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Distance Calculation with Advanced Balls (other than the Starter Ball)

Mon, Jun 27 2016 1:54 PM (31 replies)
  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2016 8:25 AM



    Past level 81 clubs and balls - a very rough rule of thumb is that the first-bounce distance of any iron is actually very close to the rated distance of the club , using a 5-power ball.

    Full backspin will generally take 5 yards from that - over the whole range.

    Map all you like , but the above is so close that - buying L85 V-forges and an 81 ball , you can go straight-out on the ranked-course and start to bang 'em with confidence immediately.

    This works up to L90 RSi2's - after that , I don't know yet.


    Often overlooked is the "chase-down effect of tailwind.

    For example , a 10mph tailwind for a 120yard shot to the green.   You would perhaps think that a 115 PW with full backspin is the right shot. But this will land you 7 yards short with minimal-rollout.

    The 10mph wind is normally worth 5 yards per 100. But with a tailwind , split the difference. The extra-carry is almost halved and the extra distance travelled is less by half of the normal wind-value.

    I'm confused, can anyone try re-explaining this?


    I think part of this is the lessened time a ball is in the air compared to a headwind.


    ".. A tailwind increases the object's speed and reduces the time required to reach its destination, while a headwind has the opposite effect."


  • GStinkybottom
    14 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2016 8:56 AM



    Enjoy the 3.5 Callies in your bag.

    Thank you for your generous gift, sir!

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2016 10:48 AM




    Past level 81 clubs and balls - a very rough rule of thumb is that the first-bounce distance of any iron is actually very close to the rated distance of the club , using a 5-power ball.

    Full backspin will generally take 5 yards from that - over the whole range.

    Map all you like , but the above is so close that - buying L85 V-forges and an 81 ball , you can go straight-out on the ranked-course and start to bang 'em with confidence immediately.

    This works up to L90 RSi2's - after that , I don't know yet.


    Often overlooked is the "chase-down effect of tailwind.

    For example , a 10mph tailwind for a 120yard shot to the green.   You would perhaps think that a 115 PW with full backspin is the right shot. But this will land you 7 yards short with minimal-rollout.

    The 10mph wind is normally worth 5 yards per 100. But with a tailwind , split the difference. The extra-carry is almost halved and the extra distance travelled is less by half of the normal wind-value.

    I'm confused, can anyone try re-explaining this?


    I think part of this is the lessened time a ball is in the air compared to a headwind.


    ".. A tailwind increases the object's speed and reduces the time required to reach its destination, while a headwind has the opposite effect."


    Golf balls fly from the ground up and then descend.  Spin will affect this and tail winds will push down too (varies by loft / spin / type of shot e.g. a punch is low).  Map in zero wind, understand all that and you will then easily see what goes on.  No need to rush it or overthink it as Ls do not get the real heavy wind (usually from memory think that's right).

  • fitzroy1965
    337 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2016 11:05 AM

    ty,yiannis,good explanation and makes sense..i will have to note if my wedges and short irons tend to come up short with tail winds, I think they do tend to!!  also yiannis, would opposite apply with short irons into a head wind?? i.e. you would take off a little more? from your normal wind calculations or no? I imagine the amount of back spin you apply factors in also...ty  again


  • Yiannis1970
    3,270 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2016 11:33 AM


    ty,yiannis,good explanation and makes sense..i will have to note if my wedges and short irons tend to come up short with tail winds, I think they do tend to!!  also yiannis, would opposite apply with short irons into a head wind?? i.e. you would take off a little more? from your normal wind calculations or no? I imagine the amount of back spin you apply factors in also...ty  again



    You are welcome my friend! Let's see...immagine the first hole at SA. You drive and havin a 48 yds to the hole. Wind is 8-10 tailwind. If you play 45, will come up short, istead with 48 you are in the hole. Same situation with heavier wedge...distance 80 yds. If u play 80, will find urself 3-4 yds long. A 77 yds shot will do the trick instead.

    Now, in facewind...

    In the crucial zone (105-120), i rarely use spin. Facewind works like a natural back spin on the ball and because PW is so light the ball stops almost instantly. In some cases with heavy tailwinds i can apply the above even with 8 iron. After that, i use my normal routine, full back spin adding 15-20-25 yds on the shot. In the end, everything depends on your clubs and balls spin range.


    On facewind/wedge sitiation, always use 1-2 yds more cause the ball tends to turn back after the impact due to wind.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,515 Posts
    Thu, Jun 23 2016 9:23 AM


    Probably 110/111 yards

    with a 10mph tailwind  that normally gives 6 yards on that shot -  I reduce my power by only 2/3 yards INSTEAD OF 6 YARDS to allow for the wind pushing-down early , or reduce my spin a little FROM  MY INITIAL BACKSPIN SETTING.

    Depends if I want rollout or not.

    In your case Simon - at 120 yards with a 10mph wind.  Use a 9i with fbs at 93%.  THIS IS ASSUMING A 3 YARD ROLLOUT.  LANDING-SPOT SHOULD BE BETWEEN 116-117 YARDS.

    Edit /\ /\ /\ - edits in capitals.

    Great! Now it became crystal clear in my mind with no doubt.

    Just wondering... Did you figure all this out by yourself? Just amazing! Thank you so much for sharing what you've worked so hard to learn and for the detailed edit.

  • krskfr
    458 Posts
    Fri, Jun 24 2016 11:18 AM

    i go entirely on feel... no calculators or charts involved.. Get to know your clubs inside and out, and you will get a good feel for what they can do.

  • ct690911
    7,200 Posts
    Fri, Jun 24 2016 4:49 PM


    i go entirely on feel... no calculators or charts involved.. Get to know your clubs inside and out, and you will get a good feel for what they can do.


    I would have responded to your wall post, but you have me blocked?

    1. Firstly, welcome back. Your insight into the game, and the way you can explain it to the masses in laymen's terms, is a rare talent and much appreciated. I don't know if you were a teacher IRL, but you would have been a good one, IMHO.

    2. You aren't afraid to state what you do know and what you don't know. This level of integrity is crucial when schooling lesser players...of which I am one.

    3. I play with many who are better at this game than me. They help me with tips that I simply don't absorb on my own. YankeeJim has been very helpful in this area.

    4. That said, I have to also agree with krskfr re: practicing and developing a feel for the game. This is how I also do it because it's more comfortable than using charts and notes. I don't know if this is why I am still an average player, but there it is.

