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***Downtime Tonight 9/30***

Fri, Oct 3 2014 11:35 PM (145 replies)
  • Mafias1982
    263 Posts
    Wed, Oct 1 2014 7:41 AM

    I dont know why WGT never announce downtime for all users for example with a popup like other announcements they do and why they dont make a summary of all the new improvements they release in every downtime.

  • BigInigoMontoya
    208 Posts
    Wed, Oct 1 2014 8:08 AM


    I tested all single player options to play both Cabo and Whistler. We can play in practice mode only random 1,3,5,or 7 holes for free. We can't play 9 or 18 holes in ranked or practice mode. I'm about completely baffled by this. I thought perhaps they added them to the CC list of options but they're not there.

    Thats odd. I don't even have the option to play Cabo or Whistler in practice mode at all.

    Does this require some sort of backdoor trick like with the unevens at Pinehurst? ;) Kind of a shame really as I usually enjoy playing Cabo if it pops up in the single play weeklys. Never much cared for Whistler though, especially holes 4, 10, and that nasty sloping green on the back 9 LOL.

  • tigerfan1506
    3,193 Posts
    Wed, Oct 1 2014 8:20 AM

    No backdoor, they are both up there for me.


  • WillyBigg
    2,135 Posts
    Wed, Oct 1 2014 8:22 AM


    I'm not usually a critic of wgt but this update seems very odd indeed..

    Toggling the shot/putterpal on or off in game settings was 2 clicks, why put it where you have?

    Changing avatar angles to on doesn't change my putting stroke it still looks ridiculous..

    Here is a BIG heads up WGT, not everyone uses or enjoys using 15/30/60 putting scales!! Why not give us the choice of 20/40/60?? Same putter, 2 choices, EASY!

    I had REALLY REALLY hoped you would reprogram the Bertha 3 woods to something approaching remotely accurate and as forgiving as advertised.

    Rant over, lemme get back under my rock!



    +1 for all mentioned above. Please do another update tonight to get rid of this new button. Fix the attributes description for the Bertha 3w or fix it to match the specs.

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Wed, Oct 1 2014 8:24 AM


    No backdoor, they are both up there for me.


    +1. They're up there as course choices like before.

  • rata78
    578 Posts
    Wed, Oct 1 2014 9:44 AM




    This look very awfull !


    edit : or ugly ?

    Useless under any point of view.

    First: It is presumed that a player knows if he is putting or shooting and doesn't neeed to read it for knowing it..... 

    Second: If I use the pals I've no reason for escluding them while playing. If I don't use them, I've no reason for activating them while playing.

    Third: The sign impedes to see well the pal %.


    a button useless, just annoying. 

    and places it where? under the bar of the meter. 

    please let give us the possibility of eliminating this button !!!


    There are many upgrades to be done to improve this game, and certainly it is not to create a button

  • stevepsheehan
    2,791 Posts
    Wed, Oct 1 2014 9:59 AM

    A few words WGT might like to keep in mind next time they "upgrade" the game screen:



  • WGTadmin
    1,166 Posts
    Wed, Oct 1 2014 10:00 AM

    Folks, we are aware of the issues with Cabo and Whistler and are currently investigating the matter. As always, we appreciate your patience.

    As for the Putter Pal icon, note that this was put into place since we received many complaints about the difficulty of disabling this feature. With the introduction of the new Country Club features players were complaining that they could not locate how to disable the Pal. We placed the button on the bottom of the meter so that it's easier to disable. Your feedback on this is appreciated.


  • TarheelsRule
    5,497 Posts
    Wed, Oct 1 2014 10:01 AM

    In terms of the notebook, good fix was very needed.   I like the notebook and find it very helpful.

    In terms of shot pal and putter pal, I don't see what the big fuss is about.  WGT was asked my many players to have a toggle switch so that they can not use up their hits on these two items on short putts, drives, etc.    With the free putter and shot pal in CC's it probably isn't a big issue anymore but does it really bother you that much and when you turn it off it is not easily seen.    If you can't tell where 80% and 90% are with the light, then I'm sorry for you.

     Geeze too much whining here over not much.

    In terms of CABO, I played it while ago and it worked fine.  It was in a tournament so that part might still be working but at least good job WGT for making these courses free for us.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Oct 1 2014 10:03 AM

    Thats odd. I don't even have the option to play Cabo or Whistler in practice mode at all.

    Try scrolling through and back. I have to do this to see CCC when setting up an AS match.