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CC vs CC Event

Wed, Mar 14 2018 5:17 AM (977 replies)
  • stevietwotimes
    1,327 Posts
    Sun, Oct 19 2014 12:48 AM


    I have info from a good authority that WGT is looking into it......As usual. 


  • 1yes1no
    223 Posts
    Sun, Oct 19 2014 2:04 AM

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Sun, Oct 19 2014 4:24 PM

    Isn't it strange how at a convenient moment another thread starts, ousting 2 players as cheats and still we get no reply to this one from WGT?

    It won't go away guys, this in my eyes was serious and deserves some response 

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Sun, Oct 19 2014 4:29 PM


    So I am starting this thread to try and get all the questions in one place so I can answer them as quick as possible.  I will be around most of the day to answer.

    Still waiting Shoe ? 

    So a few things that I have noticed while testing that could be helpful.

    - Any Member blah, blah, blah 

    That's about all I can think of right now. 

    Erm, thats all you can think of ? 

    - WGTdbloshoe


  • alosso
    21,044 Posts
    Sun, Oct 19 2014 11:37 PM

    WGTadmin wrote the following post at Fri, Oct 10 2014 3:50 PM:


    Hey WGTers,

    WGT would like to thank you all for participating in the first CC vs CC event that ran for the past 24 hours. We know there are some kinks and issues to fix and we will be making those updates before another event is run.

    Also, we know there was an issue in the system where playing a game outside of a Clash would earn points for your club if it was involved in a Clash. Although this behavior was not intended it was not against the rules. That being said, we will be changing the rules for all future Events so this will not be allowed and points will only be earned while playing in a Clash game.

    Again, thank you for all of the feedback and forum posts. 


    Me thinks that this was it! Add the short leaderboard hidden in the minority forum, minus T&Cs, minus clear rules, minus full access to results by each individual participant, plus a remarkable exploit of greed on either side.

    Presumably and IMHO the company values their revenue higher than respectability and momentary customer satisfaction, thus they stay mute and do business as usual, e.g. circenses on Twitch.

    I experienced only one outbreak of a representant - a thread had to be closed on account of this.


    Now we are challenged to draw our conclusions and react, e.g.

    - continue like before?

    - change behaviour?

    - leave?

    - remember or forget?

    I shall remember, and I found this to be one of the best reactions:


    Our CC has emailed all members with a summary of the past few day's events and ended with:

    In the present situation, there is no value in buying a CC pass. You might think SEL are benefiting but we aren't. Not really, certain not enough to warrant the credits spent on them. Even the CC XP leveling is unrealistic after Level 6 with a lack of meaningful benefits.

    In light of the above, our "advice" is to carry on using your free pass as before, but not buy any additional passes. Although it is great to see our small club appearing each week in the top 50 leaderboard (thanks to everyones' effort), we do not wish our members to "waste" their credits on CC passes without there being any purposeful benefit from WGT, save your credits for other stuff.  Thanks for reading.

    I agree 100%, and I don't give a toss about their hype-provoking actions.

    Don't forget: They want our best - for themselves!


  • ThreeSpot
    476 Posts
    Mon, Oct 20 2014 6:45 AM


    Now we are challenged to draw our conclusions and react, e.g.

    - continue like before?

    - change behaviour?

    - leave?

    - remember or forget?

    Not that it will do any good, but just on principal I must do something. I'm certainly not going to quit. So I'm going to work through my non-Nike ball inventory and not purchase anything higher end than Callies through year's end. I figure that will come to roughly $50 less than I would otherwise have spent. (And I suppose it goes without saying that I will not purchase CC passes or play in another clash.)

  • WoodenHands
    526 Posts
    Mon, Oct 20 2014 7:40 AM


    Now we are challenged to draw our conclusions and react, e.g.

    - continue like before?

    - change behaviour?

    - leave?

    - remember or forget?

    I shall remember, and I found this to be one of the best reactions:

    It would appear that you are supposed to forget, WGT clearly have.

     Seems odd to me that with so many posts in this thread and the thread itself spawning so many others that the issue hasn't been addressed.

  • adaputter
    1,954 Posts
    Mon, Oct 20 2014 8:21 AM

    two blokes playing  golf one day on the first tee both drive off , two good drives , second shot both get on the green , first to putt is  jimmy , he knocks to about 5 ft from 15 yards. next to go is bill , he puts on a pair of glasses and sinks it from 14 yrds " great putt jimmy says  bill takes off his glasses and puts them in his pocket.

    second holes plays the same but when on the greeen bill puts on the glasses holes aputt from 20yrds , he takes off his glasses and puts them in his pocket,

    this goes on for the next 14 holes jimmy is getting rather pissed off and says to bill"why do you only wear glasses when you are putting?" bill replies" these are special glasses when i put them on and look at the ball i see a small ball and a big ball, then when i look at the hole i see a small and a big hole i hit the small ball into the big hole its easy"

    " can i have a go with them ? " jimmy asks, bill says " of course"

    next hole jimmy puts the glasses on , both tee offf when thy get to their balls jimmy is caught a bit short , " bill, im nipping in the bushes for a piss ok m8" ,off he goes into the woods , when he comes back the front of his trousers are all wet  bill asks " what happened"  "well when i took it out i saw a big one and a little one i knew the big one was not mine so i put it away"


  • alosso
    21,044 Posts
    Mon, Oct 20 2014 8:43 AM

    It would appear that you are supposed to forget, WGT clearly have.

    The players will forget, ada's joke above is the best indication.

    But, the statement is there, I just quoted it. AFAIK I they won't repeat it. They are through with this event as well as the meeting at Champps. Two bragging opportunities lost IMHO.