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Re: Multi-player is now dead. RIP

Sun, Oct 17 2021 10:46 AM (27 replies)
  • twinponds169
    3,024 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2021 5:07 PM

    And the source that backs up your assertion?

    While I can see where a decrease is totally plausible Simon, I do believe it's just the left bicep talking here.

  • Beaverbuffer
    101 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2021 6:36 PM

    Coming from a dog, I'll take it as a compliment.

  • twinponds169
    3,024 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2021 6:45 PM

    Coming from a dog, I'll take it as a compliment.

    :-)     lol

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,576 Posts
    Mon, Oct 4 2021 10:04 PM

    No time for another &$#@$€£¥. Good luck to you.

    Simon the Reformed

    it's just the left bicep talking here.

    🤣🤣 Cheers, TP.

  • callaghan159
    6,263 Posts
    Tue, Oct 5 2021 1:56 AM

    Wonder if Beaverbuffer even knows what a beaver looks like.😉😉😉

  • Beaverbuffer
    101 Posts
    Tue, Oct 5 2021 8:08 AM

    Thanks to your mother, I'm reminded often.

  • Keff3892
    1 Posts
    Sun, Oct 17 2021 10:12 AM

    That's because this is a Community forum. If you have issues with the game and want WGT to speak, use the Contact function. 🙄

  • giraldin
    3,712 Posts
    Sun, Oct 17 2021 10:46 AM

    Hello, one of the solutions to always have a game safe is, for example, since you belong to a CC, if there are members who use Skype or any other similar platform, when connected, decide to create a game. To give an example, in Transgressional we have our skype page, and even another one where players from LOS GOLFOS UNIDOS and SEL enter.
