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WGT some answers please - Don't leave us in the dark

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Tue, May 5 2009 9:38 PM (14 replies)
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  • Kaslo
    428 Posts
    Tue, May 5 2009 11:08 AM

    While it is great that we have hit 100,000,000 balls the news some of us are waiting for seems to be a little lacking.


    Here is some specific questions I hope we can get some answers for.


    1)     When is the next revision due out?

    2)     When will we get a choice between front nine and back nine on multiplayer games?

    3)     When will we get a full 18 holes on a multiplayer game?

    4)     What are you doing about the Pings? When are you going to fix them? Even AvatarLee thinks they need tweaking.


    It might be nice if WGt would address some of their timelines. We are not feeling the love.

  • tibbets
    1,043 Posts
    Tue, May 5 2009 11:36 AM

    Most of these issues were dealt with awhile ago in the forums.  They have the US Open coming out this month, and with that comes 18 holes at Bethpage Black.   18 hole multiplayer was said to be some time away, probably mid-summer.  Front and back 9 selections for Kiawah were to start next month I believe.  Like I said, it's all been in the forums, so you have to pay attention.

    As far as the Pings go:  Since when did 'hard to use' equate with 'broken'?  There's nothing to fix with the Pings, they are just more demanding than the other clubs.  When used properly, they function just fine.  Judging from the comparison chart, they act exactly as advertised:  More distance, less forgiveness, more precision, better spin.  Everyone is getting hung up on the 'less forgiveness' thing, thinking that the clubs aren't working properly.  You have to hit the line or be really close to it.  That's the deal with these clubs. 

  • Kaslo
    428 Posts
    Tue, May 5 2009 12:42 PM

    Thanks for the reply. I didn't realize you were the WGT spokesman. I do read the forums and I can tell you this is certainly not easily obtained information. I see drips and drabs, rumors but not much official for WTG. Once again I think it would be a good idea to have a proper update every now and then. As to the pings. And just to clear up any confusion. I am running firefox tweaked the way recommend in the forums. My hardware far surpasses the minimum requirements and the pings are not useable with the jerky swing meter. It's basically impossible to hit the line every time with the kind of CPU usage this game demands. And when you miss you are punished beyond reasonable. There is a leak of some kind. Play more that one game and it gets progressively worse. A definite coding error...

    Funny to because I am guy with a visa willing to support the game. But the new clubs should work BETTER. Otherwise nobodys gonna buy them. The word on the street is the Pings Suck!!!

  • MElli22631
    32 Posts
    Tue, May 5 2009 12:57 PM

    I don't get all the complaints about the pings - I use them and have since they came out. I prefer them to the tour starters and have adjusted to the swing meter speed. Yes on occasion you have a bad miss and pay for it. But overall I have had much better results with the pings and won the Play with Parker using them. I would think the next set of clubs offered if longer with no be any easier - has to be some trade off to improved distance.

    As far as the jumpy meter - I've only had this on my laptop which is not the best, using my home desktop I've had no issues - not sure if I'm lucky or just have a good connection?

  • tibbets
    1,043 Posts
    Tue, May 5 2009 1:06 PM

    Kaslo, if you're having swing meter problems, it's not the clubs you are having issues with.  This game does have coding errors with memory leaks, but that has nothing to do with the Pings.  Any correlation you've seen between the use of the Pings and a more jerky swing meter is coincidental, not causal.  Server load, internet connectivity, and hardware are the main things that affect the smoothness of the game.  If your hardware is in order, then the jerky swing meter is caused by one of the other factors. It's not the Pings.

  • marioh
    1,055 Posts
    Tue, May 5 2009 1:09 PM

    Agreed.   I have random jerkiness in the swing meter, but I strongly believe it's due to the link between my PC and the WGT servers.   When I cut the link, jerkiness in the swing meter does not occur.   But, I strongly suspect the problem for me is the Friends notification.   It may not be the cause for others.

  • Kaslo
    428 Posts
    Tue, May 5 2009 1:10 PM

    Thanks for the comments. As one who is just waiting to spend money.

    I can't wait until some of the clothes and accessories come out. I won't be spending anymore on clubs

    when the net effect is they don't play as well. I don't give a crap about distance. I hit my second shots to a

    specific club. I want accuracy and I can tell you for a fact. The tour clubs are way better. Guess I won't be spending

    \my cash :)


  • Kaslo
    428 Posts
    Tue, May 5 2009 1:12 PM

    All I can say in my defense is....I have seen 2 mabye 3 positive comments on the pings and there rest are not.... :) So it seems WTG missed the mark here. It's the aim to make money?

  • tibbets
    1,043 Posts
    Tue, May 5 2009 1:23 PM

    Of course one of the aims is to make money.  It's a business, with sponsors and patrons.  There is never any guarantee that new equipment will improve your game.  I have bought all the clubs available, and use the ones that suit my game and the course/conditions played.  At some point there will be many different sets of clubs available to buy.  The best part of that is that we will have a large selection to choose from to tailor our individual game.  There'll never be a 'best club set' as an absolute, only what's 'best' for you.

  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Tue, May 5 2009 1:27 PM

    Keep at it Kaslo, I was in your position but I came around eventually.  True, the forgiveness may be iffy, but that may very well be the intent.  Avatar has shown us these clubs can be scored with.  If he can put up a 57 (which probably could've been a 55 if his Tour Starter putter hadn't failed him), they can't be THAT bad, ya know.  Just gotta find your zone. 

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