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Kiawah 18

Tue, May 8 2012 3:31 PM (53 replies)
  • AvatarLee
    1,644 Posts
    Tue, Jan 11 2011 6:42 AM



    Guys,you can join in anytime.

    Soon ya?

    This could be making me look like I'm talking all by myself which they say is like you know,the first sign of madness.Spose the second sign may be shooting someone who says that to me...

    So anyway,I may be schitzophrenic,but at least I have each other.

    Talking to yourself is fine.  It's when you start answering, that is the first sign.


    And if you lose an argument...... GET HELP NOW!

  • crgade
    490 Posts
    Tue, Jan 11 2011 1:39 PM

    1st sign of madness talking to ones self

    2nd sign argueing with ones self

    3rd sign losing the arguement


  • Switz71
    278 Posts
    Tue, Jan 11 2011 3:36 PM


    Who needs meds when you have Lizzie & Yancy active in the forums. 

    Laughter .... always the best medicine, keep keepin it real.

  • anthonyvp1
    212 Posts
    Thu, Jan 13 2011 7:40 PM

    Where am I when I need me?.........OH!  There I am....right where I left me.

  • 6packmike
    235 Posts
    Fri, Jan 14 2011 1:54 AM


    Our hearts they beat as one,my friend and I

    As one breathes deep the air,the other lets out a sigh

    Eyes of palest blue,we share between us sight

    And in all the world,we are strong for our joint might

    Ne'er let the other wonder,at thought thus great engendered

    Least is said they say,that will be soonest mended

    Now during play to lower,score that spiralled up

    One would bore the quicker,while other sought pins cup

    And so the mind stalwart staggered

    Mid the mire of late night strokes

    And thus begat the muddled words of jesting joking posts

    To your confuse I have the answer,

    'tis just the work of active mind,that tireless mental dancer.

    She quoted with lovely eyes and I wonder. 

    Where was she when I was younger?


  • MioKontic
    4,608 Posts
    Fri, Jan 14 2011 5:23 AM

    I thought this mental hospital had closed down, shut it's doors.  But, alas, it looks like there are hundreds still here, alive and kicking.  Well, kicking at least.  And talking to themselves.  And answering back.  It's madness I tell you, madness!


    A little ditty:

    I wander lonely as a cloud, along these great little links,
    It's a hot summer's day, my mouth is parched, I think I need some drinks.
    I look beyond, into the fields, at all those strawberry pickers,
    And there they are, in full view, Lizzie's wooly knickers!


    My dear Lizzie, (sounds like the start of an 18th century letter, written with a quill - Ahh, I remember it well, I was but a wee nipper)... I digress!

    My dear Lizzie, I shall get you some wooly knickers, in your favourite colour, pink, to match your balls.  (GOLF balls!  Must I spell out everything!)  Harrods probably don't do them, so I'll pop into Primark.  I won't embarrass you by asking your size, not that you would be embarrassed because I'm sure you have a lovely a*** (hang on, just thinking... ahem! again, I digress!), I will simply get one-size-fits-all.  I will send them to:

    House on Hill By the Sea,
    Where Broadband Don't Work,
    P... (that's just between you and me, can't let everyone know)

    I'm sure the package will get there; the UK postal service is pretty good.  I mean, you can send something to "The Queen" and it gets to Buckingham Palace!  And anyone who's anyone knows LizzieRossetti.  Maybe even just address it to Queen Lizzie.  I mean, how many of those are there in the UK??  Best be proper, I'll put Queen Elizabeth.

    Now I know once you get them you will want to wear them all the time.  But please remember these two things:
    1)  You will have to take them off to wash them now and again (but don't put them into the whirlpool on Kiawah 18th).
    2) Under no circumstances are you to wear them on the golf course over your trousers (that's pants for you Americanos).

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Fri, Jan 14 2011 1:05 PM

    Dearest Mio,

    Words cannot justly embody the true depths of my gratitude.So excited was I,that I had Daddy summon Lambert(our Butler) to run this to the posts directly.We found him in one of the potting sheds with a five iron and a flagon of Devons Finest golden mead.I was somewhat perturbed to find that he had indeed left my earlier advice unheeded,and was quite squiffy,and furthermore in charge of an offensive weapon.The truly worrying thing though,I am chastened to admit,was that he was potting bulbs with the Five iron with an adroitness that of which I can only dream about.

    Well he was despatched with alacrity(The lost dog who begs food) so as to ensure he was in time for the mails,which hereabouts is something quite rare,and I suppose one can hardly blame those hardy men on account of the dragons that still endure mid Dartmoors gems.I heard tell of one captured most recent,yet I am afraid I quite forget the details,so I shall refer to that particular dragon as simply X and many numbers-for catologuing details only,you understand.

    Whilst Lambert was without,and to stave off the boredoms,Daddy regaled myself and Nancy-A childhood friend-nobody has seen her,but she is real enough to me-with tales of derring Do whilst working in the colonies,and would you not but believe it,he told of a wondrous thing indeed that he had been witness to whilst taking the air one day upon a beach.

    He said,and I will not lie,that upon this beach there was laid out before him the most lustrous of greensward,and all with little flags dotted to and fro,which the local Kiawhans referred to as "The place of the mighty whirlpools". I took fright at this and Cook had to bring me fresh lemon juice(I like my lemons from vesuvius,dont you know they are almost white and QUITE the best in the whole world).

    I begged Daddy to desist,and Mummy reinforced my wish,but alas not before Daddy impressed upon me the horrors that would befall any person,even Johnny foriegner,who,according to legend,would find themselves confused and bobulated in disconcerting fashion,were they to attempt anything other than outright worship at what appeared to be ancient monuments to the god known as Lagg Niblick.

    I must confess that even unto this very day,I still suffer attacks of the vapours at the very thought,and privately I have vowed to never venture foot into those parts,having now heard the legend(and therefore of course,truth).

    Upon your comments in regard of messrs B.T Broad and Band,I have had the family solicitors,Fester,Karbunkle,Refute and Rebuke look into the strangest of happenings,and word a stiff affidavit in support of my dire grievance.I fear however that B.T Broad and Band,being the very law unto themselves,will pay little heed,and to this end it is my dearest hope that our village grocer(a sweet little man by the name of Tesco),although some leagues distant,will be able to take over where B.T Broad and Band,very inconveniently,left off.

    I do so hope that my missive reaches you as it left me,in good spirits and chipper of soul.(albiet by hand of Lambert)


    Yours most faithfully,

    Elizabeth R.


  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Fri, Jan 14 2011 1:18 PM

    Ahh, I too, suffer attacks of the vapours.  Albeit the vapours are wafting from a just-uncorked bottle of cabernet sauvignon.

    Lizzie, you sound like a good candidate to read "The Great Gatsby" and "Golf in the Kingdom" simultaneously.

  • Boomerboy44
    1,514 Posts
    Fri, Jan 14 2011 1:33 PM

    Me thinks the GHOSTS of ST.A are back.   Where's Yancy????

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Fri, Jan 14 2011 1:44 PM

    Ah! Some heady memories of a fine Nuits Saint Goerges,tempered to the rooms,a few fellows over from Magdelens leaning 'pon the mantle,pontificating on the upcoming "Bumps" and the echoes of heels through the cloistered halls of grand old Oriel!

    And days of crumpled cramps on threadbare chairs reading tomes of archaic script secreted deep within historic library,wondering who might have shed days care within these walls over the centuries,the fabric of my learning a comfort to those who after will echo my own reflections.

    To take a stroll along Isis' fair meander,and look upon our Lions red,throwing pennies of thought like cherries picked,to dimple and disappear,their ripple reminders that all will come to shore,and dreamy spires hold our canvas proud against the test of time.

    Ahh yes.Indeed.
