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Re: The rescued miners are not brave heroes.

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Thu, Oct 14 2010 4:27 PM (5 replies)
  • Warof1812
    44 Posts
    Thu, Oct 14 2010 5:51 AM

    They are certainly not heroes, and they are not necessarily brave. Why do the media keep referring to them, and to other victims, such as those who were in the Twin Towers when they were murdered by terrorists, as "brave heroes"?
    The heroes were the firemen and other rescuers in NYC and at the pentagon. They were the Chilean rescuers, especially the bloke who went down the shaft to get them and remained until the last one was out.
    The miners were just victims. They did nothing heroic.
    When accolades are handed out, and funds are awarded, the rescuers should receive them. The miners should not get anything other than compensation for their time, although that may even be subject to question. After all, they were all just sitting around all that time. Why weren't they chipping and digging and mining? I heard one wag refer to it as underground summer camp. Maybe their pay should be docked due to their laziness.
    There is one person who should be punished for his part in the rescue, however. What is the biggest health hazard for miners, outside of accidents? Every schoolkid knows go that it is lung disease. So what did some idiot decide to send down to the trapped miners? CIGARETTES!
    Here those smokers were, presented with a great opportunity to get off their cancer sticks once and for all, and some dodo gave them cigarettes. Not nicotine lozenges ... cigarettes. What about those miners who don't smoke? They were not only subjected to the usual hazards, but there was absolutely no way of escaping the second hand smoke. Now THERE is a lawsuit waiting to happen!
    I am delighted they were rescued, and I applaud their rescuers, but let's not forget they they were no more brave or heroic than you or I would have been in similar circumstances.

  • CharlemagneRH
    1,054 Posts
    Thu, Oct 14 2010 10:59 AM



    They are certainly not heroes, and they are not necessarily brave. Why do the media keep referring to them, and to other victims, such as those who were in the Twin Towers when they were murdered by terrorists, as "brave heroes"?
    The heroes were the firemen and other rescuers in NYC and at the pentagon. They were the Chilean rescuers, especially the bloke who went down the shaft to get them and remained until the last one was out.
    The miners were just victims. They did nothing heroic.
    When accolades are handed out, and funds are awarded, the rescuers should receive them. The miners should not get anything other than compensation for their time, although that may even be subject to question. After all, they were all just sitting around all that time. Why weren't they chipping and digging and mining? I heard one wag refer to it as underground summer camp. Maybe their pay should be docked due to their laziness.
    There is one person who should be punished for his part in the rescue, however. What is the biggest health hazard for miners, outside of accidents? Every schoolkid knows go that it is lung disease. So what did some idiot decide to send down to the trapped miners? CIGARETTES!
    Here those smokers were, presented with a great opportunity to get off their cancer sticks once and for all, and some dodo gave them cigarettes. Not nicotine lozenges ... cigarettes. What about those miners who don't smoke? They were not only subjected to the usual hazards, but there was absolutely no way of escaping the second hand smoke. Now THERE is a lawsuit waiting to happen!
    I am delighted they were rescued, and I applaud their rescuers, but let's not forget they they were no more brave or heroic than you or I would have been in similar circumstances.

    "After all, they were all just sitting around all that time. Why weren't they chipping and digging and mining?"

    Didn't they have to help clear thousands of lbs of rock per day?

  • Warof1812
    44 Posts
    Thu, Oct 14 2010 11:15 AM

    That was very much a tongue in cheek comment ... I'm sure they were trying to help the rescue effort.  "Twas undoubtedly no summer camp for them.  They didn't even have computers on which to play WGT.

  • Wayno_1
    397 Posts
    Thu, Oct 14 2010 3:48 PM

    Damn Doc....were you having a bad morning? 

  • Toothpaste
    37 Posts
    Thu, Oct 14 2010 4:13 PM

    Your text started out good but then went out of hand.

  • Warof1812
    44 Posts
    Thu, Oct 14 2010 4:27 PM

    The part about docking lazy miners was tongue in cheek/