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High ding rate = cheating?

Sat, Dec 31 2016 5:26 PM (437 replies)
  • coors71
    656 Posts
    Tue, Jul 19 2016 5:15 AM


    My friend Saurabh, i believe that i need to clarify a i recall, noone said that dinging every shot will guarantee you low scores. For the ''ding'' fans like me, ding is a point of start to build upon your game, nothing more, nothing less.

    Putting is everything. 

    Yes, and this is more about the POWER WGT thinks it needs to hold over us, the sheep of the game. I play this game because as a younger man I was stupid. Messed up my back for the glory of girls going "OMG HE IS STRONG!!!!!" So picking up the back of cars,trucks, anvils - anything I could get ahold of really. 

    So now I play this game as I can not play IRL anymore, learned to play decent, learned if I hit the ding, I do better, for me anyway. Now if you hit too many dings, get a high% you can be banned and branded a "cheater". That is what baffles me.

  • Yiannis1970
    3,271 Posts
    Tue, Jul 19 2016 5:27 AM



    So now I play this game as I can not play IRL anymore, learned to play decent, learned if I hit the ding, I do better, for me anyway. Now if you hit too many dings, get a high% you can be banned and branded a "cheater". That is what baffles me.


    I repeat what Sau stated....who says that? I realize that often in forum we are talking nonsense, but this is outrageous..

    Anyone who sustains this absurdity, please be free to provide some wgt evidence about this, meaning, a statement from WGT that when a player hits a tot number of dings will be banned from the game...

    Today, i have been ''attacked'' on my wall by some player who doesn't know even how the game works. Called me a sandbagger, alias a thief...well, got her response. Is it too difficult for some people to think before posting? (speaking in general coors and not towards you)


  • Jresh0817
    1,414 Posts
    Tue, Jul 19 2016 5:35 AM

    Yeah..I find this hard to believe,,,,If my internet connection AND WGT are running smooth i can ding almost any shot i want...some shots i miss on right side of direction wind is blowing to hit it close....But How can they ban someone for having a good meter...something is off here....




    So now I play this game as I can not play IRL anymore, learned to play decent, learned if I hit the ding, I do better, for me anyway. Now if you hit too many dings, get a high% you can be banned and branded a "cheater". That is what baffles me.


    I repeat what Sau stated....who says that? I realize that often in forum we are talking nonsense, but this is outrageous..

    Anyone who sustains this absurdity, please be free to provide some wgt evidence about this, meaning, a statement from WGT that when a player hits a tot number of dings will be banned from the game...

    Today, i have been ''attacked'' on my wall by some player who doesn't know even how the game works. Called me a sandbagger, alias a thief...well, got her response. Is it too difficult for some people to think before posting? (speaking in general coors and not towards you)



  • lonniescott711
    4,183 Posts
    Tue, Jul 19 2016 8:38 AM




    So now I play this game as I can not play IRL anymore, learned to play decent, learned if I hit the ding, I do better, for me anyway. Now if you hit too many dings, get a high% you can be banned and branded a "cheater". That is what baffles me.


    I repeat what Sau stated....who says that? I realize that often in forum we are talking nonsense, but this is outrageous..

    Anyone who sustains this absurdity, please be free to provide some wgt evidence about this, meaning, a statement from WGT that when a player hits a tot number of dings will be banned from the game...

    Today, i have been ''attacked'' on my wall by some player who doesn't know even how the game works. Called me a sandbagger, alias a thief...well, got her response. Is it too difficult for some people to think before posting? (speaking in general coors and not towards you)


    Well congratulations its now official you are now a top player . You have passed through the fire . Every top player gets accused of cheating one way or the other . Its a rite of passage . No stupid people dont think before posting acting or doing anything . Thats why they are stupid .So dont worry about them they are just jealous because they arent as good a player or person as you are . :-)


  • Tigerpaw509
    1,285 Posts
    Tue, Jul 19 2016 8:57 AM

    Ding is King.I usually ding about 65-70% on a good day.Players who have tried the ding master program knows that has about 90% success rate of dinging.

    I highly doubt that ding 100% will let you score -24 on the hardest settings like a few have done.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Jul 19 2016 9:29 AM




    So now I play this game as I can not play IRL anymore, learned to play decent, learned if I hit the ding, I do better, for me anyway. Now if you hit too many dings, get a high% you can be banned and branded a "cheater". That is what baffles me.


    I repeat what Sau stated....who says that? I realize that often in forum we are talking nonsense, but this is outrageous..

    Anyone who sustains this absurdity, please be free to provide some wgt evidence about this, meaning, a statement from WGT that when a player hits a tot number of dings will be banned from the game...

    Today, i have been ''attacked'' on my wall by some player who doesn't know even how the game works. Called me a sandbagger, alias a thief...well, got her response. Is it too difficult for some people to think before posting? (speaking in general coors and not towards you)

    Like Dan says details we can't give the exact detail.........................

    This is not an argument about still needing to be able to putt.  I guess it could be if you understood the game although ADP helps of course.

    This is a plain and simple argument about if you ding at (well been said now) 79% you are cheating because no one else manages more than 40%..........

    Now leave it to you who might be dumb enough to think that.  Yes it's in writing plain and simple and "obviously" caused by Mr. Otto............Yes it also shows zero understanding of Mr Otto..........

    WGT want us to post the in writing we would be very happy to do so.  

    We are not removing anyone from the club based on that chit, banned by drunks or not.  You could not write it as it's that dumb, but there it is happened.  Very poor taste from the treatment and the manner of the treatment.


    BTW you get a trial if you beg:  Don't get to play for two weeks, get put out in difficult conditions, task manager all up, meter two stepping all over the place and accepted by all as the case, manage to still ding half usual but only shoot -8 through 9......Kangaroo court says obviously a dark disciple of a new Mr. Dark Side Otto incarnation and GUILTY..........Task manager clean as a new cleaned whistle....Hard to get a word from them after.

    I think there is a point there, not least of which is product knowledge competency by a mischevious group of quacks?

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Jul 19 2016 10:19 AM

    It was from someone that defends a banned cheater in his CC.

    We also add inability to read a thread to your long list of similar attributes..............

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Tue, Jul 19 2016 11:13 AM



    It was from someone that defends a banned cheater in his CC.



    Better to keep your beak shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

  • Duckster789
    534 Posts
    Tue, Jul 19 2016 11:13 AM


    It was from someone that defends a banned cheater in his CC.

    We also add inability to read a thread to your long list of similar attributes..............

    Soon you'll be saying "Proof or Liar".


  • Duckster789
    534 Posts
    Tue, Jul 19 2016 11:43 AM

    We also add inability to read a thread to your long list of similar attributes..............

    Better to keep your beak shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

    I knew I would get attacked by some of the forum bullies.

    Forum bullies:

    "These gentlemen/ladies differ from trolls in the sense that they are not anti-social, but they are an accepted and sometimes well-respected members who assume a sort of informal and unofficial leadership role. They use this position to intimidate and assert their views on newer and less established members and often push their weight around to mark territorial rights. They will generally try and behave properly, but subtly try and behave like moderators and preach about forum behavior. They will also turn and insult people as they wish and surprisingly other forum members will turn a blind eye to them."


    This describes you guys perfectly. You are the reason many WGT members don't post in the forum.


    Quote taken from: