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V E M !

Sat, May 27 2017 4:10 PM (485 replies)
  • lonniescott711
    4,183 Posts
    Sun, Sep 21 2014 10:46 AM


    You have to not only learn how to play the game , but also how the game plays. There is more to it than just hitting the ding and the deviations are more than just shots going long or short .

    Yes, it takes time and experience (and some good judgement) to understand how certain holes play, which putting grids "lie", what are circles of precision and forgiveness and how big are they for different clubs. But the VEM part of it is understanding how the sizes of these circles change depending of the level of skill the player is showing. Only then you can understand how a dinged shot in zero wind with perfect strength, aimed 2y left of pin can land 2y right of pin and know that VEM didn't cause it.

    The results of that shot , will depend on the contours of the green which also has to be taken into account. You will also have to add green speed , club + spin if any is used and the amount of roll out as well. There are variables to consider which is why practice is so important .

    At the same time when you are hitting a shot 236. 4ft.^ with a 2-4 mi. T/W and your 240 yrd. 3 wood only goes 225 yards with no spin  . Now thats VEM . The most important part of the learning curb is knowing when its you , the game and understanding that in this game there is no such thing as always hitting the perfect shot .

    Yes there is VEM / DEVIATION in this game . It will not kill you nor cause the world to come to an end . In spite of the fact that it does exist . Players will still be able to make either Legend or Tour Legend ,and have fun playing the game as well .It wont be going away any time soon , so learn how to play around it , recover from it and identify it when it happens to you . Then you can and will improve your game . Nuff said , Happy Swinging . :-)


  • sweetmiffy
    2,110 Posts
    Sun, Sep 21 2014 10:51 AM


    And then I played an alt shot game and we WON!

    Lookin' at your stats, you had a 50/50 chance either way ;-)



    Yah but we beat you!!!!

    Which I hardly ever do and yes I have hijacked this extrinsic thread.

  • lonniescott711
    4,183 Posts
    Sun, Sep 21 2014 11:12 AM


    The whole thing is funny actually . I have sat back and watched the trolls put their best effort into taking this thread off of its course .

    That is funny .

    The funniest thing is that you think a thread is is limited to one topic only . There is only so much we ( wgt players) can say about VEM other than we know it exists .

    Current info on its specifics do not exist . And they arent giving it up .

    So the issue is a dead horse .

    Unless you insist that we keep talking about dead horses since it was the original thread .

    There have been many interesting comments made off topic throughout this thread and as you can see many people respond .

    That's how it works . In fact none of these even appear to have trollish characteristics ( meaning subjects other than golf ).

    No point in starting a new post just for the sake of a new thread .


    No the rules concerning threads are made by WGT, not me or you .You would be surprised what you would learn if you one , read the FAQs , and also use the SEARCH BOX>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to the RIGHT ON THIS PAGE . 

    A little reading comprehension would do most of you some good , especially for those of you who like to troll .


  • thesupernova
    7,331 Posts
    Sun, Sep 21 2014 12:37 PM

    A little reading comprehension would do most of you some good , especially for those of you who like to troll .

    Calling people Trolls?

    That is the pot calling the kettle black

    a troll (/ˈtrl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[1] by posting inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[4]

  • LuckySkreet
    611 Posts
    Sun, Sep 21 2014 1:33 PM

    LMAO Allie...  well done!

  • opyeuclid
    6,706 Posts
    Sun, Sep 21 2014 4:21 PM

    iaa R ( R ) V ft 

  • lonniescott711
    4,183 Posts
    Sun, Sep 21 2014 4:40 PM



    Calling people Trolls?

    That is the pot calling the kettle black

    Well said


    If it doesnt apply to you , why are you taking it so personal ? Since from the beginning of my statement , none of you responding was it directed at. But if you wish to take it personal then that will be on you . Nothing I can do about that . As for you Opey and Miss Miffy , you two behave yourselves .An old folks saying that I learned a long time ago "If you throw a rock at a pack of dogs , you surely will hit one every time". Guess those folks were right .