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CTTH programmed error - Bali #3

rated by 0 users
Sun, Feb 7 2010 10:23 PM (0 replies)
  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Sun, Feb 7 2010 10:23 PM

    This may have been reported before not sure. 

    Right now on the CTTH Feb challenge Bali sweeps (furthest one down of the choices)  Challenge number 3 is off.

    I should have submitted a bug but never thought of it until after, not sure bug is the right classification.  (EDIT - played the hole again and submitted bug report)

    Anyway if a programmer plays the hole, or an admin, you will see what I mean right away.

    When you line up your shot, the aimer from the front view (first view shown) shows the ball going straight down the fairway, this is correct since the hole is straight and you are standing in the middle of the fairway.

    When you look at the zoomed view, the angle of your aim is OFF.  It shows the ball trajectory coming somewhere from the left on then onto the green.

    The worst part of this is the ball actually comes from the left somehow!!!

    So really you have no way to judge how the ball is going to react to the wind and such since the wind is correctly shown on the initial screen, also judging how and where to land the ball is a total crapshoot because of this. 


    Just going to add one more thing while I'm posting bugs. 

    It does not seem the blue area shrinks on the meter when you hold it in the power scale.   Sometimes it will a little  and maybe a little more when you putt but sometimes it is not at all.

    This is one thing that can definitely help increase the challenge, especially if the higher tiers have it shrink faster thus having more effect, as it is right now even when it does move, it only moves a little and moves very slow.  

    (I do think a 3 click meter is the ultimate solution for realism and to keep it the most challenging)