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1). What is the difference between Tournament Greens and Championship Greens? 2). Is there a compensation formula for putting from the fringe and the fairway?

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Wed, Jun 8 2011 10:47 PM (5 replies)
  • Trackterror03
    105 Posts
    Sun, Sep 12 2010 5:14 AM

    Hi All,

    If fast = 10%, and very fast is 20%, what is Tournament and Championship green speeds?

    Also, is there a way (a formula) to compensate for putting from the fringe and the fairways? Like subtract X amount and such.

    Thank you very much!


  • jcs89
    172 Posts
    Sun, Sep 12 2010 6:41 AM

    Hey Track,

    A pretty simple way to calculate tourney green speed is to add approximately 30% to a level putt.  This is especially true as the putt distance increases.  If the putt is 5 ft, i will probably hit it 4.  If it is 10, i would probably hit it 7-8.  Anything over 10 ft, i apply the 30% rule. 

    As for putting from the fringe, you definitely have to add some power.  That all depends on how much fringe the ball has to roll across before it reaches the putting surface.  If i am barely on the fringe, i usually ignore it.  If i have, say, 3 ft of fringe to putt across, i would add 2 or 3 feet of power.  Although it can be done, i seldom putt from the fairway.

    Hope this help some...

  • PGAbound67
    565 Posts
    Mon, Sep 13 2010 7:59 PM

    The difference between Tournament and championship greens is a 3 putt and a 5 putt


    end thread lol

  • cruiser1
    74 Posts
    Tue, Jun 7 2011 7:03 PM

    Come on somebody answer this question. I know there are  some legends out there that have played the RG's with championship speed greens. I would like to know myself what the difference is between tourny and champ. speed greens. How much would you need to let off for different length putts? Don't think it would be a real big difference but SOMEBODY PLEASE!!!!!!

    10,705 Posts
    Tue, Jun 7 2011 7:44 PM

    On Championship greens the putt will swing much more because you are hitting it much softer Thus resulting in the putt breaking almost immediately unless its uphill,any put that is say 2 or 4 inches downhill will play full break from the moment you hit it ,Extremely tricky because you can go 6 or 7 feet past very often,10 feet 2 inches downhill u can hit 4,But as i said the putt will break immediately. 30 Footers downhill are the heart thumper s ,:)

  • DarSum
    1,440 Posts
    Wed, Jun 8 2011 10:47 PM

    It's hard to say because the Championship greens they've had in the RGs haven't really been Championship speed. They play more like Tournament Greens and the Tournament Greens have been playing like very fast.

    For a true Legend Tourney green I play them as a 8ft level putt would be hit at 5ft. For a true Championship green, which I haven't seen since last year some time, it's probably close to 9ft level putt would be hit at 5ft. But I will definitely play downhillers a couple feet short of what ever my calculations for the footage are.

    Comes out to about the length x .45 or so for Championship

    Then again I'm probably way off.