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*** Tournament Issues***

Mon, Aug 8 2016 1:02 PM (135 replies)
  • petervcpt
    1,013 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2016 3:51 PM


    Look, we at WGT totally understand the frustrations from our players and we absolutely apologize for everything that has happened. Our CS team is not as many people as you may think and they're dedicated to help each and every one of you. We want everyone to know that they will be responded to, but there's a ton of messages coming in which will cause delays in their normal response time.

    My update was certainly not meant to make anyone upset, just to let people know what to expect when emailing in. 

    Thank you all for your patience. 


    Thanks for that Champ.

    Ya know, I work for a national Open Access fiber network company. I'm in charge of the MetroE team which manages the Layer 2 backhaul between regions, and cities, all the way to our data centres, and then via interconnects, to the various ISP's who buy bandwidth from us to provision Layer 3 services to their customers who connect to our network.

    Every so often, some gormless twerp from Sales will get asked by a prospective wholesale client (ISP) to implement something that is not in our standard Layer 2 offering.

    We (the MetroE Team) then run lab tests, put it into pre-production (which is a copy of our live environment) and once satisfied, submit a change control request to all stakeholders, including the ISP's, giving them at least 2 week's notice.

    We have an advantage in that we only have one time zone granted, and we schedule the change between 11 pm and 6 am, with all staff on duty.

    Once implemented, we continue testing, together with representatives from all our wholesale clients (ISP's). If our clients are not satisfied with the rollout, we have a roll-back plan, which takes less than 30 minutes to action.

    And we are a small(ish) company with a turnover of less than US$50 million per year.

    The above should really be standard practice folks. None of this is rocket science.

    Replace the clients/ISP's above with selected members who have previously indicated they are more than happy to assist with testing and you will have a win-win scenario.



  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2016 5:01 PM


    I can totally see why people are so frustrated by this, it really is unbelievable how often a change to the game causes major unforeseen problems.  Why on earth they don't leve the site down for an extra half hour and play some rounds is beyond me, you'd think they would have learned by now.

    However, we have to remember it isn't the fault of CS or the mods who post here.  Obviously CS is there to deal with this sort of thing so can't really be given much sympathy but Shoe, Icon and Champion are always in the front line when these things blow up and have to deal with a massive amount of anger in the forums.

    I'm pretty sure everything will be sorted out in the end, I'm equally sure some people will have left the game for good over this latest screw up.

    I know it must be incredibly annoying and insulting for someone who has lost thousands of credits to be given a free ball and expected to be happy with it.  This is just rubbing salt into the wound.

    Please remember it isn't the fault of those staff members who read and reply to posts though.  They haven't done anything wrong but, as ever, have to deal with most of the outrage.

    I have posted the same thing publicly and privately. Whoever thinks up these bells and whistles (certainly not the mods or CS) is the problem. I don't know if it's the same people who download the untested changes, or if there are two problem areas. Bad ideas, followed by sloppy implementation.

    Regardless, the Mods and CS are the innocent parties here.


  • sodakknight
    700 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2016 5:18 PM

    I was one of the unfortunate ones to have a "WD" posted in a bracket instead of a score.  Thanks to customer service, I did recieve my entry fee back.  

    The return of the entry fee is nice and all but really doesn't compensate for what some players may or may not have won in the bracket as well as ball usage.  I might suggest CS may offer a sleeve of balls (that the player is currently using) as added compensation.  It truly is only fair and costs WGT nothing but "1"s and "0"s.

    1,642 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2016 5:35 PM


    Not to pick on anyone, but I'm seeing a lot of these types of messages and wanted to address them. CS is crushing through emails as fast as they can to help everyone who has emailed in. They WILL get to everyone. Please be patient because they are receiving the heaviest volume of tickets they've seen all year. 


    yep i got back my entree fee ..not much but c mon i love this game anyway ,,i lost a 26 in RSG ..played it again and magician 26 again lol .. 


  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2016 6:13 PM

    played it again and magician 26 again


    Because ya cheat, Dre;)

  • LuckySkreet
    611 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2016 10:08 PM

    For what it's worth......

    Sent in a credit request containing a cut and past from my account page, listing RG numbers, amounts...etc...etc...     Demanded nothing, a little message stating I understood they were under a heavy load with reconciliation, and thanked them in advance.....

    Went out for lunch, walked the dog,  and watched a few hours of golf on TV................... 6 hrs later....  credits in my account....


    Just saying...................

    1,642 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2016 11:50 PM

    Because ya cheat, Dre;)

    lol  u know well how i kick ur ass :))

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sat, Jul 30 2016 4:36 AM

    I contacted CS and reported a bracket problem, they immediately refunded my entrance fee and put a gold max ball in my bag. I started the bracket with a 29, had a good 2nd round too but it wasn't posted and showed up as a WD.

    Overall I am quite happy with how WGT handled this, obviously I'm disappointed that it occurred but poop happens...

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sat, Jul 30 2016 4:43 AM

    Look, we at WGT totally understand the frustrations from our players and we absolutely apologize for everything that has happened. Our CS team is not as many people as you may think and they're dedicated to help each and every one of you.

    Thanks for both the apology and to CS for all their work.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sat, Jul 30 2016 5:52 AM

    Overall I am quite happy with how WGT handled this, obviously I'm disappointed that it occurred but poop happens...

    I agree.

    I started the bracket with a 29, had a good 2nd round too but it wasn't posted and showed up as a WD.

    Wouldn't worry Greg's 30 beat your 32.