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Re: 'Tough-It-Out II': The Trans-Atlantic Starter Clubs Uneven Open RETURNS!

Thu, Apr 18 2013 10:44 AM (742 replies)
  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 2:47 PM



    Have you not been in touch with your playing partner, Wassernixe?

    The latter reports that a PM exchange was initiated. Let's hope for the best.

  • joewaters
    258 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 4:02 PM

    I am ready to play now - GMT midnight here - if anyone cares to mark.




  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 4:17 PM

    Er, Joe... you're supposed to be playing with Tom (seemorehair). He too is usually on weekday at this time (for the next 4 hrs), but you need to arrange something with him.

    [Everyone, please consult the 4th Round player pairings on the first page of the thread if in doubt about who your partner should be]

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 5:41 PM


    I seem to have over written my putter shot,,,grr, but the rest I think is correct.


    Mike had a bit of bad luck on the front 9 par 5...sorta took the wind from his sails.


    Of course I left several putts!


    Get some rest Mike (and a few beers;)











  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 7:31 PM

    It looks as if both Hans and I may need markers for RSG, although it's possible too that we could switch again with Neil and Cerino, if that works for them.

    Well, absent any news from Neil or Cerino, I need to ask for a marker tomorrow morning PST time: my available window is tight, it's 9:30am-12:15pm PST my time, which is 5:30pm-8:15pm GMT.

    Can anyone mark for me at that time tomorrow, Friday 2/8?

    Thanks for considering, Corwyn

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 7:50 PM

    Can anyone mark for me at that time tomorrow, Friday 2/8?

    Yes:)  If we can get started by 0930...I have to leave at 11:50am

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 9:17 PM

    Wonderful! Thanks, MB, I'll be ready by 0930. :)

  • Phaxda
    145 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 9:59 PM

    No objections!

    I would love many more tourneys and alt play, am leaving starters in my bag for foreseeable future... 



    FYI: here's the approach I intend to take for another of James' special prizes...

    3. Greatest Improvement (relative to par) throughout the tourney (from Rnd 1-4)
    (Top 2 players in this category win a sleeve of balls of their choice; sponsor: jimbean346)

    I've added a tab to the spreadsheet to show % over par in 1st round, and then comparing that to % over par for the whole tourney, for example:

    Phaxda: 1st Round 94 (+24) :: 94/70 = 1.34 or 34% over par :: if he shot say 80 at RSG, his 4 round total would be 338/282 (282 is the sum of all the pars for the 4 courses) = 1.198 or 19.8% over par. So that would be  34-19.8 to get a 14.2 % improvement.

    That seems to be the fairest way to do it, rather than just compare 1st round to 4th round.

    Any objections to this methodology, please say so now! Thanks!


  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 10:19 PM

    Ave. Distance to the Pin: Phil (Phaxda) still leads the pack here by approx 2 ft from Hans, and another 2ft from James and FairwayRuepel. This prize offers up all sorts of opportunity for unusual tactics, and presents Phil, and anyone else not otherwise in contention for other prizes, with the intriguing option of deliberately missing greens except when certain (or at least confident) of getting close. Trouble is, at RSG in these conditions, which holes meet that criteria!!!? Perhaps #2, #7, #14 ... but not too many others, I'd say. (Remember, par 3s do not count towards Ave. Distance to the Pin)

    Now, I guess I should practice missing greens! Oh wait, that just happens naturally.

    Very funny, Phil!

    Just to clarify in case there's any confusion for anyone chasing this award. We ran into this question in Tough-It-Out 1, and ended up spelling out the expectations around this statistic. So I thought it best to repeat that info here:

    To get a legitimate Ave. Distance to the Pin score in every round, a player needs to hit at least ONE par 4 or par 5 green in regulation (unless he holes his GIR approach shot, which he can verify through a replay if needed).

    It's fine if it's just one hole, but it does need to be at least one hole, in order to get a real score for the stat. '0'--which is what the stats tab shows until a non-par3 GIR is hit--is not considered a valid score. This way, some skill has to be employed to win the prize: strategic choices must be made, weighing the best opportunities and the risks involved.

    Hope that's clear. Good luck to all chasing this prize!