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Low level wedges/driver

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Wed, Mar 16 2022 4:25 PM (7 replies)
  • pacificator0
    4 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2022 6:35 AM

    Currently Level 40 and I have 10K in credits. I know the advice is to save most of it to buy Ping Irons at Level 59 and so on, but making credits is not too difficult with surveys so I'm willing to spend 3 to 5K for now.

    1) How are the TM Milled grind (64 &60) wedges ? They are still med/high and I'm playing with normal balls, so will they make a significant difference ?

    2) Would buying the TS12 Driver (L0+) be a waste of money ?


  • BPeterson8256
    2,910 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2022 9:31 AM


    1) How are the TM Milled grind (64 &60) wedges ? They are still med/high and I'm playing with normal balls, so will they make a significant difference ?

    I am not as familiar with them, but the low level Cleveland would be just as good, they are high lofted, and for 1485 credits total, you can get all 3 wedges you need. With this set, you would probably want the 64, 54, & 52 / 60y, 85y, 100y. They would be the best clubs in your bag. I used them all the way to L76, L78, & L80, where the Titleist are now.


    2) Would buying the TS12 Driver (L0+) be a waste of money ?


    Be patient for a couple more days. these levels go by fast. If you join a level 20+ country club, you will earn 10% the XP, and you will get free Shot Pal & Putter Pal. It is worth joining one just for the XP to level up. You would be welcome to join our club, but it is only level 10, which is only 4% the XP.

    The L44 Callaway and the L55 TaylorMade are better drivers and cost less.


  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2022 9:32 AM


    Currently Level 40 and I have 10K in credits. I know the advice is to save most of it to buy Ping Irons at Level 59 and so on, but making credits is not too difficult with surveys so I'm willing to spend 3 to 5K for now.

    1) How are the TM Milled grind (64 &60) wedges ? They are still med/high and I'm playing with normal balls, so will they make a significant difference ?

    2) Would buying the TS12 Driver (L0+) be a waste of money ?


    1) Personally I prefer the calloway or titelist wedges, I would drop your hybrid club and use 3 wedges of whatever you like best- but definitely do away with the hybrid.

    2) Not IMO, thats a good driver that could last to legend if you wanted to wait that long to upgrade again.


  • Robert1893
    7,693 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2022 9:42 AM

    1) Personally I prefer the calloway or titelist wedges, I would drop your hybrid club and use 3 wedges of whatever you like best- but definitely do away with the hybrid.


    The Titleist Vokey wedges (Levels 27, 29, and 31) are terrific. With those, a player wouldn't need to upgrade again until they get to the top-level wedges. 

    Because OP indicated credits are not an issue, I wouldn't even consider any of the other wedges.

  • pacificator0
    4 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2022 12:06 PM

    I still have to read and learn about CC.

    I mostly play stroke play versus randos and sometimes play 9-holes with my friends.


    I'm not sure where to find the Level 20+ you refer the game, CC are ranging from 3 to 6

  • el3n1
    4,497 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2022 12:54 PM

    1) How are the TM Milled grind (64 &60) wedges ? They are still med/high and I'm playing with normal balls, so will they make a significant difference ?

    I bought and used these wedges or the comparable models at that time - and felt it was a better value because I could practically buy 2 wedges for the price of 1 cleveland which is now titleist wedges - you get more clubs at a lower cost.

    When you factor in - all these clubs will likely get replaced anyway - there is not nearly as much value in buying more expensive clubs that will be replaced.  In the past - the cleveland and now Titleist options were regarded the best available - which drew most people to the 60 80 100 yardage gapping.

    Since then, the callaway wedges came along - and they are likely now considered the best wedges in the game - even top tier players who were always Cleveland or Titleist wedge players-  have opted to swap out wedges for the Callaway - and that would only be done if they felt it was worth doing. 

    Playing the AVG / Taylor Made wedges - set me up to be familiar with the 50 75 100 yardage gapping down the road, and I don't regret it, because Callaway wedges were in line with those #s, with the exception of the Max wedge because there was not a similar model.   - but reality is - the Max wedge plays very similar to the Taylor Made 50y wedge at L39 but has a slower meter - so if you start learning it now - you will easily transition to the Max wedge that will play very similar.

    It can be a personal preference over what wedges to choose - players have gone both directions and done well. 

    I personally tried to get the most value out of the credits available - because you are going to be looking at upgrades again and ball cost adds up considerably- so keeping those upgrades to a minimum saves credits in the long run - but eventually you could easily end up investing 50,000 credits or more in clubs depending on how many times you upgrade - so being conscious of how you spend credits now - may still help you down the road and also help with ball cost.

    As for the driver - you are close enough to unlocking the L51 3wd that could be used off the tee and from the fairway - something that was suggested to me starting out as well. You could then add the L55 driver when it comes up and if you stick with the L59 irons - you will have a very similar set of clubs to what I opted for my first complete set.

    if you are feeling antsy to get some slightly better clubs off the pro tees - and you are winning enough coins in coin games - you could consider some of the lower end coin rental club sets - and they will help you a bit - until you unlock the levels to buy the desired clubs.  

    -- you can learn things now - even with starter clubs that will help you down the road - things like course management - laying up short and hitting a wedge close to save par rather than hitting shots as close you you can and end up in rough or bunkers you don't know how to get out of yet.  

    Once you get into playing tougher conditions like heavy winds - you can't always reach the green with the best clubs in the game from the back tees -- so learning how to manage a course and the conditions - and learning your wedges - whichever route you go - will be something you will be glad you took the time to learn.

  • BPeterson8256
    2,910 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2022 1:20 PM


    I still have to read and learn about CC.

    I mostly play stroke play versus randos and sometimes play 9-holes with my friends.

    I'm not sure where to find the Level 20+ you refer the game, CC are ranging from 3 to 6

    Most country clubs will let you play however you want. 

    The WGT Amigos are a level 20 club that is a nice friendly place. The owner, vivian1234 is super nice. Tell her I sent you if you get a chance. 

    There is not a lot to know to get started. Country clubs have some club tournaments for you to play in if you want, and they have their own club forum. Once you are in a club, you will get a "Club Pass" every day. Playing while using a pass will add whatever XP you earn to the club's XP as well as yours. So it helps you both. This is what I wrote for our new members.

    "COUNTRY CLUB PASS: You get a new Pass 12 hours after you use one. Whenever you play using a pass, it will reward the club with the same amount of XP that you earn for yourself. There is never a reason to purchase a Pass, but if you play your free one daily, it is appreciated"

    One more tip for you is to make sure you hit at least one ball every day. Having a daily streak will be a big help for earning XP to level up faster.

    You can send me a friend request and message me if you have any other questions. And you are always welcome to stop by Simpatico Springs if you want to see what clubs have to offer before choosing a larger club.



  • beerstine
    685 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2022 4:25 PM

    I had those TM wedges on a bargain Steam bundle.  They're better than the starters for sure, but fly lower and rollout farther then high trajectory wedges.  Tougher to learn and control and not the best option.  Get a 64 degree wedge first, the Cleveland is the best bargain option.  I played it to the L80 Vokey. You could also wait 10 levels (not that long) and get Max Spin wedges that would carry you until the L80s or beyond without paying a Cally or Titleist premium.  The Callaways are good for longer approaches, but lack a 64 degree option that you need near the green.