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'Tough-It-Out II': The Trans-Atlantic Starter Clubs Uneven Open RETURNS!

Thu, Apr 18 2013 10:44 AM (742 replies)
  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 7:08 PM

    From Corwyn & CerinoDevoti:

    It's back! Tough-It-Out II: The Trans-Atlantic Starter Clubs Uneven Open.

    Our defending champion, Hans, managed an extraordinary -6 over 4 rounds in Tough-It-Out I in the fall. Can anyone match that performance this time around?

    WGT's much-requested, and long-awaited, introduction of Uneven Lies is now officially 'out there', available in special Invitational tourneys. But we think you'll do much better in the official tourneys if you give yourself a chance to learn the feature by going back to basics. After all, Unevens is such a radical change to the gameplay that it demands a fresh start. You simply can't learn it in a handful of rounds.

    It transforms the game from one of dart-throwing, to one where you need to plan ahead, aim for flatter parts of fairways, give due consideration to risk/reward, and putt your lights out just to hang in there. And Uneven Lies also forces you to play shots very similar to those facing the pros in the majors. If you get in trouble, often the best (or only!)  thing to do is to play out sideways. In short, it's more like the game we see the top pros playing four times a year in the Majors on these very same courses.

    By playing it with Starter Clubs and Balls, you change your expectations: making Greens in Regulation becomes the target each hole, and Old Man Par the goal for the round. 

    This tourney will be 4 single-play 18-hole rounds at the two British Open courses, and at the toughest two US Open courses, with set conditions for each. The challenge we're throwing out there is to see how many of the field can end up under par.

    The tourney is open to all tiers and levels. We'll all be using the same clubs, balls, green speeds, and lies. So, no advantage for sandbaggers here! This is the only way in WGT to have a truly level playing field (pun intended). All rounds to be completed within the allotted time frame (from the start of one weekend to the end of the next; note overlapping weekends to give maximum time for rounds to be played).

    If anyone is up for this challenge, and able to commit to getting your 18-hole round in each week with a playing partner, please sign up here in this thread, and via this link. Any questions, please ask and we'll try to answer.

    EDIT: ENTRIES ARE NOW CLOSED. Participants are listed in the next post, in their initial player pairings. 



    Dates for each Single-Play round:

    Round 1 - start Saturday 12th January, 2013, finish Sunday 20th January.

    Round 2 - start Saturday 19th January, 2013, finish Sunday 27th January.

    Round 3 - start Saturday 26th January, 2013, finish Sunday 3rd February.

    Round 4 - start Saturday 2nd February, 2013, finish Sunday 10th February.


    COURSE SETUP for each round:-

    All rounds are single-play, and should be set with a 90-second timer, StrokePlay, in Practice Mode, with Uneven Lies. Hole locations, Tees, Green speeds and Wind conditions are as follows:


    Round 1 – Oakmont: 18 holes, Hard hole locations, White (Medium) tees, Very Fast greens, Moderate wind, Uneven Lies.

    Here is the 1st Round Score Submission link. (and the 1st Round Leaderboard)


    Round 2 – St Andrews: 18 holes, Medium hole locations, Yellow (Medium) tees, Fast greens, High wind, Uneven Lies.

    Here is the 2nd Round Score Submission link (and Leaderboard to date)

    Round 3 – Olympic: 18 holes, Default hole locations, Red (Easy) tees, Very Fast greens, Low wind, Uneven Lies.

    Here is the 3rd Round Score Submission link (Olympic)  (and Leaderboard to date)

    Round 4 – Royal St George's: 18 holes, Default hole locations, White (Medium) tees, Very Fast greens, Moderate wind, Uneven Lies.

    Here is the 4th Round Score Submission link (Royal St. George's) 
    (and Leaderboard to date)

    CLUBS: Starter Clubs only (including the Putter) and Starter Ball only.

    The only clubs that can be used are the normal starter set that comes free of charge when you first joined the game. No beginner equipment allowed, including the putter (it is unfair as newer players don't have beginner equipment). Starter Plus clubs will not be allowed either as they are pay-for clubs. 


    Rounds must be played in twosomes, single-play. When you post your interest, you must fill out the signup form with your availability times so that I can assign playing partners. 

    We'd love to have players play in pairings just like a real Open, ideally with leaders together "on the weekend" but the latter may be ambitious. Do note, though, that we won't have a cut. We want everyone to have the chance to experience the fun of Starters on all of these toughest courses. If you're up for this challenge, you deserve to get the full 4 rounds! (If it's all too much pain, please Withdraw formally via a post in this thread… don't just disappear. Thanks!)


    Please note these requirements for the tourney: As well as final Front 9 & Back 9 scorecard snapshots, you'll need to remember to take full screen shots on your 2nd shot on any of the last five holes, as well as on the Green, to verify Uneven Lies, and other conditions. (It might be prudent to take one on the 1st fairway as well, so you've got one in reserve in case you forget later.) [Example screenshots and full instructions are given below in the next post]

    1 posting error = official warning
    2 posting errors = 1 shot penalty
    3 posting errors = 2 shot penalty
    4 posting errors = DNF (did not finish)

    EDIT: please note these guidelines for interrupted rounds:

    Please do share your playing experiences in this thread!

    Here is the 1st Round Score Submission link.

    Here is the 2nd Round Score Submission link

    Here is the 3rd Round Score Submission link (Olympic)

    Here is the 4th Round Score Submission link (Royal St. George's)

    PRIZES: Tourney organizers are covering the main prizes, which are as follows:

    1st place: 2,500 credit purchases in the Pro Shop
    2nd place: 1,500 credit purchases in the Pro Shop
    3rd place: 1,000 credit purchases in the Pro Shop

    Here is the list of Special Prizes: A Huge Thank You to all our Prize Sponsors!!!

    (please note, to help encourage continued participation in the tourney by all players, some special prizes have restrictions. Asterixed prizes below are subject to the following condition: anyone placing in the top 3 prizes above is only eligible for 50% of the prize. The remaining 50% will go to the highest placed player not otherwise winning a prize. 

    1. Most Greens in Regulation (750 credit purchases in the Pro Shop; ***)

    2. Closest Ave. Distance to the Pin  (750 credit purchases in the Pro Shop; ***) [note this condition]

    3. Greatest Improvement (relative to par) throughout the tourney (from Rnd 1-4)
    (Top 2 players in this category win a sleeve of balls of their choice; sponsor: jimbean346) [calculation of biggest improvement in percentage by comparison of % over par in 1st round against % over par for 72 holes]

    4. Most Birdies across whole tourney (goes to next placed player not already in top 3 places): (1 player wins a sleeve of balls of their choice; sponsor: jimbean346) [tie-breaker will be most birdies on non-par3 holes]

    5. Least Bogies or Worse across whole tourney (goes to next placed player not already in top 3 places): (1 player wins a sleeve of balls of their choice; sponsor: jimbean346) [tie-breaker will be least number of double-bogies or worse]

    6Longest total distance of putts across whole tourney (1 player wins a sleeve of lvl71 Nikes or 450cr; note winner will need to post their Putting stats tab each round to be eligible; sponsor: MizzyMan)

    7. Lowest final score among players Master tier or below (at start of tourney): 
    (1 player wins a new set of irons of player's choice; sponsor: bhoese; details and conditions here)

    8. 9 hole personal coaching session with defending champion Hans!
    (sponsor: Hanswurst72)
    This (very nice) Consolation Prize is for one lucky random winner who finishes all 4 rounds and does not win one of the other prizes! "You will be able to play with your proper clubs and course/conditions of your choice, and ask whatever you want...  and I hope this will help you to achieve your goals in this game ;)"

    9. Longest drive on the fairway or green during the whole tournament (1 player wins Sleeve of Callys), and another sleeve of Callys for the guess of how long that winning drive is going to be (sponsor: joewaters).

    10. Most birdies @ Olympic (1 player wins a sleeve of balls of player's choice; sponsor mnshiner) [tie-breaker will be most birdies on non-par3 holes, and then on non-par5 holes, tbc]

    11. An Eagle @ Royal St. George's (any player who makes an eagle at RSG wins 2 sleeves of balls of player's choice; sponsor mnshiner)

    12. "No-3-putt" throughout the whole tourney (1 pack of balls of players choice, up to 450 credits. If multiple players tie for the prize, the winner is determined by the highest total GIR amongst them; sponsor Hanswurst72).

    Note: in the event of ties for any of the placings, we'll follow the WGT approach to resolving them, essentially, best scores for the last 9 holes etc. (So, for the special prizes, it will be best score for last round, then penultimate round, in the event of a tied placing.) WGT rules in full are here: [Needless to say, organizers decision will be final should one be needed]

    Please note: to be eligible for prizes, you will need to submit full and complete score posts, with the statistical data tabs, for each round.

    Here is the Overall Leaderboard, with tabs at the bottom you can use to navigate to whichever Special Prize stat you're interested in tracking.

    PLAYERS: Open to all tiers, all levels. 

    We'd like to get as big a field as possible, but most of all we want committed players who will get their games arranged and played each week. So, please spread the word amongst Friends and CC members. Deadline for Entries: January 11, 2012. 

    Sign up here ENTRIES NOW CLOSED



    Edit: 1/12 5am: closed signups, added link to proposed rules for interrupted rounds and stats submissions; and finalized prize list.

    Edit: 1/12 8pm: reminders added that rounds are Single-Play for this tourney! And 1st Round Score submission link added.

    Edit: 1/14 7am: Leaderboard link added.
    Edit: 1/18 5am: 2nd Round score submission link added.
    Edit: 1/23 11am: Overall Leaderboard link added. 3pm: added tiebreaker stipulation for Most Birdies prize (most birdies on non-par3 holes to decide ties)
    Edit: 1/26 10am: Added joe's prize for Longest Drive of Tourney (and Guess of how long) to prizes list, as well as 
    3rd Round score submission link added.
    Edit: 1/27 10am: Added Shiner's Most Birdies at Olympic prize. 
    Edit: 2/3 6am: Added Shiner's Eagle at Royal St. George's prize. 
    Edit: 2/8 10pm: Added Hans' 'No-3-putt' prize. 

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 7:09 PM

    ***** Quick note re communication: to help the smooth running of the tourney, please check this first page regularly. Edit notes will tell you what's been updated. Thanks!  ******

    Player Pairings:
    (please note: just as with a Major, we will keep the same player pairings for Rounds 1 & 2, unless switches are needed, and then pair up for rounds 3 & 4 based as closely as possible on leaderboard position. Revised 2nd Round pairings are listed below.) 

    First, please check the Time Availability spreadsheet online. (Depending on what size it displays in your browser, you might need to adjust the View settings.)
    Make sure that the times showing for you are correct. This is very important!!!

    Here's how it works: right-click to enlarge to enlarge this sample pic

    The time boxes you clicked on in the entry form have been conditionally formatted to show in Green for your YES's, and in Yellow for Possible times you can play. (Red is NO, not available). Based on the time zone you gave, everyone's grid has been adjusted to GMT, which are the times in the column headings... However, in the Green boxes, I've retained a note of the time, in your local time, to make it easier for you to tell when it actually is!

    So, in this example, johehejo and I have an availability overlap weekdays from 5-8pm GMT (johehejo's 6-9pm in Western Europe, and my 9am-noon in California).

    Find your own player pairing in the spreadsheet, note the overlapping availability times (hopefully in Green, sometimes in Yellow), and take it from there... See steps below.

    Hopefully, this is easy to understand. Any questions, please ask in the thread.

    Round 2 Player Pairings:
    (37 players entered; last-minute entries still accepted till midnight PST 1/11. All players are linked to their profile so that you can most easily connect. Update: 31 players as of Round 2.)

    ColumbusStorm  &  bfghd

    SPINO1  &  barrybelfast

    seemorehair  &  iMikeAllStar

    johehejo  &  Corwyn

    mnshiner  &  Hanswurst72

    joewaters  &  Jimbean346

    MBaggese  &  TeeWade

    Daboofness  &  GLADSTONESCREWER

    CerinoDevoti  &  brhthecarpenter

    hyena64  &  bhoese

    unclenewy  &  alosso

    MatildaIgaly  &  MizzyMan

    Camotto  &  Macduff10

    Wassernixe  &  FairwayRuepel68

    Phaxda  &  marker


    devonnnnn WD    Kurtsbuford WD  acegolfnut  WD  mohuyu WD &  xXxjasonxXx WD   franbo considered WD   barrybelfast WD


    For 3rd and 4th Rounds, we will re-pair players based, as closely as possible on leaderboard position ...

    IMPORTANT: For this to work, everyone's Time Availability as indicated on the signup sheet has to be correct! Please check what's listed for you here. If your times have changed, fill out the form again. It will make a new entry that I can update in the master spreadsheet.

    OK, here's an updated list of the 3rd ROUND GROUPINGS (including some guesses for players with last-minute 2nd rounds):

    1st Group will include: Hanswurst72  //  unclenewy (Neil) //  Corwyn  //  CerinoDevoti  //  [MizzyMan]
    [Based on time overlaps for everyone, I'm going to suggest these pairings: Hans & Cerino;  Neil & Corwyn; with Mizzy to play with marker, any one of the other 4 in the group. EDIT: Neil & Corwyn's times don't overlap well after all, so changes in the works... now it will be: Hans & Corwyn ;   and Neil & Cerino]

    EDIT #2: Hans & Neil; Cerino & Corwyn; and Mizzy with marker

    2nd Group will includeJimbean346 (James)  //  PUHOLINO (Jure)  //  bhoese (Ben) //  MBaggese  (Mike)
    [James & Jure have good time overlap; and so do Ben and Mike

    3rd Group will includeColumbusStorm (Russ) //  seemorehair (Tom) //  iMikeAllStar  //  joewaters  
    [to save Tom and Mike playing again together, I suggest Tom & Joe; and Mike & Russ EDIT: it will have to be Tom (seemorehair) & Mike (iMikeAllStar); and Joe (joewaters) & Russ (ColumbusStorm)]


    4th Group will includealosso (Paul)  //  woodoworkery  //  johehejo (Jorg) //  bfghd  //  Macduff10  //  Wassernixe  (Herbert)
     [bfghd & woodo have made plans already; Paul & Mac have good time overlap; and Jorg & Herbert have good times too]


    5th Group will includebrhthecarpenter (Reese) //  Daboofness  //   mnshiner  //  hyena64 (David) //  Camotto  //  FairwayRuepel68  //  SPINO1  (Stu)  //  [Phaxda] (Phil)  //  [TeeWade]  (Tim)  //  [MatildaIgaly]
    [many permutations are possible here, but I've tried to make things work for those that don't have the screenshot skills, half of this group. Thus I'm suggesting the following pairs: Tim & Reese; Stu & PhilDavid & Shiner, and... Cam & FairwayRuepel68; and Mati and Daboofness.

    Note that we're down to an odd number of players at this point, so one of the groups, the top one, has 5 players in it (but all are players who've indicated they can mark for others).

    Contact the suggested playing partner (or suitable alternative) from within your grouping (or, only if necessary, from an adjacent grouping), and schedule a time together.



    Round 4 Player Pairings:  based on leaderboard position as far as possible

    Hanswurst72  &  Corwyn

    unclenewy  &  CerinoDevoti

    Jimbean346  &  PUHOLINO

    MizzyMan  &  bhoese

    MBaggese  &  iMikeAllStar

    MatildaIgaly  &  ColumbusStorm

    Macduff10  &  bfghd

    Wassernixe  &  woodoworkery

    FairwayRuepel68  &  Camotto



    mnshiner (Steve/Shiner) &  hyena64 (David)  &   Phaxda (Phil) 
    to play in whichever playing/marking combinations best suit them!

    EDIT: I'm delighted to learn that Daboofness is still with us, so I'm changing this last group to be:

    mnshiner (Steve/Shiner) &  Daboofness

    hyena64 (David)  &   Phaxda (Phil) 



    [SPINO1  (WD?)  TeeWade (WD?)  &  brhthecarpenter (WD?)

    Here is a 4th Round Time Availability Tab organized by pairings, so that you can most easily see the overlapping availability times of you and your partner. Please do schedule an actual time to play. 



    What You Need to Do:

    1. Look at the Time Availability spreadsheet online. Find your Pairing (or, for 3rd round, players in your grouping), and see the times that overlap. The best ones will be where both of you are showing YES. Choose a day and time to suggest.

    2. Send a Friend Request to your playing partner

    3. Wall Post them to explain the Friend Request and schedule a time. For example:

    "Tough-It-Out II"
    We're paired together for this tourney. My best time to play that overlaps with yours is xxxx GMT (or xxx your time, xxxx my time). 

    4. Please DO NOT just plan on catching your partner with a Green light. This is not a reliable way to get your game in!

    5. Any problems connecting, make sure and post them in this thread asap. We have plenty of people willing to be markers if needed (but do really try and connect with your playing partner first). I'll be looking to see signs of step 2 & 3 activity above. 

    6. Play golf!!! (and take and post your screenshots, see info below). And yes, it is OK to split up your 18 holes into 2 sets of 9 (just make sure you take all necessary screenshots for both halves).

    Thanks, and have fun!!!



    Here is the 1st Round Score Submission link (Oakmont). (& here is the 1st Round Leaderboard)

    Here is the 2nd Round Score Submission link (St Andrews)

    Here is the 3rd Round Score Submission link (Olympic)

    Here is the 4th Round Score Submission link (Royal St. George's)


    Please note that every round will have a unique link to a score submission form. Please use the right one for the right round (especially as we have overlapping timeframes at weekends).


    Edit: 1/12 10am: final set of pairings added.
    Edit: 1/14 7am: Leaderboard link added. 
    Edit: 1/20 5am: extra clarification added to confirm that 1st and 2nd Round pairings are the same (unless changes needed), and that for Rounds 3 & 4, we will re-pair based as closely as possible on leaderboard position.
    Edit: 1/21 12am: revised 2nd round pairings listed (only affects those impacted by withdrawals).
    Edit: 1/25 5am: initial groupings made for 3rd Round pairings (see above) & 3rd Round score submission link added. 
    Edit: 1/26 4pm: next set of 2nd round finishers added to 3rd round groupings list above.
    Edit: 1/27 midnight: 3rd Round groupings and suggested pairings finalized. 
    Edit: 1/29 7am & 10am & 11pm & 1/30 8am: 3rd Round pairing amendments made. 
    Edit: 2/3 10pm: 4th Round pairings posted. 
    Edit: 2/4 8am: 4th Round pairing revision: Daboofness still in!

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 7:10 PM

    ***** Also, just a reminder to switch out your Starters after your rounds back to your fancy clubs. We don't want anyone finding themselves under-equipped in a high-stakes Ready-Go...  *******


    Here is the 1st Round Score Submission link (Oakmont) ...
    and this is the 2nd Round Score Submission link (St Andrews) ...
    ... and here is the 3rd Round Score Submission link (Olympic) 
    ... and the 4th Round Score Submission link (Royal St. George's)

    as well as the ...


    As well as final Front 9 & Back 9 scorecard snapshots, you'll need to remember to take full screen shots on your 2nd shot on any of the last five holes, as well as on the Green, to verify Uneven Lies, and other conditions.

    Video recording is an acceptable form of proof of game conditions. Please make sure the recording is legible, and bear in mind the caveats noted in this post.


    Here's what you'll need to capture from your rounds:

    Approach shot (from 18th, or any of the last 5 holes):

    Green shot (from 18th, or any of the last 5 holes):

    Scorecard (Front and Back 9):

    ... and, in order to be eligible for special prizes, you must include Stats showing Greens in Regulation and Distance to the Pin, and for Longest Putts Made prize, the Putting tab, and for Longest Drive prize, the Driving tab (and hey, since it's fascinating reading, just go ahead and include the full stats set!)

    Examples below (from prior tourney setup, different conditions):

    You can paste them all together as I've done here (using a photo-editing program), or have them as separate images. Please only resize down for forum posting to 450px width: please also retain ability for us to right-click open image to see in legible size. And please also leave the pics active: don't delete them from your photo-service account too soon! Thanks!

    If you can capture the Bag as I've done here (hover over bag before screengrab), then that's best of all as it verifies the full set of Starters. 

    If anyone's having difficulties with finding a photo-hosting service online, I highly recommend:


    ***** ALSO, PLEASE NOTE: Disconnections are highly possible during your round, and because Uneven Lies is in practice mode, the game won't be saved, and you'll have to restart. Do consider grabbing card and stats shots during the round, especially after front9, and even card shots after each hole, in case you get cut off, and have to try and pick up later. Proposed rulings in the event of disconnects are here.  ******

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 7:40 PM

    My only suggestion is to not restrict the putter since once on the green, UL is no longer a concern.


    But, yes, I can commit to spraying starter balls around:)

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 8:50 PM

    I agree MBaggese ( I like cheese ) ur own putter woud be an ecellent variation from last time we played this tourney.

    Give it some serious thought Corwyn.

    I think you for one play with a starter putter, so I am not sure you will agree.

    I went from the 'beginner' putter ( totally different to the 'starter' ) to the Nike Method a few months back, so I have zero knowledge of he starter putter, and I don't want to screw up my overall putting, by playing 72 holes with a starter putter.

    Could set me back irreparably.

    A suggestion from me Corwyn, You can scrap one screenshot by changing to chip on the putting green and take one shot that shows both green conditions and uneven lies.

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2013 1:04 AM

    I've signed in.

  • unclenewy
    334 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2013 2:35 AM

    I'll play

    1,189 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2013 5:49 AM

    My only suggestion is to not restrict the putter since once on the green, UL is no longer a concern


    I'd very much like to sign up this time around, but 2 things trouble me a bit. The first one is the fact I've proven to be useless when it comes to taking screenshots, but I guess that could be resolved by having a playing partner, who'd be kind enough to take and post the screenshot for me.

    The other is a bigger one and it concerns the putter. I expect using the starter putter wouldn't be that great of a difference to those who use the "move marker & ding" method, however it's a nightmare for those of us who leave the marker alone and aim by clicking early or late. The different forgiveness levels on putters mean that you need to click on a completely different spot on the meter to get the same line.

    But I guess I can "swallow my pride" and just 2 putt every hole or maybe yell really loud every time I take a putt, hoping the ball will get scared enough to want to hide in the only hole it can find.

    So, Corwyn, let me know if it can be arranged for my playing partner to be someone who'd be willing to take the required screenshots for me and I'll gladly sign up and even be available as a marker.

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2013 5:56 AM

    Great to have you all on board for the tourney!

    My only suggestion is to not restrict the putter since once on the green, UL is no longer a concern.


    I agree MBaggese ( I like cheese ) ur own putter woud be an ecellent variation from last time we played this tourney.

    Give it some serious thought Corwyn.

    I think you for one play with a starter putter, so I am not sure you will agree.

    Hmmm... well, a major part of the tourney concept is that everyone would be using the same clubs, i.e. that it's a 'level playing field'.

    But I will think about it, and consult with Cerino.

    BTW: I no longer use the starter putter, and very much enjoy my new Daytona (so it's a struggle for me too to go back to the starter, lol)!

    A suggestion from me Corwyn, You can scrap one screenshot by changing to chip on the putting green and take one shot that shows both green conditions and uneven lies.

    Nice idea... however, if we do stick with Starter Putter only, wouldn't that mean there'd now be no way to verify that a player didn't use a 'fancy' putter instead?

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Wed, Jan 2 2013 6:07 AM


    I'd very much like to sign up this time around, but 2 things trouble me a bit. The first one is the fact I've proven to be useless when it comes to taking screenshots, but I guess that could be resolved by having a playing partner, who'd be kind enough to take and post the screenshot for me.

    Point taken! It would be great to have you on board... So, I've added a field to the signup form regarding 'Screenshot Skills'. If at all possible, I'll try to accomodate players who can't post screenshots... but no promises.

    Alternatively, you could learn how... ! Are you using PC or Mac? (I'll add instructions/links to the opening page posts)


    The other is a bigger one and it concerns the putter. I expect using the starter putter wouldn't be that great of a difference to those who use the "move marker & ding" method, however it's a nightmare for those of us who leave the marker alone and aim by clicking early or late. The different forgiveness levels on putters mean that you need to click on a completely different spot on the meter to get the same line.

    But I guess I can "swallow my pride" and just 2 putt every hole or maybe yell really loud every time I take a putt, hoping the ball will get scared enough to want to hide in the only hole it can find.

    I wasn't aware of that 'forgiveness' factor in the early/late clicking method... OK, that's another good reason to consider allowing players to use their favored putter. I will consider that option.

    But I do like your alternative plan of making the ball scared ... I'll have to try that out! :)