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Mon, May 4 2009 7:32 PM (5 replies)
  • clarkmort
    2 Posts
    Fri, May 1 2009 3:53 PM

    I will not put anymore money on my account.  The clubs they sell you don't play as well and the tournaments you get in act up when it's for money.  The power bar acts up the worst when I'm in a tournament and it's even worse when it's for money.  I have an average score of 70 and was eight over through seven holes in the amateur open.  It bumped me off and now I can't get back on.  There was a valuable eight dollar lesson.  Don't putt your money in, it's a scam.  Of course you won't even see this post because they will delete it!

  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Fri, May 1 2009 4:01 PM

    If you're getting jumpy meter issues then save and quit the game.  Close your browser and re-open it and reload your game.  Running multiple games without refreshing the browser in between causes problems for a lot of people.  This is a resource heavy game.

    It's definitely not a scam, I'm not sure what else to tell you on that one.  Numerous players have collected various prizes through sweepstakes and tournaments.

    Oh and they won't delete posts unless they are vulgar/disruptive.  Free speech and all that jazz.


    Note for WGT:  2 posts just today about this.  I seriously think you need to consider a change in swing meter philosophy or else we're bound to see many more.  I know what your intent is, but I don't believe what works on paper is in your best business interest here.  This isn't the impression first time buyers need to receive.

  • kmanfromga
    20 Posts
    Mon, May 4 2009 12:10 PM

    From what I can see they are either resourse short or just treading water. I have sent emails on so many differant issues its almost funny. They include, awards not being givin, swing meter problems, friend list issues, load issues, etc, etc... When they DO answer they come back and say something like, "we are aware of the "issue" and we are working to fix it". I find it interesting that they lobby us to push for A Virtual Masters, have a virtual US Open and all the other things that they are doing, but they cant get the basic game fixed. The pin placements never change the wind is ALWAYS HIGH, (you can practice with gentle winds but why bother if you always playing ranked rounds with 13 MPH winds).  They really need to look at their develpment prioroties and make a decision to get this thing right ASAP or I dont think the public will stick with it. I know I hve decided not to put any money into a game that they say they know is messed up but dont get around to fixing, but boy we need that "virtual Masters" dont we. Just nonsense

  • fastflat
    1 Posts
    Mon, May 4 2009 5:33 PM

    i'm gald everyboby is having the same problems i am i thought it was my computer!! i was shooting in the high 60's and got moved to the ametuar tier now i cant break 70 im not spending on clubs. i'll do that for my real golf. i like the game its just quirky, see ya on the lynx

  • dorkfeatures
    712 Posts
    Mon, May 4 2009 6:33 PM

    Hi All,

    I see a lot of complaints on the forums about these issue. I have experienced them myself,, everybody has.

    However everybody playing this game is in the same boat, everyone is experiencing the same problems. Have a look at the top players and what scores they are shooting. How do they do it ?????? Simple -  PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE.  I know you dont want to hear that but sadly thats the bottom line.

    When you go to Amateur level from hack - you start all over again. The pro tees add 20 + metres to your game, so you have to change your game strategy. You're not going to start to shot sub 70 rounds in the blink of an eye - the game is not that easy. As you climb the ladder the game gets more and more difficult and requires more dedication from the individual to improve. Now dont take this the wrong way - but if youre not prepared to put in the extra work, and lots of people are not able to for various reasons then quite simply you're going to find it difficult to improve your game.

    When you buy the more expensive clubs and lets face it, its not that expensive to play this game - you have to get use to using them - and it does take a bit of learning. Slightly miss hit them and your going to be in trouble - but get it right and they do make a big difference, OK it might only be 15 - 20 metres per shot but on those par 5's 40 extra metres down the fairway puts you in birdie territory every time. So - again get practicing.

    Oh well thats my 2 bobs worth - just try to help. It is a great game.

    Oh bye the way - make sure you check out your computer specs are up to the challenge. It makes a big difference.

    Cheers Doug

  • aiea
    7 Posts
    Mon, May 4 2009 7:32 PM

    I thought the money spent on the clubs was well worth the investment...and we all have the same problems with the swing meter etc.--but I would like to see the pin positions changed on occassion and the wind more variable on the Amateur level...

    But most of all we NEED to see stroke play available on more courses, starting with Wolf Creek..what an amazing looking track, one I intend to play personally in the near future!!!

    Kiawah Island is fun but getting quite stale now; I've dropped off in play considerably after about 75 ranked rounds or so..but I'll return with a vengance when we see more courses!!

