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Happy Birthday

Wed, Jul 1 2020 4:32 AM (1,330 replies)
  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Mon, Sep 29 2014 7:22 AM

    September 29

    106BC - Pompey the Great [Gnaeus Pompeius Mangus]

    1240 - Margaret of England <>House of Plantagenet<>Queen Consort of Scotland

    1388 - Thomas of Lancaster <> Houses of Lancaster & York<>1st Duke of Clarence

    1547 - Miguel de Cervantes Seavedra ~ Spanish novelist of "Don Quixote"

    1703 - Francois Boucher ~ French Painter with a stunning resume of treasures

    1758 - Horatio Nelson ~ British Naval Hero

    1935 - Jerry Lee Lewis ;-}

    ~ Bye the Bye ~

    1916 ~ John D Rockefeller becomes 1st Billionaire $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    1923 ~ Gene Sarazen wins the 6th PGA at Pelham CC, NY

    1935 ~ 5th RYDER CUP <> US WINS 9-3

    1991 ~ 29th RYDER CUP <> US WINS 14 1/2 - 13 1/2

     ~ why is phonics spelled that way ? ~ 


  • donsprintr
    2,063 Posts
    Mon, Sep 29 2014 12:43 PM

    Conundrums ... why do they call them buildings when they're already built?

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Mon, Sep 29 2014 11:00 PM


    Conundrums ... why do they call them buildings when they're already built?

    Exactly...why do we park on driveways and drive on parkways?

  • WigerToods2010
    8,448 Posts
    Tue, Sep 30 2014 3:15 AM

    30th September;

    1962 - Planet Earth holds it's breath as Johnny's dear mother utters those life defining words;

    "Get this f*&^*&^ thing out of me.........pahhhhhhleeeeeeeeeeeeeez!"



  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Tue, Sep 30 2014 7:08 AM


    30th September;

    1962 - Planet Earth holds it's breath as Johnny's dear mother utters those life defining words;

    "Get this f*&^*&^ thing out of me.........pahhhhhhleeeeeeeeeeeeeez!"



    ;-}}   HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHNNY !    That's right folks. WGT's very own WT....A genuine 1%'er in skill, one of our very best, and generous enough to have shared his putting tips to has benefitted many and remains a "must read & see" classic.

    And, indeed, Earth stopped when Mrs. Toods yelled "f*&^*&^" as little johnny first got his belly-button whacked off, only to next receive the "Hebrew" treatment to his tiny "cocktail sausage" without so much as a "bye your leave"...... ~SP~ 

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Tue, Sep 30 2014 9:02 AM



    September 30

    1207 - Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi ~ Persian Mystic....gotta love it, I mean duh, aren't they all?

    1627 - Robinson Crusoe ~ Fictional charactor, according to Daniel Defoe

    1631 - William Stoughton ~ American Judge at the Salem wITcH trials

    1732 - Jacques Neckler ~ Powerful finance minister to Louis XVI, also known very well by both Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson

    1861 - William Wrigley Jr. ~ chewing gum biggie...his mansion still sits on Catalina Island

    1917 - Buddy Rich ~ got drums ?

    1924 - Truman Capote ~ Author of "In Cold Blood" and flamed

    1928 - Elie Wiesel ~ Nazi hunter

    1935 - Johnny Mathis ~ Awesome singer from Frisco

    ~ By the Bye ~

    1399 ~ King Richard II abdicates and is succeeded by Bolingbroke as King Henry IV and the event marks the movement of the <>House of Plantagenet<> to the <>Houses of Lancaster & York<>

    1659 ~ Peter Stuyvesant of New Netherlands FORBIDS tennis playing during religious services. It is the 1st mention of tennis in the US, and provides one of the most peculiar visuals I know of

    1791 ~ Mozart's opera "Magic Flute" premiers in Vienna

    1880 ~ Henry Draper takes that 1st photograph of the jaw dropping Orion Nebula

    1888 ~ "Jack the Ripper" murders 2 more...Liz Stride & Kate Eddowes in Whitechappel

    1927 ~ Babe Ruth hits that amazing home run # 60

    1937 ~ USA wins the 6th Ryder Cup 8-4

    ~ Love to All ~ 

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Wed, Oct 1 2014 8:12 AM

    October 1

    1207 - Henry III <> House of Plantagenet <> King of England "who never grew up"

    1644 - Alessandro Stradella ~ Italian composer

    1730 - Richard Stockton ~ Attorney and signer of The Declaration of Independence

    1881 - William Boeing ~ Founded Boeing Aircraft...darn fine airplanes...Douglas is best

    1903 - "Slapsie" Maxie Rosenbloom ~ boxer

    1910 - Bonnie Parker ~ white trash outlaw

    ~ By the Bye ~

    331BC ~ Alexander the Great defeats Darius III of Persia in Battle of Gaugamela

     959 ~ Edgar I <> House of Wessex <> 1st English Ruler Crowned as King of All England

    1574 ~ a nasty storm breaks Leiden `dike`; 20,000 Spanish soldiers give up ghost

    1867 ~ Karl Marx "Das Kapital" published in the funny papers

    1891 ~ Stanford University opens it's doors

    1907 ~ Plaza Hotel at 5th Ave & 59th Street opens it's doors

    1908 ~ Henry Ford introduces the Model T @ $825

    1931 ~ the second & current Waldorf-Astoria opens it's doors

    ~ Happy October ~


  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Thu, Oct 2 2014 5:01 AM


    October 2

    1452 - King Richard III <> House of Lancaster and York <> Villain or Man of his Time ?

    1470 - Isabella of Naples ~ Duchess of Milan

    1800 - Nat Turner ~ Leader of a major slave rebellion ~ of Virginia

    1869 - Mahatma Gandi

    1890 - Groucho Marx

    1895 - Bud Abbott

    1900 - Coco the Clown [Nicolai Poliakoff] of Russia

    ~ By the Bye ~

    1490 ~ King Henry VII <> House of Tudor <> Invades France

    1614 ~ King Louis XIII is declared an adult...he is 13

    1780 ~ British Officer John Andre was hanged as a spy for assisting Benedict Arnold, the traitor. Andre was 30...a little pay back for Nathan Hale, 21 hanged in 1776 ?

    1789 ~ George Washington transmits the United States Bill of Rights to the States for them, understand them, appreciate them, and be willing to die for them.

    1959 ~ Rod Sterling's "Twilight Zone" premiers on you have a favorite ?

    ~ see ya ~


  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Thu, Oct 2 2014 3:18 PM

    1959 ~ Rod Sterling's "Twilight Zone" premiers on you have a favorite ?

    This is THE best,,,enjoy.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Thu, Oct 2 2014 5:03 PM


    1959 ~ Rod Sterling's "Twilight Zone" premiers on you have a favorite ?

    This is THE best,,,enjoy.

    You know what 0-T-E ? You damn right it was ! Better still, is that I was certain I had seen them all...I was wrong. Thanks !  ;-}