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Re: Chip and Pitch Stink!!!

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Thu, Sep 30 2010 8:43 AM (4 replies)
  • deadhead312
    11 Posts
    Tue, Sep 28 2010 12:52 PM

    Is there something wrong with chipping and pitching?  I'm pretty good at everything else, but when it comes to me having a sh*tty round, it's ALWAYS because of chipping or pitching.  My problem is that there is absolutely NO consistency as to how far the stinking ball will go.  Perfect example is the last round I played.  I was in the light rough twice.  Used my LW to chip it on to the green and what happens?  Both were half swing meter shots.  One went close to going into the hole and the other barely made it out of the light rough.  Both were hit almost perfectly.

    I can honestly say that those two things are the worst thing about WGT and i love this game.  I have been playing for months and I'll be damned that to this day I haven't a clue how to chip or pitch.  I've watched the tutorials more than once & I still haven't a clue what's going on.

    Curious if anyone else is having this problem.

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Wed, Sep 29 2010 5:08 PM

    I think you need to look at the greens better, just like reading a putt...Pay extra attention to whether the slope is up or down. 


    Assuming you "ding it", pitches and chips perfrom repeatably....keep in mind a mis-dinged shot from the rough can result in very unrepeatable ball travel.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Sep 30 2010 5:29 AM

    Curious if anyone else is having this problem.

    DH-It's a common problem with the learning curve of the game. You're bordering on dangerous when you hit less than full chips out of rough. Take a look at the Chip and Pitch Tips in the FAQs over there----->. It was written by a top, long time player and will definitely get you going in the right direction. GL

    337 Posts
    Thu, Sep 30 2010 5:59 AM

    It will come with playing and practice.

    But in the beginning it's kind of like planting ice...your gonna harvest wind.

    RIP Jerry

  • sayo
    56 Posts
    Thu, Sep 30 2010 8:43 AM

    worth the practice bud... once ya get the hang of it its like putting from the rough or fringe with a wedge :D will save you strokes and maybe add some birdies and eagles :D gl and keep on practicing will pay off big time