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Penalty strokes for time-outs in alt shot games

rated by 0 users
Thu, Dec 3 2020 11:38 AM (1 replies)
  • msulaman
    448 Posts
    Wed, Dec 2 2020 7:33 PM

    This is a request for wgt to stop assessing penalty strokes after a player (or team) has two time-outs during a match. If I set the max timeouts to 7 that means I want to give my opponents (or myself) the opportunity to time-out 6 times before they are disqualified. However it also means that I want them to be able to time-out six times with NO PENALTY. Assessing a penalty stroke after two time-outs is effectively ending the match right then if both teams are closely matched.

    I believe that penalty strokes are assigned in the same way during match play games, regardless of the maximum number of time-outs specified. The same change that was requested above should apply to match play games as well.

    I hope that this topic has not been discussed in another thread in these forums. I did a search but found no mention of this scenario.


  • Janus75
    411 Posts
    Thu, Dec 3 2020 11:38 AM

    I agree whole heartily with the suggestion and reasons why that Msulaman put forth. I also set up seven time-outs for the same reasons he gave. With palsy symptoms, I'm unable to calculate the distances & wind drift and often cannot swing within the shorter time limits. I also let my companions know about my situation, and most have no problem playing with me—those who did will move on without any hard feelings. As in my case, I feel penalties for time-outs are an unfair play circumstance. I also think forfeiting after three time-outs is also too potent; maybe five would be more reasonable.

    Time issues may not be as rare as some younger folks think. Many senior or older players won't play games with shot timers because of slowness in thought and execution. I have come across many who won't play any games timed. I'm sure WGT can do something to accommodate players with-timer difficulties. Thanks for reading and any considerations given.
