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'Tough-It-Out II': The Trans-Atlantic Starter Clubs Uneven Open RETURNS!

Thu, Apr 18 2013 10:44 AM (742 replies)
  • Macduff10
    370 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 6:44 AM

    Well, Corwyn, here's what I've learned through the course of this fine tournament:

    I am mediocre in every way.  Any chance you could set up the next tourney so that I win everything?

    love, Mac

    Anyone needing a marker for the final round can send me a friend invite & I'll come get you.

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 9:35 AM

    There are now just 6 players left to finish, a group near the top of the leaderboard, and also Wassernixe further down, who might now need a marker.

    FYI: I've asked Herbert (Wassernixe) to post times in the thread when he can play, in the hope someone can mark for him. 

    (He is showing as available right now... but I don't know if that's really true, or just a WGT fiction!)

  • unclenewy
    334 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 9:44 AM

    I'm really sorry for disappearing these last few days guys, but things have been out of my hands.

    I have had to prioritise over which bills to pay and the Internet has been switched off.

    At the moment I'm on my mothers laptop so I can get a message to everyone concerned that I haven't just abandoned the tournament, but I haven't been able to get online so it looks like I'm out of the running.

    Hopefully I will have things back to normal by Tuesday, but as work is still dried up and doesn't look like it will start before the end of the month, it may be longer.

    My sincere apologies to you Corwin and Cerino, I know you have put a lot of time and effort into this and I figured you deserve my explanation.

    Also my apologies to you too Hans. I haven't been ignoring you. 

    Good luck everyone and hope to be in contact sometime soon.

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 9:52 AM


    I'm really sorry for disappearing these last few days guys, but things have been out of my hands.

    I have had to prioritise over which bills to pay and the Internet has been switched off.

    At the moment I'm on my mothers laptop so I can get a message to everyone concerned that I haven't just abandoned the tournament, but I haven't been able to get online so it looks like I'm out of the running.

    Hopefully I will have things back to normal by Tuesday, but as work is still dried up and doesn't look like it will start before the end of the month, it may be longer.

    My sincere apologies to you Corwin and Cerino, I know you have put a lot of time and effort into this and I figured you deserve my explanation.

    Also my apologies to you too Hans. I haven't been ignoring you. 

    Good luck everyone and hope to be in contact sometime soon.


    Hey Neil,

    Hope all works out for you as best as possible. Thank you for playing the rounds you could and I hope you enjoyed the experience. Wish we could play our rounds together but I think I'm going to play with Corwyn possibly on Monday so we both get our rounds in the books. If anything changes let us know and a marker will come to your aid if possible.

  • alosso
    21,045 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 9:53 AM

    FYI: I've asked Herbert (Wassernixe) to post times in the thread when he can play, in the hope someone can mark for him. 
    We have an appointment to play Monday morning German time.

    Alles wird gut!

    (everything is going to be alright)

  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 2:09 PM

    Mizzy and I are done with matching 75s.  The unevens took their pound of flesh from me this round, as I had several lies where I either couldn't advance the ball much at all or had to take a wild guess at the outcome because I hadn't yet encountered anything similar.

    Mizzy might have lost his GIR run, but there wasn't anything he could have done about it on at least four of the longer par 4's.  The wind was simply too much to overcome with starter clubs.  

    I saved Corwyn a sleeve of Callies with my 3-putt on the 11th.  I did something wrong with the math in my head and crushed my first putt from the front up the slope, and way past the hole.  It might have been airborne for a bit at the crest of the slope.  

    It was a great tournament...probably as much fun as I've ever had on WGT.  I was surprised by how much time I spent hacking out practice rounds with those awful starter clubs, even after I was out of the running at the end of the first round.  David knocked it out of the park with his post.   Thank you Corwyn, thank you Cerino.  I'm looking forward to the next one.

  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2013 2:18 PM