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12 days of Christmas day 9

Sun, Dec 22 2019 2:35 AM (53 replies)
  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Fri, Dec 20 2019 7:02 PM

    Dear Santa.. i hope this is the right Thread..

    Yes it is.


  • AlejBaran
    1,418 Posts
    Fri, Dec 20 2019 7:23 PM


    May I please have a new Chevy Silverado LTX. If not any model will do. My 2014 model is almost worn out.


     But unfortunately I guess that I know how this might end ... when many generous people get tired, feeling that, probably, their generosity is abused ... I hope not.

    Sorry if I'm wrong or someone is offended, it's not my intention; or if it is not the place to post this.

    PS: as SamSpayed says above a "thank you Santa for ...." costs nothing.


    Thank you all for this event  Merry Christmas to all


  • AlaskanDame
    19,143 Posts
    Fri, Dec 20 2019 7:25 PM

    Dear Santa.. i hope this is the right Thread.. (i posted in the wrong thread).LOL .. trust me....anyway i need to finish my wedges and this is what i'd love under my Tree >>  cleveland cg16 64 wedge l8.aspx?i=e6ecd0b4 1825 4ab3 9b3e 6d93c80d8973

    I you can please give me any advice if this is the correct wedge i need it'd be greatly appreciated.  

    Merry Christmas to all you wonder Santa's  !!


    You already have 3 Cleveland wedges, level 27, 29, and 80. And now you are asking for a level 8? I am confused. . . . .
  • Robert1893
    7,693 Posts
    Fri, Dec 20 2019 7:44 PM


    Dear Santa.. i hope this is the right Thread.. (i posted in the wrong thread).LOL .. trust me....anyway i need to finish my wedges and this is what i'd love under my Tree >>  cleveland cg16 64 wedge l8.aspx?i=e6ecd0b4 1825 4ab3 9b3e 6d93c80d8973

    I you can please give me any advice if this is the correct wedge i need it'd be greatly appreciated.  

    Merry Christmas to all you wonder Santa's  !!


    I agree with the previous post. Your request really doesn't make sense.

    You were gifted the high-level Cleveland 64-degree wedge in July. Why would you want a lower-level wedge and how would it "finish your wedges"? 

    Did you mean to post links to the 56 and 60 degree Cleveland-equivalent high-level wedges? I think they're the Titleist Vokey wedges. 

  • rockinrobyn
    400 Posts
    Fri, Dec 20 2019 7:50 PM

    i couldn't remember what i had asked for in July.. the Santa said i needed another one to complete the Cleaveland Wedges.. things have changed and i don't know what's what.. ok will the Titleiest Vokey wedges go with the Cleaveland Wedges that i already have?  whatever you think would be the best fit would be ok with me.. thank you :)


  • AlaskanDame
    19,143 Posts
    Fri, Dec 20 2019 9:50 PM

    I think only 1 gift has been sent out today, Day 9.  We will see what the weekend brings tomorrow, I guess.

    Robert1893 and Callaghan159 (along with others. . . I mention them specifically here only because their names also appear on the sked below) . .. have been being very generous  Santas throughout.  Am wondering if the original “schedule” below is still accurate.  I can try to be useful tomorrow for “scouting,” but I am thinking The Bushwackers CC and ketket1 and his club will be more than adequate to handle their days.

    Yes?  Accuracy of schedule and who will be “scouting” Days 11 anf 12?

    • Day 10
    • Day 11: Bushwackers CC & Callaghan159 & Robert1893
    • Day 12: ketket1
  • mak92
    57 Posts
    Sat, Dec 21 2019 12:29 AM

    Dear Santa , Last Christmas & Christmas in July I asked for a set of balls that the elves kindly wraped up and left for me , This year on my christmas list because i have been as specialy good this year I'm putting on my christmas list a

    Callaway Epic Flash Driver (L94+)

    It's been a tough year and even though I try and save to improve my level it's been hard, So this driver would make my day . 

    Merry Christmas &  Happy new year ... Cheers Mark

  • Dommmy
    28 Posts
    Sat, Dec 21 2019 1:06 AM

    Dear Santa,

    I was pretty wised (and old as Alan Parson said) this year.

    It's too hard in France to get credits with videos or surveys.

    Can you bring me under the tree a:

    Scotty Cameron Phantom X 6 Putter M2

    I need to improve my putting and it would be appreciated.

    Merry Christmas to all.


  • Lesthanpar
    1,454 Posts
    Sat, Dec 21 2019 2:10 AM


    Dear Santa , Last Christmas & Christmas in July I asked for a set of balls that the elves kindly wraped up and left for me , This year on my christmas list because i have been as specialy good this year I'm putting on my christmas list a

    Callaway Epic Flash Driver (L94+)

    It's been a tough year and even though I try and save to improve my level it's been hard, So this driver would make my day . 

    Merry Christmas &  Happy new year ... Cheers Mark

    Seems like a worthy recipient to me the requested driver has been gifted. Merry Christmas all.


  • Lesthanpar
    1,454 Posts
    Sat, Dec 21 2019 2:12 AM


    Dear Santa,

    I was pretty wised (and old as Alan Parson said) this year.

    It's too hard in France to get credits with videos or surveys.

    Can you bring me under the tree a:

    Scotty Cameron Phantom X 6 Putter M2

    I need to improve my putting and it would be appreciated.

    Merry Christmas to all.


    Does not seem like a worthy recipient to me.