mezga29:So im a member since 2011. So about 4 years ago it was a lot faster to level up. I am at 98 Legend since 2021. It dont matter how much i play,or how much money i spend i just can't go any futher.Yes i know its not about how much you pay,its about my average.
As Sam said, levelling up to L99 is all about XPs (Fleißkärtchen) while tiering up (to Tour Legend) is about average, from stroke play OR may be about XPs (for coin room players).
Both paths are exponentially more difficult / exhausting at our levels than they were in the beginning. Becoming TL requires 500 ranked games minimum after 50 minimum for Legend, while L98 to L99 takes more XPs (252,000!) than from zero to L82! - see the Reference List.
mezga29:But i dont think its fair. I spend way too much money and its nothing. Like the game all ready lost its purpose. Its not even fun anymore to play.
The grind attached to the higher steps of the game is intentional - it increases the revenue. To fixate on this as a player may cause fatigue, even burn-out.
It's up to each of us to choose their path - how much money to spend and where to find our fun.
As a pointer, there's not much to gain from higher levels - just a few expensive clubs until L103, and both you and I are far away from a TL average.
Finally, allow me an observation and a proposal:
- You have a big gap between your two wedges, 52° and 64°. Consider to drop the hybrid for an intermitting wedge, helping your short game.
- You are in a dead CC - only two players active, and the owner went missing four years ago. I have invited you to come over to my CC - have a look at the benefits and the folks and make up your mind about us! Wir sprechen Deutsch!