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Country Club FAQ

Tue, Oct 17 2017 8:50 AM (84 replies)
  • WGTyphoon
    597 Posts
    Fri, Sep 19 2014 4:52 PM

    Hello everyone.

    By now many players who are in a Country Club have experienced the various additions and changes made in the recent update. I hope that everyone is enjoying it. While we will be providing the players with more content for Country Clubs we would like to take this opportunity to answer some questions that you all may have.

    We will be compiling a FAQ for players who want to find more information on it. We are curious to hear questions relating to the current Country Club feature release. If there are common questions that Country Club members and owners have then please feel free to share them with us. We would like to assist in answering these questions as best as we can. This information will be gathered and properly categorized for future reference.

    Please be aware that we will not be answering any questions that relate to future updates for Country Club. Thank you for understanding.


  • Sca63
    203 Posts
    Fri, Sep 19 2014 5:04 PM

    If a player switches Country Clubs, does that player start with zero XP contributions to the new club, or do the contributions made to the first club transfer with the player to the new club?


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Sep 19 2014 9:26 PM
    The points stay with the club in which they were earned,
  • Sca63
    203 Posts
    Sat, Sep 20 2014 9:11 AM

    The points stay with the club in which they were earned,


    Thank you Courteney


  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Sat, Sep 20 2014 10:25 PM

    We are curious to hear questions relating to the current Country Club feature release.

    It isn't really a question, but since you are compiling a FAQ, maybe you can discuss the things not to do when playing with a CC Pass (such as restart a game or bail from a Match Play/Alt Shot game).

    You also might want to have links for players that suddenly have the Putter Pal and Shot Pal ... and how to turn these features off if they don't want them.

    Just some thoughts ... most of them brought up in other areas of the forum.

  • Lobsterboy
    4,729 Posts
    Sun, Sep 21 2014 4:21 PM

    I transferred the ownership of the LLCC over a month ago and the new owner doesn't have owner by their name in membership list just member . . . what gives . .

  • WGTyphoon
    597 Posts
    Tue, Sep 23 2014 10:47 AM

    Great suggestion DaddysKat. I believe the links will be beneficial for those confused about the Putter Pal/Shot Pal addition when their CC reaches level 2. Again thanks for the suggestions!

    For any player who needs to remove putter pal they can simply follow the instructions here.

    From your game window, please click on MENU and select GAME SETTINGS. Here under DISPLAY, scroll down near the bottom and make sure your Putter Pal or Shot Pal is set to OFF.

    LobsterBoy I went ahead and checked this out. Can you see if the owner has all the necessary tools to run the CC? While they may show up as a member they should still be capable of using the Owner Tools, creating tournaments, and editing the CC forums. Let us know if they can't do any of this.


  • EasyEdward
    13,502 Posts
    Mon, Sep 29 2014 10:56 AM


    Here are some questions that I believe should be considered and answered in the FAQ. Most of these have been asked in the Main Forum at least once so maybe nothing new that was not already under consideration.

    If I think of anymore I will add them later.

    PS - I know the answers to most of them so no need for anyone to answer here.


    If I join an existing CC do I get the benefits that the CC has attained immediately?

    If I join a CC do I get CC passes immediately? What do I do if I do not start getting them?

    What benefits are available at what level?

    If I start a new CC can I use credits to purchase greater number of members?

    If I start my own new CC how long does it take to build my CC to the point of having 250 members?

    I have read that Level 11 where my CC can have 250 members could be as high as 50 Million CC XPs is that true?

    What are the CC XPs needed for each of the levels?

    How long between free CC Passes?

    When I buy a CC Pass why does my count down to my next free pass reset to 12 hours when I only had an hour left before I bought one?

    Can I use or buy a CC Pass at the end of a round?

    My CC already is allowed 250 members, what is the benefit of progressing past Level 6?

    The CC I belong to is Level 6 but the added 2% personal and 5% CC XPs does not show up at the end of my round, why not?  

    If I am playing a round with a multiple players using my pass and one gets disconnected and cannot return or they just quit and the round ends can I get my CC Pass back?  If so how?

    Why didn’t WGT just make each level past level 6 95% of their current value instead of cluttering up the benefits page with a 5% CC bonus? Same for each level past level 12 why not just 90% of whatever the values are?

    If I am looking to join a CC how do I discover which ones are at which level?

    I hear there are more benefits and levels to come any ETA?

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Sep 29 2014 11:01 AM
    ... and how many levels until I get my pony?
  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Wed, Oct 1 2014 9:21 AM

    I have the same issue as Lobsterboy`s Club Owner, I recieved ownership last month and have the tools, but I am still a member on the list. I am the Owner on the CC page, just not on the Members list. It`s just a Title, I know but would like to see it fixed