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Big Berthas

Wed, Jun 4 2014 8:29 AM (134 replies)
  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Mar 27 2014 2:52 AM
    Any feedback?
  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Mar 27 2014 2:58 AM

    Damn, I thought you were saying......nm

  • sue333318
    631 Posts
    Thu, Mar 27 2014 3:01 AM

    level 89 3w - smooth as silk and a bit more forgiving than the R11s - this will stay in the bag and goodbye to the latter.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Mar 27 2014 3:33 AM
    Doesn't it say less forgiving on the stats Sue?
  • TopShelf2010
    10,885 Posts
    Thu, Mar 27 2014 4:08 AM


  • sue333318
    631 Posts
    Thu, Mar 27 2014 4:08 AM

    It says so - but I found it far more forgiving than the R11s.  Really impressed with it so far - used it as the driver on the back of Oak and hit a 29....

  • BigInigoMontoya
    208 Posts
    Thu, Mar 27 2014 5:57 AM


    Driver looks pretty legit, but I just bought the SLDR not too long ago. They are pretty much identical on paper, 'cept for the spin.  Spin on a driver???  Kind of an oxymoron in my opinion but whatever.

    The 3 wood does have me seriously intrigued, though.  Moar precisions than my G20, although at the cost of half a tick less forgiveness.  I'm a budget golfer and the vast majority of my rounds are with the throw away starters, so low forgiveness could be an issue.  On the other hand I've never really been over the moon impressed with the G20, so giving the Bertha a try may not be the worst thing in the world.  1500 chips is a whole lot for a club that gets used maybe 2 to 3 times per round, however.  I'm about a month away from level 90, and if I ended up splurging on the r11's I'm going to need all the credits I can get for slower meter balls.

    I'll prolly just wait for some more feedback to come in and give it some more thought before I make any decisions.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Thu, Mar 27 2014 6:30 AM

    I've bought the driver and wood, but to be honest i could sill be playing with my R1 BlaCK or my R11, the drivers all seem identical after a certain point.

    So far i havn't noticed anything speciall with the wood except on Merion #2 i clicked late lol and landed out of bounds so i lost a brand new Nike RZN Ball (LOL)

    These fine margins we're now dealing with dont make much difference with the new equipment, they're all pretty similar Its just "keeping up with the Jones's efect"  but i'm sure every one will buy the 3 wood for the extra 5 yards its meant to give us.  With the few rounds I've played, the 3 wood is is marginally better than R11


  • borntobesting
    9,639 Posts
    Thu, Mar 27 2014 12:08 PM

    With the few rounds I've played, the 3 wood is is marginally better than R11

    Marginally?? I find it much better than the R11s. If for no other reason that is is much easier to hit the ding with it. And even though it shows 1 less forgiveness I find it more forgiving that the R11s. That is big on long approach shots.

    And that 5 extra yards is more like 8 to 10. On # 4 at Merion with  13 mph tail wind with the Level 100+ Nike Driver and the Big Bertha 3 wood using full B/S on the 3 wood approach I reached the front edge of the green. It landed very soft and and didn't get more than a yard or 2 roll out. A little less B/S on that shot and it most likely would have been very close to the pin. In all the time Merion has been out I never cleared the water on the second shot on the fly except in a couple of special tourneys that were played from shorter tees. 

  • DaveStrock
    919 Posts
    Thu, Mar 27 2014 12:45 PM

    The new Callaway 3 wood is in one word "AWESOME"....275 to 280 no spin with Nike 61 ball,250 with fbs....will make a lot of the par fives easier to reach in most any head wind...Thanks WGT you got this one dialed.........