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Kiawah 18

Tue, May 8 2012 3:31 PM (53 replies)
  • golfkid210
    313 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2011 10:53 PM

    The real question is: did the luvverly pink knickers ever make it?

  • MioKontic
    4,608 Posts
    Tue, May 8 2012 10:20 AM


    The real question is: did the luvverly pink knickers ever make it?

    Y'know, as I was reading through this thread yet again, I figured I better answer this.  A little late I know, but better late than never, as they say.

    If truth be told, I never did send them.  Well, you see, there was this raccoon.  Actually, no, that excuse might work for Joey (from Friends), but I'm no good at lying.  So, the truth.  I have searched high and low, hither and thither, Marks & Spencers and Debenhams, Vicky's Secrets and Tescos, and even online, and nowhere but nowhere can I find any pink woolly knickers.  There's pink knickers alright, and there's woolly ones too, but pink and woolly together... nay lad!  I may have even got some funny looks whilst doing my searchin, and I had to explain they were NOT for me, but our dearest Lizzie.

    I know how disappointed Lizzie must be that I lied about sending them, nearly as disappointed as when we lose a guild game from 2up with 4 holes to go.  But as you can see, I have tried to find some, honest.  And I still keep looking.  I've found pink long johns (or thermals if you'd prefer to call them that) - will they do?

    I know I can say this now because Lizzie ain't here, and by the time she comes back it will be back down in the depths of forgotten threads and she won't be any the wiser.

  • mel1950
    2,887 Posts
    Tue, May 8 2012 3:31 PM

    I think you will find that Harrods will sell them for special orders of 10 pairs.

    The other Lizzie R  ( Her Majesty) sent her Butler ( Not Lambert I hasten to add ) to collect some for her to wear with her Pink 2 piece and Pink Bonnet when she takes to the Racecourse at Ascot, as it gets rather chilly whilst riding in her carriage from her residence to the track.

    Hope this helps get you out of the mire when our Lizzie R gets back. :~))


  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Tue, May 8 2012 3:31 PM

    Great to see your name again Lee.