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Re: Putter/Shot ball hit counts?

rated by 0 users
Thu, Feb 29 2024 2:24 PM (3 replies)
  • Squatch031
    189 Posts
    Thu, Feb 29 2024 10:11 AM

    Is there a way to monitor remaining shots on putter pal or shot pal?  I don't belong to a CC so I purchased from the Pro Shop but have no way of checking remaining number of shots?

    Also, is there a way to delete/reject CC invites?  I declined a couple but have one siting there with no way to remove.


  • BlackBogey
    369 Posts
    Thu, Feb 29 2024 11:08 AM

    For the Shot/Putter Pal it doesn't display right above the power bar?  I'm in a CC and mine shows "Shot Pal Hits Left: 999".  Can't imagine why it wouldn't for someone paying for them, unless it's to keep you in the dark so you'll blindly buy more because you don't want to run out in the middle of a round (like with how they don't display remaining ball hits).

    Not sure about the Invites as I've never had that problem - once I decline them they go away.

  • Squatch031
    189 Posts
    Thu, Feb 29 2024 12:04 PM

    Ok, I am an idiot.  I see the counter now!  Thanks!

  • BlackBogey
    369 Posts
    Thu, Feb 29 2024 2:24 PM


    Ok, I am an idiot.  I see the counter now!  Thanks!

    Remember what they say, there is no such thing as a stupid question - only stupid people who ask questions. ;)- LOL  Glad I was able to help with that one, sorry I don't have any advice about the CC invites.