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Number 2 at St Andrews

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Thu, Dec 9 2010 11:06 PM (2 replies)
  • scottxxy
    77 Posts
    Thu, Dec 9 2010 7:40 PM

    Can anyone assist me--Been playing for a while--can't seem to get it closer than 25-35 feet on number 2 at St Andrews--thoughts?


  • jeffdos924
    1,085 Posts
    Thu, Dec 9 2010 8:03 PM

     If you're talking about the old pin ( on the left side) .. 20-30 feet long is fairly normal, and definitely better than being 5 feet left or right of the pin because it's a fairly straight putt. Anything short  of the pin is crazy fast...not impossible, but incredibly tough to judge your power consistently.

     A few times, I've wound up very close ( once for eagle) by playing 3-4 yrds left of the pin and landing right on top of the slope. IF you can hit the spot, the ball trickles down the slope and breaks right, toward the pin.... short of that spot, though, and the ball stays on the wrong side of the hump or rolls back off the front of green, leaving a brutal chip/pitch that might still go 20' past the hole.

  • 6packmike
    235 Posts
    Thu, Dec 9 2010 11:06 PM

    I would imagine with that R9 driver you're hitting the snake eyes wedge a lot into that green. Slow meter but no brakes. Even with a top tier wedge you have to allow for about three yards of roll depending on the wind if you want to take a chance on getting close. 2 is one of the classic cases of risk and reward in that situation. I allow for a bit of a kick to the right also when pin hunting but the shot to the right of the hole seems to stop a little better if you give up the pin.