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Sun, May 30 2010 6:04 AM (15 replies)
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  • mob6959
    14 Posts
    Sat, May 29 2010 8:48 AM

    not enought free stuff on this site you can earn through your adverts on this site, that way letting people get a driver that goes the distance it should....not just 215 yards  250 should be standard........this site has more negative points than positive points going for have to consider us foreigners to.... the surveys are scams they don't pay up......much are credits in euros or pounds ....come on consider us too !!!!!!   why is there no advertisements on the front page of each tourney.........i played a pro in match play had no chance of betting him without any lenght with the driver i find no pleasure moaning..... there should be handicaps so you have a chance......if there is cheating with this then it sone levels out

  • TheLighterDark
    1,404 Posts
    Sat, May 29 2010 11:56 AM

    If your advertisements don't pay up, e-mail and ask them what's up, credits usually take 24-48 hours to appear in your account.

    You can always play in Tournaments, Ready-Gos, Match Play Challenges, or upload your own money to earn credits.

  • AlaCowboy
    1,321 Posts
    Sat, May 29 2010 2:04 PM


    If your advertisements don't pay up, e-mail and ask them what's up, credits usually take 24-48 hours to appear in your account.

    You can always play in Tournaments, Ready-Gos, Match Play Challenges, or upload your own money to earn credits.

    The OP is a 3 day member and already complaining.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Sat, May 29 2010 6:19 PM

    The OP is a 3 day member and already complaining
    Surprised?  Me neither.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sat, May 29 2010 6:56 PM

    It appears our friend from across the pond is having difficulty with the game.

    letting people get a driver that goes the distance it should....not just 215 yards  250 should be standard

    mob, you can't expect an amateur to use a pro driver, right? Play the game, post all your rounds (not just the good ones) and you'll advance through the tiers naturally making the perspective upgrades available. 

    this site has more negative points than positive points going for have to consider us foreigners to.... the surveys are scams they don't pay up......much are credits in euros or pounds ....come on consider us too

    mob, this game is 100%, positively real. It's your inability to play it that drives your frustration. We've all been there. The surveys are not a scam. I just completed a survey yesterday and received 150 Cr. It took all of 20 minutes, and the Cr showed-up before I could get to the main page. Pounds, are you kidding me? Your from Great Britain for crying out loud, or are you?

    i played a pro in match play had no chance of betting him without any lenght with the driver i find no pleasure moaning.....

    Again mob, it's your inability to play the game that drives your frustration. The tee-boxes change for each players perspective tier.

    We do agree on one thing. Yes, there should be a handicap scoring method. Look mob, give the game a chance. 11 ranked rounds doesn't give you a chance to get your feet wet in this game. I hope you'll come to your senses and give the game a chance.  : )

  • mob6959
    14 Posts
    Sat, May 29 2010 6:59 PM

    yes you are right only here 5 mins ....sorry ...does it matter how long you have been here to question things ...or do you sit in the corner saying nothing ......must be the irish blood ....

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Sat, May 29 2010 9:00 PM

    Mob... make up your mind....  In one post you tell us that you've only been here 5 minutes and you want to question things... fine, you're welcome to question everything...

    But look at your first post.  You're already telling us in your first 5 minutes that the site has more negative points than positive ones... and have decided that there's cheating going on.

    That's a bit 'oxy-moronic', mate.  

    Try asking questions to learn the game, THEN you can spout off about how bad the site is.

    Not the other way around... it just makes you look foolish.


  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Sat, May 29 2010 9:13 PM

    Let me give this a try.  Mob, it's like you walking into a soccer match with half the skill level of the players on the field and telling them what is wrong with the way they play the game and how much they know about it.  They've been around a long time, learning soccer and team play from the ground up... they've put in their time, their effort and even their money.  They know all the nuances.  And then along comes this newbie telling them things they already know and have addressed. 

    It's like going to Windsor Castle or Buckingham Palace and telling the Queen how to take tea.

    Mob, you've got to respect your surroundings and learn the ropes before lambasting everything.

    Make those same points 3 months from now and they will not fall on deaf (or defiant) ears.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Sat, May 29 2010 9:27 PM

    Hey DMM... "Football"... not soccer.  Mob is UK.   =)

    other than that, great analogy!

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Sat, May 29 2010 9:45 PM

    ... or futbol.  Go Leeds!

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