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I want some free clubs.

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Thu, Nov 3 2011 2:11 PM (32 replies)
  • Thetruth67
    158 Posts
    Wed, Jun 17 2009 7:41 AM


    Just a couple of things..... 

    • And the only pepole who have the slightest chance to get to Pebble Beach, are those who are willing to cough up big bucks to WGT for a game. I just don't think the USGA made a good choice in aligning or associating themselves with this "game.  If 20 bucks is big bucks then maybe you should find a second job.  Not to mention the fact that some players have earned FREE credits from placing well in weekly and monthly FREE tourneys.
    • .Thanks Thetruth67 for letting me know how much they accually do cost. No problem, you guys can go ahead and piss your money away, on this "free" contest, if you want. I'll put mine into what the USGA is supposed to be about, golf. As a member, they will let me know who bought their way to the beach, with an unrealistic "60" at the Black. I guess I'll just watch it from the comfort of my living room.  1.  No one has shot a 60 on Bethpage, 62 is the current low round.  2. Visit this link

    Now tell me the USGA is solely about golf.  Looks to me as if the USGA is also trying to turn a profit

    • I looked all over the site to find out how much the credits were, and only found out through Thetruth67's reply. Use the search function in the forums and you can find virtually any information you may be looking for.

    ·          I'm sure WGT is doing just fine with the AmEx ads and their other sponsors. Adaman is right about one thing thou, you have no chace to compete with a 225 yd driver, so the contest isn't free.   WGT is a business.  As a business one of their main objectives is to turn a profit.  They have offered a free tournament that anyone and everyone can partake in.  The qualifiers will all receive a USGA membership and a 09 us open hat.  Winner of the championship will win a trip for two to Pebble Beach. 

    What do you think the cost will be for the qualifiers prizes and shipping expenses?  What about the champions flight, hotel, spending money, and admittance to the 2010 US Open?

    So all in all WGT has offered you the opportunity to compete for thousands of dollars in prizes without putting any skin in the game.  FYI…I believe JGates posted that he has qualified using the starter set. So if you wanted to better your chances, buy the clubs which will cost around $20.  USGA Membership is $15  That hat is worth $22 for members….Sounds fair to me.

    ·          Skipman20 is now the leader in this with a "60" average.  Good for him. How many sub 60 rounds do you have? I was just happy to have a sub 90 round. Even with my R9 (240 yds) and my Burner iorns. And even Tiger himself won't shoot a 60 at the Black, even on his best day, let alone average it.   Forget about the top 10 leaderboards.  Check when was the last time one of these guys posted a round, they haven’t since before the last update.  Their averages were attained prior to the last major update when the highest tier was amateur and rarely did you see heavy winds (12-14mph was the highest).  Add into the fact that Kiawah was the only stroke play available for over a year and that is where you get the artificially low averages.

    Also remember, it's a computer game. so there is a program that was written. Anything man can make, man can break, or hack. ANYTHING!  Not sure what you mean by this….Are you implying that the current leaders for the qualifier are cheaters?

  • Jintfan89
    222 Posts
    Wed, Jun 17 2009 10:07 AM

    How much in dollars are credits equal to? I saw a complete Taylor Made set for ballpark 1900 credits. How much do I have spend to buy these?

    Thanks, Jintfan89


  • backspin63
    67 Posts
    Wed, Jun 17 2009 10:10 AM


    i hope you are not refering to me in your post "spin" alot of people call me that. Anyhow I agree 100% with what you said! I cant see how people think everything should be free and no money should be solicited from the players by WGT, we all have the option not to buy clubs no matter if they fly the ball as far as we think they should or not!! Bethpage is a brutal course for most golfers (Balck) . If most of the users would keep up with the real game they would have heard the comment's by the pro's.. Tiger Woods was quoted as saying "A ten hcp golfer could not break 100 at the open" why do players on this site think they should be able to hit the greens in regulation on all holes .. keep in mind Bethpage has a par 4 that is 8 yrds longer than it's shortest par 5! from the tips the 15 amateur's playing this week wont even hit the fairways on their drives! "BRUTAL!" I read all of the complaints about how we should be able to drive the ball 300 yrds or hit the greens in two on the par 4's or the greens are not fair as far as putting comes to play! Sounds to me like WGT has got the course dead on!  As far as cheaters.. I do think we have some out there, I read a post where on fellow said he is getting the hang of this game up to this point, but he still is not a "tech geek" when it comes to the auto click software his nephew told him about .. or the guy who complained about having his second account deleted and wanted to know why! Spinwizzard said he could not find anywhere on this site the dollar conversion per credit.. it's all over the site dude! forum's and where you buy credit's! Your point on the prizes for the qualifiers.. dead on! it cost money to do this it cost money to bring on a new course, the people involved etc. The percentage of players on this site who complain are about 5% in my guess and most of the time it's the same people! Yet they still hang around and play and try to compete in the tournaments and to qualify for the virtual U.S. open. WGT my hats off to you folks for being patient with these folks and not kicking them off, after all we are in the United States, we all have a right to or own opinion and the right to speak it! So I guess we have to put up with the whiners , the game has a bit more work to be done but it's still in betta, you guys are doing a great job keep plugging along!

  • AvatarLee
    1,644 Posts
    Wed, Jun 17 2009 10:27 AM

    Easy Bud!  I believe Truth was quoting Spinwizard...

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Wed, Jun 17 2009 1:24 PM

    Hey Backspin .. Truth was commenting to Spinwizard...

    Jint... 1¢ per credit.  1900 credits = $19.00.

    Unless you use Amex, then the 1900 credits will only cost you $9.50... but you better hurry.  My understanding is that promotion ends with the end of the USOpen.


  • backspin63
    67 Posts
    Wed, Jun 17 2009 5:30 PM

    I figured that! As I said in my post I totally agree with him (truth67)

  • OriginalPuttPutt
    5 Posts
    Sat, Jun 20 2009 6:29 PM

    i'm gonna side with Spinwizard on this. .. .. 

  • tibbets
    1,043 Posts
    Sat, Jun 20 2009 6:37 PM

    You can always go back to playing EA Sports Tiger Woods golf.

    Oh wait, that costs money, never mind.

    Maybe you could go play some real golf at a local course?

    Oh wait, that costs money too.  Shucks.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Sat, Jun 20 2009 7:14 PM

    Well, tibbets, they could also download the demo for Links2003 for free... and play sergio over and over and over again..

    best cartoon golf out there.

    Of course, should you wish to play multiplayer, or other courses, golfers, clubs's gonna cost you.  oops.

  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Sat, Jun 20 2009 7:22 PM

    Don't knock Links.  It's not cartoon golf and it's a very good game.  Shot Online is cartoon golf, Hot Shots is cartoon golf.  Links was the top of the line graphics-wise back in 2003 and with the updates, still holds it own today.

    The basic 1.0 version of Link is too easy.  However, the v1.07 upgrade that they have out now (introducing the challenging green/fairway speeds) makes the greens lightning fast and the game plays very true to life.  I downloaded Bethpage HD (for free) just the other day, teed it up on the back tees and shot a 69 with the putting assistant ON.  It's fun and a welcome diversion from the grind. 

    I'm 8 events into my 2009 season (I have the real PGA season events on all the real courses where possible including full PGA & Euro rosters) and I've only won one tournament.  That was the FBR Phoenix Open where I shot (64-64-67-62) and only won by 1 or 2 shots I think.  That's  pretty realistic for me.  Every other tournament I had a least 1 or 2 rounds where I was at 69, 70 or 71.  The most recent tournament, the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro Am, I shot 63-70 the first two days.  I then followed that up with a 79 (+7) at Poppy Hills in round 3 and promptly missed the cut.

    So yeah, I recommend looking into it again because you're really missing out.