

  • CMcCartney727
    1,417 Posts
    Sun, Mar 30 2014 9:07 PM

    WGT cranking out more 'equipment' (they do know this is just a video game, right?)... price for a driver is $33 and rising.... Meanwhile we have the same pin positions and stroke play courses we had 2 years ago (minus Olympic, which I will only play with a gun to my head)...

    I'm sure next month we'll see another driver that goes 2 yards farther for $ what a racket

  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Sun, Mar 30 2014 10:53 PM

    yardage yardage yardage !! the drivers dont matter a hell of a lot !! distance from the 3 wood thats what matters - distance !! just stepped up from the R11 3 wood  - no comparison. Need the distance for the next tier - economics demands it !! No Question !!

  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Sun, Mar 30 2014 11:12 PM

    That is why you haven't noticed any loss of forgiveness.  So far for me misses close to the ding line (1/16 inch or so) are okay and probably more forgiving than the R11S, but.....if you miss the ding badly (1/4 inch) or so get ready to be 20 yards off line and well short also


    I missed the ding on purpose Sunday, several times, was off a bit...but not near as bad as I was off in the past with that 84 R11...I missed a hair left of ding on Merion #3..the par 3...a right to left 13 wind....I ended up in the rough  25 yds left of the hole.... I missed no where near that badly with the BB 3 wood..  Is it it better on accuracy than the 92 Max 5 extra yds and the stopping is better.  Would I recommend it highly...probably not...but does it fit my game...yea, it does...

    Not everybody is going to like it or the BB driver...just like a lot don't like the 89 SLDR...which, btw, I like a lot,...
