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WGT Players Win Dream Golf Trips

Fri, Sep 21 2012 10:21 AM (134 replies)
  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Sat, Sep 1 2012 9:23 PM


    1. Are you lying to us WGT? I ask this because not even a moderator has replied.

    2. Do you even have random winners and if so, why dont we hear from any of them?

    3. How is it  MOST winners are players that RARELY play the game.

    1. I don't think they're lying. They posted all the information above. Moderators are busy sometimes.

    2. Not everyone on this game has to speak or socialize with any of us. If I were them, I'd be the same way. I wouldn't want anyone pestering me about my lucky winnings.

    3. They are picked randomly. They could play ONE CTTH and quit WGT forever, but they can still be RANDOMLY chosen.

    In the end, I think everyone is jealous that they didn't get chosen. If they were chosen, you wouldn't hear any complaints. 

  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Sat, Sep 1 2012 9:25 PM

    How "exactly" are these winners "randomly" chosen? Is there a hat and if so whose hand goes into the hat? Seriously - how is this "random draw" performed? 

    You put all the players into a special software and VOILA!, we have out lucky winners.

  • overtheedge
    5,879 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 7:19 AM


    In the end, I think everyone is jealous that they didn't get chosen. If they were chosen, you wouldn't hear any complaints. 

    Once again, if you knew the facts of the issue, you hopefully wouldn't have that opinion. But as it is, you obviously don't, so learn it, then if you must make a comment, at least it will be an educated, informed one. Otherwise withdraw gracefully. Ah, the innocence of youth.

     Very good. Well said hyena.



  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 2:05 PM

    yupps the innocence of youth lol.



  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 3:51 PM

    Sheesh. The arrogance of you "teachers". Stop trying to tell people how to do things. You aren't a psychologist. 

  • tedharris2
    48 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 6:57 PM

    I am willing to say that I won 350 credits, not too sure why or how, some tournament that I entered and they gave me a random pick gift of that amount. It does happen.

  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 8:15 PM


    The arrogance of you "teachers"

    It' not arrogance, it's intelligence, life experience, & common sense, which accumulates w/ living it. Jumping into the middle of a conversation without knowing the facts thereof just isn't wise, that's all. Know of that which you speak before the words are formed.  Take care & be Blessed

    I understand now.