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Handicap Program - requesting suggestions and info

Fri, Dec 18 2015 2:57 PM (51 replies)
  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Wed, Jan 29 2014 11:09 AM


    Have you put this program out anywhere to share with other CC's or are you still working on it before you are willing to share it with anyone?

    Still in production ... Program should be completed today ... then I have the mundane task of rewriting the documentation and video productions.  Hopefully by the 1st.


  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Fri, Jan 31 2014 1:03 PM

    This is a double-post ... I'm just putting it here as well since there were two threads going discussing the Handicaps:

    I just loaded the new tournament manager to my google drive, along with 4 sample videos.  I'm still working on the documentation ... not a task that "blows my skirt up", but I promise I'll get it done soon.

    The logic behind this tourney manager is (1) Setup your CC members, (2) Calculate your member's handicaps, (3) paste and update the tournaments and (4) Generate the PDF reports you will want to share with your members.

    Each of the 4 macros has a hotkey associated with it.  You can load the macros like I've shown you in the videos, or use the hotkeys.  The hotkeys are:

    Ctrl+Shift+M - loads the CC Members routine for pasting/updating member information

    Ctrl+Shift+H loads the Calculate Handicaps routine

    Ctrl+Shift+T loads the paste/update tournaments routine 

    Ctrl+Shift+R loads the setup reports routine.

    I'll try to get the documentation updated as soon as I can.  For now, check out the videos ... they should give you an idea how to use the spreadsheet.  

    Totally "Beta" without the documentation ... but we're used to that ... right?

    Have a great weekend all!

    Kat ♥

    Edit:  Link removed.  This method of handicapping wasn't received very well.  I hope everyone the best with whatever you choose to do to maintain handicaps for your members.

  • Dubfore
    4,348 Posts
    Mon, Apr 14 2014 5:26 PM


    Just an update after almost three months since I introduced handicaps into our club.

    We have 69 members and at the moment, 48 of them have a handicap, thats' over 80%, and between 65-75% play regularly in graded handicap tournaments. We have three handicap grades: A is for plus to -3  ~  B -4 to -6  and  C -7+

    This is serving it's purpose, which is to have a bigger pool of winners.  The only downside is some players not submitting new handicaps when  due and reminded.

    I'd recommend to any clubs that play for credits to use introduce a handicap system (US GHIN)  into your club.  It's working  very well in the Fair Play Golf Club.


  • EdJaws
    402 Posts
    Tue, Apr 22 2014 5:32 AM


  • Talluin
    257 Posts
    Tue, Apr 22 2014 6:03 AM

    We use a similar system for handicapping at SEL, however, after trials of around 2 months we felt that for ranked tournaments, it just isn't viable.

    We have plenty of handicap applied tournaments which are sponsored/prizes etc which gives a lot more of our lower tiered members opportunities of winning.

    If a club has most or all of their members playing from the same tee then of course, it is a viable handicap system but with a large cross section playing off different tees the handicapping system becomes in my opinion not workable.

    If WGT ever decide to let CC owners/tournament directors the opportunity of setting tee's as well as greens and conditions then a traditional handicap system would be fantastic.  As it is now, it can't work.

    I won't hold my breath, as it seems Country Clubs needs/wants are wayyyyyyyyy down the priority list.

    I would be very interested to see Kat's tournament Manager.  If feedback and comments are anything to go by regarding Kat's other project then i imagine it has a lot of merit


  • Dubfore
    4,348 Posts
    Tue, Apr 22 2014 6:55 AM

    ....... but with a large cross section playing off different tees the handicapping system becomes in my opinion not workable.

    One way of trying to overcome that problem is to group the same tiers together and handicap them, but you'd need a good size number in each to get enough interest and credits worth winning.

    Initially my club accepted players from Master to Legend tiers only into the club. Then I tried an experiment to encourage players from the lower tiers, but that didnt  work, many new players dropping out of WGT after only  a few weeks.  Below Masters, we have only 4 Pro and 2 Amateurs and they will reduce in the coming period.

    The tournaments posted for -7+ handicappers, -which mostly included tiers below Masters- didn't get many entries, but generally from Masters up, the handicapped tournaments have been popular.

    I'd like to see Kat's Tournaments Manager also, is there a link to it?

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Tue, Apr 22 2014 8:57 AM


    We use a similar system for handicapping at SEL, however, after trials of around 2 months we felt that for ranked tournaments, it just isn't viable.

    We have plenty of handicap applied tournaments which are sponsored/prizes etc which gives a lot more of our lower tiered members opportunities of winning.

    I found using a points system levels the playing field quite a bit.  In our CC's last tournament, 47 players competed in a Fed-Ex style tourney (15 separate rounds that received points).  In the top 10, there were 2 players that missed one round but were still in the running to win the whole thing.  If you went by net score alone, the outcome was totally different.  If you missed one round, you were pretty much out of it.

    I didn't see the issue you discussed above ... the handicapping pretty much put everyone on an even keel.  Those that play the game well within their handicap were in the top 10.  Tiers didn't matter, since we had one tour pro, two masters and three tour masters in the top 10 when all was said and done.

    If your CC is big enough, you can select which tiers participate in the events and still use the net score to determine the outcome ... then merge the events into one single tourney.  While I haven't done this, it sure would prove to be interesting.  You would need to reduce the points earned per round, but I'm sure the leap frogging I witnessed during our 15 round tourney would have various tiered players vying for that top spot.

    Sadly, just like IRL, there are those that won't do well in a net handicap multiple-round tournament, no matter what you do.  Some just don't handle the pressure very well.  But as the saying goes, "every dog has its day".  With handicapping, you can certainly give more the opportunity to experience a win or two.


  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Tue, Apr 22 2014 9:00 AM

    I'd like to see Kat's Tournaments Manager also, is there a link to it?

    I'm surprised you didn't download it when the link was active.  You certainly had a voice in this thread; and was the OP in the other (a simple handicap formula).

  • stuckymb
    1,112 Posts
    Tue, Dec 1 2015 3:13 PM

    Just curious if anyone is still using Kat's Tournament Manager.

    I grabbed a copy of it and have been using it for the last couple of months.  Very nice program, I only had to make one minor change to be able to handle "Champion" players.

    If you are using it, I'm just curious what values for "slope" and "rating" you are using for the  Chambers Bay, Best of Bandon Par 3, and / or Pebble Beach courses ?

    Thanks in advance,



  • EasyEdward
    13,502 Posts
    Wed, Dec 2 2015 12:40 PM

    This is what we came up with for Chambers Bay: First set is for Legend & Tour Legend  second is for Masters & Tour Masters


    Chambers Bay
    slope rating slope
    Full 18
    60.7 139 60.4 135
    Front 9
    31.2 143 32.5 139
    Back 9
    29.5 135 27.9 131