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We Want Oakmont Back -- Petition

Thu, Aug 31 2017 4:14 PM (221 replies)
  • krskfr
    458 Posts
    Tue, May 2 2017 3:04 PM


    The profile message will be interesting to follow up, I will be watching to see if you continue to play having stated quite unequivocally that you will never play again until Oakmont come back.

    Well I wonder if you will actually follow up with what you say. If you do then well done I applaud a man of princlple, if you dont well we will all know what you are then

    we wait in anticipation. Principle over pleasure (if one consider's wgt a form of pleasure lol)

  • TRutger
    133 Posts
    Tue, May 2 2017 4:26 PM

    Alan, you are nothing more than a troll. 

    You come into a thread knowing damn good and well you oppose. Spewing butane on someone else's fire. 

    There is nothing redeeming in anything you say.

  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Tue, May 2 2017 9:14 PM


    Alan, you are nothing more than a troll. 

    You come into a thread knowing damn good and well you oppose. Spewing butane on someone else's fire. 

    There is nothing redeeming in anything you say.

    Which is exactly why I'm not even going to acknowledge this. Nothing was taken out of context. He obviously came into this thread to disrupt it.

  • Edgey54321
    547 Posts
    Tue, May 2 2017 11:36 PM

    I accept all you say, you are entitled to an opinion, which it appears I am not, however it is as always interesting to see, when people of principle  start to lose their arguement that they resort to abuse.

    I on the other hand will not abuse my abusers, I will just say that as you are not the owners of WGT,  they decide what happens to the course's. Of course you are entitled to disagree with them, but they are the people that have to make the decision not you.

    You complain bitterly about the loss, and that you note that you were not told it was going to happen, why would that be have you considered. That

    1.   Possible negotiations were still on going

    2.   Oakmont decided that they did not want WGT to use them anymore 

    3.   A confidentiality clause on the negotiations were in place

    4.  And finally What has it got to do with you anyway.

    Now you can get your mates to join you in abusing me, fine I am a big boy.

    However may I point out that I will be watching to see if you actually follow up on you statement never to play again if Oakmont does not come back with more than a little interest.

    This will tell me and other what sort of person you are, of course you can always apologize and say that you were wrong to say that and it was heat of the moment, that is more than acceptable to everyone I should imagine, but will you feel that is correct in yourself I wonder.

    By the way saying I will not respond to this is actually a response, or did you not realize that.

    Regards and of just a different opinion than you   Alan

    PS I am not a troll just a person who values freedom of speech



  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Wed, May 3 2017 3:22 AM


    I accept all you say, you are entitled to an opinion, which it appears I am not, however it is as always interesting to see, when people of principle  start to lose their arguement that they resort to abuse.

    I on the other hand will not abuse my abusers, I will just say that as you are not the owners of WGT,  they decide what happens to the course's. Of course you are entitled to disagree with them, but they are the people that have to make the decision not you.

    You complain bitterly about the loss, and that you note that you were not told it was going to happen, why would that be have you considered. That

    1.   Possible negotiations were still on going

    2.   Oakmont decided that they did not want WGT to use them anymore 

    3.   A confidentiality clause on the negotiations were in place

    4.  And finally What has it got to do with you anyway.

    Now you can get your mates to join you in abusing me, fine I am a big boy.

    However may I point out that I will be watching to see if you actually follow up on you statement never to play again if Oakmont does not come back with more than a little interest.

    This will tell me and other what sort of person you are, of course you can always apologize and say that you were wrong to say that and it was heat of the moment, that is more than acceptable to everyone I should imagine, but will you feel that is correct in yourself I wonder.

    By the way saying I will not respond to this is actually a response, or did you not realize that.

    Regards and of just a different opinion than you   Alan

    PS I am not a troll just a person who values freedom of speech



    Lets make this a bit more clear shall we? Definition of a troll:

    "Someone with nothing worthwhile to add to a certain conversation, but rather continually threadjacks or changes the subject"

    No one is disregarding your opinion or delegating to abuse because they're losing some kind of argument. Your argument(s) are simply irrelevant to what this thread was trying to be about, but your arguments are certainly working to derail the point of the thread.

    No one is abusing you and I don't have any comrads in this thread. Most of us get the point of the thread which might come across as people "ganging" up on you.You came in here basically saying those of use who are still upset about losing oakmont need to get over ourselves. We refuse to take it in the back. No matter the reason why we lost Oakmont, we didn't deseve to lose this course with no more than a short one sentence statement.

    Also, nothing you say or think I am as a person has any real relevence as you yourself say this is just a computer game. So judging someone's character based on "just a computer game" has no weight. If I do decide to play again, I'm sorry, but your opinion matters very very little to me.

    You are free to not let this bother you. But for some of us, it's a big deal. Start your own thread.



  • Edgey54321
    547 Posts
    Wed, May 3 2017 5:21 AM


    Lets make this a bit more clear shall we? Definition of a troll:

    "Someone with nothing worthwhile to add to a certain conversation, but rather continually threadjacks or changes the subject"

    I have never changed the subject the very first post said"To whom it concerns at wgtland:

    We the paying customers/players demand Oakmont be reinstated. Until then we refuse to buy anything from the pro shop. Nor will we participate in any credit based games. We refuse to be disrespected after we have loyally supported your game for years."

    The first response was in you favour it was grow up

    Mine was in keeping with the first tread was Everybody seems to want Oakmont back so I am in a minority, I never liked the course, and the replacement of Erin Hills could be interesting. 

    I pointed out I was in a minority, if it had been left at that we would never have reached the point of basic " I want I Demand and I will have" as you put it.

    Well. I am a paying customer so are many others the definition as you like to point out about another word of WE is "used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together."

    So whilst you are the starter of the thread you are also assuming that others feel like you.

    Of course they do, but just because you say its right does not mean its right. If you cant take the hassle of some one saying your wrong dont start threads.

    By the way you last played Oakmont as a test to yourself and not part of a pre set competition on the 21 Mar this year so you really liked the course.


    PS Thats me done on the subject and I mean it no going back on my word.

  • TRutger
    133 Posts
    Wed, May 3 2017 6:47 AM

    Alan, if you had a clue, and understood the TITLE of this thread, based on your expressed opinions, and were't a troll you would've kept moving without clicking let alone posting. 


    It has not a G D thing to do with freedom of speech. It has to do with self centered trolling. 

    PLEASE, just check the fuch out here and spare us the gibberish you spewith. 

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Wed, May 3 2017 7:43 AM


    I've learned through the years members tend to defend their right to complain above anything. When they're satisfied or just tired of it they'll stop. I find it mildly entertaining. ;)



  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Wed, May 3 2017 8:03 AM

    Don't believe I've overly complained. I have stated my case and asked for support on it. And per usual the forum rats jump on anyone not happy with wgt. I should be used to it by now.


  • jacktrade51
    11,000 Posts
    Wed, May 3 2017 8:20 AM

    Even expired contracts can be renewed.

    With you on wanting Oakmont back, AB, as are almost all of the 160 members of Black Diamond GC, but I am not going to promise to boycott certain games.

    I would add that WGT has been a little lazy in recent years about creating multiple pin placements, so losing any of the older (in terms of WGT) courses which had them is a blow.
