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Mon, Feb 27 2017 4:33 PM (2,573 replies)
  • craigswan
    31,110 Posts
    Sun, Jan 24 2016 9:48 AM

  • HenryKawa
    1,721 Posts
    Mon, Feb 1 2016 7:05 PM

    Looks like after 82 page this thread seems to have come to an end.  That is likely because of the filthy cartoon posted by Craigswan.   Bad boy!     

    When I post something I always make sure there is not a possibility that I will offend anyone or hurt anyone's feelings.

    Maybe time to get this thread going again.  I will tell you something about myself.   Although I don't like blowing my own horse... I will just put this out there >  I am pretty much the best player on all of WGT.   Since I started as a Hack several years ago, my record is 93% wins.    Most of my losses came when I was a Hack just learning how to play.   Since becoming a Legend, my win record is 99.9%.  Almost no one beats me now.  Like 1 in a thousand.   Anyways, I come from Canada.  I am humble, rich, good looking, and gosh darn people like me!


  • SteveW65
    4,540 Posts
    Tue, Feb 2 2016 9:31 AM the freak did that happen then?

    Yep, it happened. Back end of last year - I made 50!

    Now, there have been some 'challenging' birthdays in my life - 30 was a bit strange, 40 was just wrong - and now this! 

    3 months on and I still don't get it! Surely by now I should have grown up? I remember my old man being 50 - and he was grown up. But I'm like a kid - still get stupidly excited when it's a Friday (beer day!), drink too much beer, play this stupid game until the wee small hours while talking absolute rubbish with my buddies on skype. 

    I look in the mirror and I see that 30 year old. I feel like a 30 year old (well, inside my head I do). I think like a 20 year old - well, maybe 30. But somehow, I'm 50...ffs! It just sounds so WRONG! 

    A couple of school friends have recently 'found me' on facebook - I looked at their pictures and they looked like granddads! I couldn't believe it. Then, last week, our company had a photoshoot. And that my friends and followers of this thread, is where it smacked me round the chops like a Tyson roundhouse! I look OLD!!!

    Going to take some time getting used to this. 

    Any tips and advice welcome - got to be cheaper than the therapy I'm thinking of taking... lol.

    Happy hitting to young and old - and special warm regards to the squirrel man and hoping peace is with you.

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Tue, Feb 2 2016 11:40 AM

    Although I don't like blowing my own horse...

    Ahhhhh, I would hope not...or anything else for that matter!

     I am pretty much the best player on all of WGT. 

    NOOOO, actually your nowhere close to being  a  mediocre player much less the best, , your stats tell the story, not your record...

    I am humble, rich, good looking, and gosh darn people like me!

    OK, now I have to delete your link, I saved it because every once in awhile I read your profile just for a laugh, now I realize you may not just be delusional you might actually believe was funny when I thought you were just trying to impress the women, not any more....




  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Tue, Feb 2 2016 5:55 PM


    Looks like after 82 page this thread seems to have come to an end.  That is likely because of the filthy cartoon posted by Craigswan.   Bad boy!     

    When I post something I always make sure there is not a possibility that I will offend anyone or hurt anyone's feelings.

    Maybe time to get this thread going again.  I will tell you something about myself.   Although I don't like blowing my own horse... I will just put this out there >  I am pretty much the best player on all of WGT.   Since I started as a Hack several years ago, my record is 93% wins.    Most of my losses came when I was a Hack just learning how to play.   Since becoming a Legend, my win record is 99.9%.  Almost no one beats me now.  Like 1 in a thousand.   Anyways, I come from Canada.  I am humble, rich, good looking, and gosh darn people like me!





  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Tue, Feb 2 2016 7:28 PM


    Here we go again!


  • craigswan
    31,110 Posts
    Wed, Feb 3 2016 5:36 AM

    The luck of the irish .

    Gold in the streets of new york .

  • Pootick
    1,185 Posts
    Wed, Feb 3 2016 5:47 AM

    Although I don't like blowing my own horse.


    And you think the cartoon was offensive. Please don't post a pic of you doing it.