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*** Tournament Issues***

Mon, Aug 8 2016 1:02 PM (135 replies)
  • WGTChampion
    1,891 Posts
    Thu, Jul 28 2016 9:45 AM

    Hi Everyone. We know that everyone is having trouble posting scores in tournaments and we are working as fast as we can to make this right. We will update you all as soon as we can with further details. 



    UPDATE: 1:24 PM 

    We have a fix in test for tournament issues, waiting for the greenlight. Once we have a greenlight we will be doing a short downtime to update the game and get your tournaments back in order. The kicker is that due to the nature of the issue your tournament scores that you posted today that did not go through, will still not update to the final cards. It appears the single round tournaments that are marked currently as "not played" even though you have played it, will not be replayable after the update.

    I'll update with further information when I have it. 


    UPDATE: 2:56 PM 

    We will be momentarily shutting down the servers at 3:00 PM and it should be back up with a fix for this tournament issue at around 3:15 PM. 

    Thank you very much for your patience in this matter and the service will be back better than ever shortly! 

    I will continue to update this thread with more information. 

    WGT Universe


    UPDATE 3:34 PM 

    The site is back up, the fix is in. Tournaments should be reacting normally now. As I said earlier this will not post your scores into the tournaments during the times that the issues were occurring. If you lost entry fees from a tournament, please contact customer service with the tournament IDs of the problem tournaments. 

    We are expecting a high volume of tickets while CS works to get entry fees back to those affected. So please be patient while they work to serve everyone. 

    Also, we will be running a login ball tomorrow to help give you back  the hits on the ball you wasted. Tomorrow just by logging in you will receive a Max Gold Shimmer ball. 


    UPDATE 7/29 

    Hi guys, I'm sorting through stuff as fast as I can through private messaging and here on the forums. As you can imagine today is hectic for us and our friends in CS who are working to answer each and everyone one of you who messaged in. They will answer your message, but there are a lot of you so it will be a slow process. 

    Please if you see other players in the forums starting threads about their tournament issues from yesterday, please link them back to this thread for further information. 


  • birchi
    1,492 Posts
    Thu, Jul 28 2016 9:48 AM

    any advice in the meantime? i have several open brackets and ready go tournaments. can i expect my scores to be valid and the tournaments to be paid out accordingly? don't want to waste expensive balls.

  • RyjaTybas
    5,148 Posts
    Thu, Jul 28 2016 9:56 AM

    Good to hear.

    Hopefully all missing scores will be reinstated?

  • WGTChampion
    1,891 Posts
    Thu, Jul 28 2016 10:13 AM


    Good to hear.

    Hopefully all missing scores will be reinstated?

    That is what we are hoping, but I honestly don't have further information at this time to say they will or won't.


  • lonniescott711
    4,187 Posts
    Thu, Jul 28 2016 10:21 AM



    Good to hear.

    Hopefully all missing scores will be reinstated?

    That is what we are hoping, but I honestly don't have further information at this time to say they will or won't.


    Just go back and tell them that the players are responding like they did behind the flashing notices that we got a few updates ago . Tell them that until they fix it the players are refusing to play anything other than practice rounds and thats with the rock . Bet it will get fixed quick fast and in a hurry then .


    10,706 Posts
    Thu, Jul 28 2016 10:29 AM

    There is one spot available   for the pebble beach ready go 1500 entry?  Who is going to be brave and enter? :)

  • Vaibhav5viv
    886 Posts
    Thu, Jul 28 2016 10:43 AM


    There is one spot available   for the pebble beach ready go 1500 entry?  Who is going to be brave foolish and enter? :)

    ftfy ;)

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Thu, Jul 28 2016 10:44 AM

    Good ,   thanks   for letting us know ......


    Hi Everyone. We know that everyone is having trouble posting scores in tournaments and we are working as fast as we can to make this right. We will update you all as soon as we can with further details. 



  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Thu, Jul 28 2016 10:51 AM

    can i expect my scores to be valid


  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Thu, Jul 28 2016 10:54 AM

    One more thing    i have notice ,   with this new up date .... and this new thing on the screen showing   %   ,  distance  , spin%   ,   i like it but i can not use  most of the camera angles ......  i wonder if it is just me .