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MERION NUMBER 5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Tue, Jun 14 2022 3:30 PM (49 replies)
  • Robert1893
    7,730 Posts
    Wed, Feb 15 2017 12:13 PM

    Anyone have any tips for playing the back pin at this hole?

    First, pray to the deity of your choice.

    Second, see first. :-)  

  • ostfriedel
    2,052 Posts
    Wed, Feb 15 2017 12:23 PM


    Anyone have any tips for playing the back pin at this hole?

    Play it up to 5 yards longer than calculated and try to hit the fairway or fringe right of the green with half backspin. The ball will roll down right to left to the hole then.

    Normaly it will roll very long, some yards over the hole what leads to an uphill putt.


  • cadornette
    319 Posts
    Wed, Feb 15 2017 1:20 PM

    Here are my thoughts: I only play Merion for the Legend Ready Goes. It means you have to play it carefully, because there's not a "RESTART" option. Knowing that, in my opinion, you need a mental diagram about which hole you can go "for it" and the ones you have to play it safe. 

    In hole Nº5, you should play it +5 yards than usual, and always to the right. In case you want to go for the "safe play plan", leave it short (when pin is in front), and then you will have a 15/17 yard pitch that, with a decent ball, will lead you to an easy par putt. I know that holes 5 and 6 are hard to birdie. Calm down =)

  • kavvz
    2,195 Posts
    Wed, Feb 15 2017 2:03 PM


    Anyone have any tips for playing the back pin at this hole?

    First, pray to the deity of your choice.

    Second, see first. :-)  

    You're not kidding! :)   Doubled it a couple days ago and somehow managed a bogey yesterday.  Merion open major has the pin there, so I've hit it a few times now trying to get a low score on round 1.  

  • kavvz
    2,195 Posts
    Wed, Feb 15 2017 2:15 PM

    thank you cadornette and ostfriedel for the tips; I'll give them try.


    I know that holes 5 and 6 are hard to birdie. Calm down =)

    I"m trying not to double them!!  :)   The front pin I have a shot at bird and can par now by landing short, but that back it's killing me.

  • Saurabh08
    184 Posts
    Fri, Feb 17 2017 8:40 AM


    Anyone have any tips for playing the back pin at this hole?

    I play the back pin 2-3 yards short. It breaks a lot right to left and I am usually left with a 15-30 foot putt (depending on green speed and wind) that does not break much.

    If you try to get your putt up to the hole for a birdie and miss, champ greens get it back down and you can end up with a bogey or worse. If you just want a par, hit your 1st putt 5 feet short for a easy straight par putt which can be played aggressively.

    Hopefully it works for you.  :)

  • kavvz
    2,195 Posts
    Fri, Feb 17 2017 3:50 PM

    Thank you Saurabh08 for the tips, will try that out.  Cheers!  :)

  • Kenher01
    1,151 Posts
    Sat, Feb 18 2017 10:26 AM
  • Robert1893
    7,730 Posts
    Sat, Feb 18 2017 10:42 AM

    Actually, all you need to do is see how the ball breaks on the green after your approach shot lands. After that, the putt is easy. ;-)

    I tried embedding. It displays in preview but not after it's posted. Here's a link: 



  • fobby1980
    310 Posts
    Tue, Jun 14 2022 3:30 PM

    Bumping this dead thread: I found that 6 plays very similar to Bethpage 15. Using the same strategy, I have been able to birdie 6 quite a lot recently. It’s not a hole that I dread about anymore. 

    As for 5, well, I don’t see it being usurped as the hardest hole in WGT anytime soon. So there’s that.