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Ping i15 Irons

Sun, May 30 2010 6:18 AM (22 replies)
  • marioh
    1,055 Posts
    Mon, May 24 2010 4:45 AM

    I don't know about the irons, but I do use and love the 3wood.

    Since I use the club once in awhile, the difference in meter speed really isn't a big deal, but I do have to make sure I'm geared up for it when I do use it.   The accuracy and control of the 3wood is great, even for non 100% power shots.

  • smason77
    464 Posts
    Mon, May 24 2010 9:49 PM


    i'm really surprised at your inability to hit different clubs! Let me ask you this; IRL do you swing with the same speed on all your clubs only so you can top out in regards to the maximum expected yardage? That's TWO golf in my opinion. (just my opinion)


    Brother Steve,

    I'm beginning to believe that you'd argue with a fence post just to see if it would react.  :)  You made a nice swing on this one but afraid you left the club face slightly open and sprayed this one out of bounds.

    Here's the real deal.  METER SPEED = TEMPO (IMHO the most important component of a sound swing).  How hard you hit it in WGT is determined by how far on the meter you drag but TEMPO remains relatively consistent.  IRL how hard you hit is determined by length of backswing and swing speed on return, but TEMPO should always be very close from driver to lob wedge.  I don't contend to be the world's best golfer IRL (6hdcp before blowing right knee up last year) but I know this to be a fact solid players hold true. 

    In WGT land I rely greatly on TEMPO.  I rarely focus on the meter and could say I almost let my vision blur so I rely heavily in the speed of the meter. This is what makes me so susceptible to meter glitches as I usually don't see them and complete the swing where many people would hold off.  I play a pretty good rhythm guitar too. Rhythm and rhyme, rhythm and rhyme, rhythm and rhyme.  Many players out there are capable of handling the variances without trouble, just not me personally.  3 different speeds for driver - pw, scoring wedges, and putter is too much for my inept mind.  I could probably adjust over time, but for now I'll stick with my +12 hdcp with g10s (+8 with i15s).  "If it ain't broke don't fix it."

    Judges?  Round 1 to jakestanfill7.     :-P

    Does this mean that your putter should also match the meter speed of the i15? Of course not! I never swing as hard with my putter as I do with my woods/irons. Nor do I swing as hard with my wedges. The swing meter is intended to represent "feel" and that makes perfect sense to me.

    Now you're just being silly.  Of course I don't.  In WGT I actually focus on the meter because it's so slow with Daytona and different from my full swings.  IRL I still try to be fairly close to my TEMPO on full swings but it's obviously going to be a tad different.  Last year I went 54 holes w/o a 3 putt on greens rolling around 10-11 on Stimp meter and last week broke a stretch on 41 holes w/o 3 putt so I feel fairly confident with my assertion here as the preeminent voice of authority LOL  (tongue firmly in cheek).

    Judges?  Round 2 draw. Match-  Unanimous decision to jakestanfill7.

    jakestanfill7:  "Thanks for playing the game Steve.  You're a formidable opponent and friend but I'm always right!" least in my own mind. "Play on brother and I anxiously await our next tete a tete."

    Thanks Jake!! Trial Judge and Jury all in one! A true American! lol

    I wasn't doubting your mouse clicking ability big guy. I've never really been one to drink the cool-aid. I prefer beer and I NEVER play this game unless i'm drinking it. lol

    IRL I play golf sober. WGT isn't REAL life. lol

    Take care bub...  best of luck to you.

    When the day comes that WGT has the ability to put REAL dollars on the line.. then maybe i'd be more compelled to fancy the prestige of the WGT infamous and join in. Most people are seldom motivated by anything less. I don't want a cookie.

    As far as arguing with fence post's; they seem to offer much more rational supposition than most human's i've encountered.


    10,703 Posts
    Sun, May 30 2010 6:18 AM

    I tried to argue with a fence post once,,Its so ignorant.,