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Conspiracy Theory

Sun, Oct 30 2022 6:16 PM (123 replies)
  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2022 12:28 PM



    Now that VEM is brought up, this might be interesting for the OP to read.

    The "inventor" Yuchiang Cheng was a co-founder, with Chad, of WGT.  So VEM was specifically designed for WGT.

    Interesting that the fee has a 11.5 year payout, last due date shows as April, 2022. Could you imagine if they were late in payment.

    Nico: "Ya, that is on our list"

    Wouldn't that just mean others could use it too. 

    Still after all these years vem (as many interpret it) remains as elusive to film as Nessie ;-)

  • Yiannis1970
    3,341 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2022 12:37 PM

    Most of the patents have exclusivity of rights for 20 years. As for VEM, anyone can believe whatever he/she likes. The patent is there for everyone to study it and draw own conclusions according to experience accumulated playing the game.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,693 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2022 4:05 PM


    Scott and Simon,

    A question I have always wanted to ask. Does VEM work on a “graduated scale” meaning does the amount of intervention vary? Like maybe a percentage scale - one round you maybe are at 98% VEM meaning VEM is a very strong position to effect your shots and a round later your VEM is at 75% meaning there is less interference in your shots. Never could wrap my head around the concept that VEM knows when and by how much to influence your shots. Read a good bit of stuff on it and viewed the scattergrams but have never really found an answer. Any thoughts?

    Hi Cicero, a very good question. I have no exact percentage scale of it nor have I attempted to measure it, but what I can tell you for sure is that soon after you start a round, you can "sense" how the round is going to be. I mean, you can tell, by the outcomes of your shots, whether it's going to be tolerating or punishing (or neutral). Of course, there are times you start out great then everything falls apart later or vice-versa in which VEM works like an equalizer, but in general, it tends to lean on/towards one direction, either it works "for" you or "against".

    This is another personal opinion of mine, I believe the more expensive equipment (including balls) you use, the more favourable VEM becomes with you. I don't think it's unfair because after all, it's a business and to me, it makes sense that the company rewards players who spend more money for them. I for one have no problem with that.

    ↓↓ EDIT: Yup, I hear you. We will never know how it works exactly. That's also what makes you come back to the game IMO.  :)↓↓

  • Cicero733
    2,318 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2022 8:38 PM

    Simon - your opinion/observation/feeling coincides with mine. I can find nothing definitive like an operator’s manual that walks you through and explains the operational set up of the “product”. I sometimes sense that there is a pattern it follows like so many days or rounds are great, so many are average, and so many are quite the opposite. I’ve also wondered too if the volume of traffic managed by the servers has any effect on its operational capacity like after so many players log on, it’s effect diminishes as it’s required to “do its thing” over a larger population of players. Is it like almost all software where there are user settings that can be toggled on or off and whether there is an auto mode that can totally randomize it’s effects? Just one of those things that bugs me as I cannot find anything that fully explains how it functions once it’s turned on.

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2022 8:41 PM

    This stuff always cracks me up.

  • Babzilla33
    910 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2022 11:53 PM


    This stuff always cracks me up.

    I’m enjoying it as well!

  • craigswan
    32,226 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2022 5:19 AM
    What is VEM WGT?
    Vem (virtual equipment model) is a patent that is held by WGT. .
    Basically the better you get the harder the game gets. .
    Vem does happen but it happens to all of us..
    Imagine how dead boring it would be if we all got to a level where we shot the perfect round every time?

    WGT has stated that they do not use it at this time..
  • pase4win
    232 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2022 5:27 AM


    What is VEM WGT?
    Vem (virtual equipment model) is a patent that is held by WGT. .
    Basically the better you get the harder the game gets. .
    WGT has stated that they do not use it at this time..

    HA ! HA ! Good One

  • craigswan
    32,226 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2022 5:32 AM

    Spying Conspiracy Theory GIF by DrSquatchSoapCo

  • craigswan
    32,226 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2022 5:33 AM

    Spying Big Brother GIF by DrSquatchSoapCo