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Sun, May 30 2010 6:04 AM (15 replies)
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  • overthetop2
    192 Posts
    Sun, May 30 2010 2:05 AM

    @OP, are you even 18 and if you are, do you even understand how capitialism works?  Just to add to how silly you sound, your topic name is quite... stupid.  Doesn't help your case at all.


    However, i must say that 225 on the courses this game has isn't enough and i'd like, well not a leveler, but a slightly (just slightly) smaller gap between the free clubs and the paid for clubs, maybe via giving non-paying users a couple of yards extra when they reach a new tier... but i do understand that this game needs to make money to stay afloat and am all for the selling of better clubs for profit.

  • mob6959
    14 Posts
    Sun, May 30 2010 2:35 AM

    I hope you follow your boy's in the worlld game of soccer??????????? I can take criticism.....but I will ask the question too

  • mob6959
    14 Posts
    Sun, May 30 2010 2:43 AM

    Look at the markets and you will see greedy banks , capitialism  is not a good model ....thankyou for your comments

  • overthetop2
    192 Posts
    Sun, May 30 2010 3:42 AM


    Look at the markets and you will see greedy banks , capitialism  is not a good model ....thankyou for your comments

    But it's the truth of the world.  Sign up to just about any other online game and you'll see that they also have in game privledges for paying users...

  • borntobesting
    9,637 Posts
    Sun, May 30 2010 5:14 AM



    Look at the markets and you will see greedy banks , capitialism  is not a good model ....thankyou for your comments


    But it's the truth of the world.  Sign up to just about any other online game and you'll see that they also have in game privledges for paying users...

    And there are a few online games that are for pay only. No free play at all. And a few where the ones who don't buy the premium services are treated like nonentities. Here we are all treated fairly. Whether we chose to buy better clubs,balls and avatars or not.

    And just because someone buys better equipment doesn't make him a better player. The top echelon of players here do have some of the best equipment offered but they are the top players because of talent and practice not just because they have the best equipment. I have some of the best equipment offered for the pro tier and I am still just a struggling mid level pro if I even am mid level. 

  • AlaCowboy
    1,321 Posts
    Sun, May 30 2010 6:04 AM


    Look at the markets and you will see greedy banks , capitialism  is not a good model ....thankyou for your comments

    Do you work for free? Don't you want th earn more money so you can have better things for your family. THAT'S capitalism.

    To turn your words around - "Look at the job market and you will see greedy employees." See how silly your comment was?

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