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bar acting on itself

rated by 0 users
Sun, Aug 1 2010 6:25 AM (3 replies)
  • PietjeBel
    4 Posts
    Sun, Aug 1 2010 4:25 AM

    since few days my bar is action on its own sometimes. if i "swing" the meter stops somewhere on itself, without my release. Also part of those "selfreleases" will make a hit, while i do not click or release. 

    I restarted PCX several times, use gamebooster, and replaced mousebattery. NOTHING HELPS !!!


    Somebody knows what's happening, or/and give a solution ???


    PietjeBel, (a frustrated master!)

  • borntobesting
    9,634 Posts
    Sun, Aug 1 2010 4:48 AM


    since few days my bar is action on its own sometimes. if i "swing" the meter stops somewhere on itself, without my release. Also part of those "selfreleases" will make a hit, while i do not click or release. 

    I restarted PCX several times, use gamebooster, and replaced mousebattery. NOTHING HELPS !!!


    Somebody knows what's happening, or/and give a solution ???


    PietjeBel, (a frustrated master!)

    Mine was doing that a few months ago. I tried a different mouse and the problem went away. Seems the mouse button had become worn and was losing contact long enough for the game to read it as a release of the button. Hope this helps.


  • PietjeBel
    4 Posts
    Sun, Aug 1 2010 5:29 AM

    helpedd wonderfull, tx 4 the tip



  • borntobesting
    9,634 Posts
    Sun, Aug 1 2010 6:25 AM


    helpedd wonderfull, tx 4 the tip



    you are welcome. We all need to help each other when we have had similar incidents.