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How do I earn points without spending money?

Wed, Apr 20 2011 6:22 AM (43 replies)
  • TylerTR
    1 Posts
    Tue, Dec 29 2009 1:06 AM
    This is just something I do when I'm bored so I refuse to pay money for equipment that doesn't actually exist. I've made it up to Pro tier with starter clubs but it's really frustrating when there's par 4's that perfect driver perfect 3-wood come up 100 yds short on. How can I get points and upgrade equipment without committing actual cash to this>
  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Tue, Dec 29 2009 1:56 AM

    You could theoretically wager those first free 100 credits in a first matchplay challenge match. If you win, you would have more credits, which you could again wager in another match. (Should you lose, though, you'd be left with no credits and no option to enter more matchplay challenges.)

    You could also enter a ready-go tournament (the entry fee is 100 credits) with the hope of winning credits there, but whether you'd be able to place well in a tourney while using basic equipment, seems questionable.

    Overall, the easiest course of action does seem to be to purchase credits using a credit card, debit card, or PayPal. Credits aren't too expensive: 100 credits for $1.

  • NormH3
    214 Posts
    Tue, Dec 29 2009 5:44 AM

    At the moment, the WGT gang is providing you a free venue for entertainment when you are bored. Yes there are some glitches from time to time, but it's still free. Some of us don't mind spending $20 (or more) to purchase a few credits for some upgrades. It's still cheaper than many of the video games out there and we didn't have to shell out the several hundred bucks for an appliance to play it on. It's all about perspective.


  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Tue, Dec 29 2009 7:57 AM


    Good point Norm.  In fact, the virtual clubs he doesn't want to buy because they don't exist... actually do exist!  It's like investing in the stock market.  That money, up or down, doesn't really exist until you sell a particular stock.  What you're paying for at WGT when you purchase clubs (say a driver) is the "extra enjoyment" you get from being able to lace a long drive down the center of the fairway and hit the gree in regulation.

  • claremoreblue
    2,322 Posts
    Tue, Dec 29 2009 8:11 AM
    Mr Tyler, you may also enter the weekly tournaments WGT puts on. The free tournaments offer credits to the top 70 I believe, Make sure you play in all the free ones, you never know when you may have that great round.
  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Tue, Dec 29 2009 8:17 AM

    But, the payout in those free tournaments is rather small, so the likelihood of someone winning significant amounts of credits in those free tournaments (enough credits for a meaningful equipment upgrade) seems minimal.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,502 Posts
    Tue, Dec 29 2009 10:00 AM
    Tournament winnings for 99% of us will never be enough to pay for clubs, balls, etc. I tend to view this as entertainment and paying out $20 is not more than a movie and refreshements would set you back. I played to the pro level with starters, then bought a Rapture driver and 3 Wood at that stage. Once I was elevated to pro, I went ahead and spent the money for a set that I wanted, I would suggest not buying new clubs till you are in the pro level and only then a driver since the master level clubs aren't available to pros and the trade in is so low.
  • KyleHeminger
    2 Posts
    Fri, Mar 26 2010 5:49 PM

    i think its absolute *** that you have to pay for clubs, and some one said you start out with 100credits but you don't. you start out with 0. and the only way to place high enough in a tournament to make enough credits is to have a driver that can get you about 300 yards, not 225-230, i think we should get credits for earnings trophys and what not.

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Sat, Mar 27 2010 4:39 AM

    There it is with the entitlement mentality again.    Take a look at this thread.

  • neildiamond11790
    1,115 Posts
    Sat, Mar 27 2010 6:58 AM

    Kyle is probably a minor without a credit card and parents won't buy him credits.  Kyle, what you are asking for are free clubs, and you have them already.  They are the starters provided for FREE by WGT to let you play this game for FREE.  They dont require you to buy equipment, they dont even require you to pay a monthly fee to play.  Faterson is correct, entitlement mentality, and he has also been correct in his suggestions on how to earn more credits.  People often forget about the Match Play Challenge system, you can either propose or accept a wager.  Check the other players stats and equipment first, then accept or propose a wager.  Take the chance with your 100 credtis, because 100 credits is not going to buy you anything other than a sleeve of balls that will wear out.

    Kyle, care to take a guess how many courses we would have, and will have down the road if WGT gave away all equipment for free?  HINT:  Its less than 1.