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Bugs Fixes/Patch notes

Wed, Dec 21 2022 4:31 PM (49 replies)
  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Fri, Sep 30 2022 12:54 AM


    Hi Nico,

    Just won 5 coin games in a row but it isn’t showing in my achievement challenges.

    Is this a known bug like some of the other achievement problems?


    It is if you won one of them in a tie break.

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Fri, Sep 30 2022 4:19 AM

    I see a lot of sour comments. Let’s enjoy what we have from WGT and give grace. Keep giving feedback but there can be a more respectful tone

    The reason for the sour comments is due to long term frustrations with WGT .Most of us have been here for at least a decade now and some from the games beginning . WGT can always add useless things to the game but cant fix the issues with the game .

    So all of the items listed were things none of the community asked for and yet now have to deal with . This to has been going on since the games beginning and many of the long term players are tired of this . How can a company have a product that they cant fix ? Or rather I should say wont fix and only show bogus concern about .

    Just stick around and in a few more years you will truly understand the anger and frustrations of the player community .

  • petrieboy
    442 Posts
    Fri, Sep 30 2022 6:39 AM

    with all the fixes that go on here , it's still a screwed up game. never gonna be the great game it once was. 

  • WGTNico
    728 Posts
    Fri, Sep 30 2022 7:21 AM

    These 3 were actually asked for quite a bit by the community. I understand the frustration, but the amount of bug fixes that we do each month I do think at least show that we are putting in a lot of work to make the game better. 

    • Fixed an issue when the player changes their putting scale and then changes camera angles, the putting scale resets
    • Fixed an iOS issue where players were unable to send a chat after first message
    • Added back double-tap to move aimer on mobile


    So all of the items listed were things none of the community asked for

  • Duphpherer
    477 Posts
    Fri, Sep 30 2022 8:50 AM


    Hi Nico,

    Just won 5 coin games in a row but it isn’t showing in my achievement challenges.

    Is this a known bug like some of the other achievement problems?


    Think my goal was 6 in row. I finished it and got nothing except back to zero wins. Someone mentioned you can't end the match on a tie-breaker. The next 6 were outright wins without tie-breaker and it gave me credit.

    Doesn't make it right, but may explain where the bug lies. 

  • Yiannis1970
    3,338 Posts
    Fri, Sep 30 2022 9:52 AM


    These 3 were actually asked for quite a bit by the community. I understand the frustration, but the amount of bug fixes that we do each month I do think at least show that we are putting in a lot of work to make the game better.


     I understand your work Nico and i hear you, however, a guy who fills a bucket without bottom 24/7 does not get the job done.


  • RyjaTybas
    5,151 Posts
    Fri, Sep 30 2022 10:28 AM

    I know its a fantasy, but just imagine if the new goals and achievements had been done properly the first time (after much testing, thought and preparation) instead of this chaotic rollout of a work-in-progress.

    The same can said of the new app and the original flash version, of course. Its WGT's forte.

    But I'm still playing, so there probably is 5 steps forward for every 4 steps back - unless that's another fantasy.

  • callaghan159
    6,424 Posts
    Fri, Sep 30 2022 10:30 AM

    I do think at least show that we are putting in a lot of work to make the game better. 

    I appreciate all the hard work as I am sure others do to fix the issues with this game. Nico, if WGT only fixes 1 thing for the rest of the year, my wish would be to fix the invite issue with A/S. I have seen it take me 15 or 20 min to find a game. Totally unacceptable IMHO. This has been going on for waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to long. Cheers 

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Fri, Sep 30 2022 10:53 AM

    Fixed an issue when the player changes their putting scale and then changes camera angles, the putting scale resets

    Bug caused by an update .

    Fixed an iOS issue where players were unable to send a chat after first message

    Another bug caused by another

    update .

    Added back double-tap to move aimer on mobile

    A feature that no one wanted and the game could have done without .

    Useless programming has always caused game issues . They are always items the community never asks for and for the most part they make no sense . So in the future focus on fixes and leave everything else alone . 

  • IamNicklaus
    496 Posts
    Fri, Sep 30 2022 12:08 PM


    I see a lot of sour comments. Let’s enjoy what we have from WGT and give grace. Keep giving feedback but there can be a more respectful tone

    The reason for the sour comments is due to long term frustrations with WGT .Most of us have been here for at least a decade now and some from the games beginning . WGT can always add useless things to the game but cant fix the issues with the game .

    So all of the items listed were things none of the community asked for and yet now have to deal with . This to has been going on since the games beginning and many of the long term players are tired of this . How can a company have a product that they cant fix ? Or rather I should say wont fix and only show bogus concern about .

    Just stick around and in a few more years you will truly understand the anger and frustrations of the player community .

    Posts like this make me laugh and smh at the same time .  This is an online computer game , no reason for anyone to get angry or frustrated .....explore the word perspective !