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Low Memory Warning

Sun, Sep 5 2021 3:48 PM (0 replies)
  • SeveFrost
    1,504 Posts
    Sun, Sep 5 2021 3:48 PM

    As long as I've been playing the mobile version (six years), this seems to have existed and appears or affects a round/game no matter how much memory is available on the device. The problem now is you can tell when the warning is probable, as the meter becomes erratic and impossible to judge, but that doesn't help having the threat of the message appearing any second and destroying a shot/round. Sometimes it won't appear but the erratic meter, that you see previous to the warning, can last a whole round and make driving/approach shots impossible


    Can you please remove this or give players an option to switch it off, because as I said before, the warning shows up even when there is plenty of memory available on the device