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Christmas in July Day 2

Wed, Jul 25 2018 7:04 AM (133 replies)
  • WGTChampion
    1,891 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 8:13 AM

    It’s Christmas in July again and WGT is playing Santa. Each day we’ll be giving out as many gifts as we can get away with before Mr. WGT yells Bah Humbug, slaps our wrists, and confiscates our computers.


    Each morning we will kick off a new thread and a different moderator will be your Santa.


    While we’re in charge of gifts this week, anyone and everyone who would like to participate is welcome to spread the joy however they see fit.


    Enjoy your summer days and hot chocolate by the beach.


    Your Santa today is WGTShamwow! 



  • AlaskanDame
    19,117 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 8:15 AM

    Here's the list of gifts already given throughout Day 1 and 2:

    Christmas in July 2018
    Gifted to List:

    alaskandame - speed boosts
    ArlieJack - Driver
    bossbird - sleeve + 5 passes 
    cyril752 - sleeve
    derryyumphla - a surprise (that melted?)
    duda51 - sleeve
    Durwin7 - driver
    gaztx - sleeve
    glpark - sleeve
    iberry2 - sleeve
    insyncjoe - sleeve
    janfidu26 - passes
    kenstone - Putter
    mkaller - sleeve
    Mikeyperc - sleeve
    motoko - sleeve

    mrm6400 - sleeves
    nomadsdad - sleeve
    OoiSparkyioO - sleeve
    opyeuclid - sleeve
    reddog1965 - sleeve
    roncarr - sleeve
    stickmangolf() - Driver (at level 48)
    taurean28 - Driver
    twinponds169 - sleeve
    tymacni - sleeve

  • SidersBest
    873 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 8:19 AM

    It look like Day 1 was a huge success and that Day 2 has just started but if Santa sees fit I sure like to have a Set of L 97 Cally Rogues. I'll be very thankful.

    Looking at the rate I'm progressing, it will be another year before I reach L 100. Thank you in advance,Santa.

    I placed thi post on Day1 so if giving, please don't duplicate giving


    Siders Best

  • twinponds169
    3,022 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 8:21 AM

    Hi Santa

    Day 2 request.

    I used to be a naughty boy at times but have improved a lot so for my hard work I would like to ask for a present.

    I only ask for a sleeve of Taylormade level 48s please. I was gifted some of Casey through being put forward by Wigertoods (johnny) for The Bushwackers Gift of Golf and I think I like them....or will like them once I get hang of them.

    Well done all.

    This was posted by Bubbsboy earlier this morning in the Day 1 thread. My pleasure to send 3 sleeves of TM 48's his way. Hit em well mate!



  • derryyumphla
    323 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 8:23 AM


    Am I right in thinking that because I got my ‘surprise’ yesterday, I’m excluded today? Even though my ‘surprise’ has melted in the sun? 😂 If that’s what Santa decides, then so be it.

    I’ve been very very good and some TP5x lvl 81 balls would go so so well with my surprise, or if Santa is feeling incredibly generous, a wedge that goes 50 yards, like the Max Meter level 89.

    Thank you Santa- I really hope I’m not being too greedy after being so surprised yesterday😉



  • carlosdev
    2,534 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 8:29 AM

    Hello Santa

    If you could send my friend "christine67" as sleeve of  Taylor made Tp5x level 96. He's a very cool n friendly person. He's isn't sure about posting in forum. I thought I might help him. Incase if he post for the same, ignore mine.

    Ty vm

    - Carl

  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 8:32 AM

    Dear Santa ,  Please remove ct690911  from moderation , Its been 14 months .  

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 8:35 AM

    Thanks to those who have voiced support on my behalf.


    & Merry July Xmas


  • garyk49
    2,321 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 8:39 AM


  • garyk49
    2,321 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 8:44 AM


    Dear Santa ,  Please remove ct690911  from moderation , Its been 14 months .  

    I will 2nd that as he has now said he didn't want the putter from a member.

    I don't think I have been a bad boy.  I am comfortable with my clubs(don't have a clue what I might need to get the 60 I need for TL, seems like only sub 30's and 60's now drop me, just not consistent enough with them) but I can always use TP5x L81 balls in my quest.