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Got any tips for hitting outof fescue/deep rough?

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Fri, Jun 18 2010 8:43 PM (8 replies)
  • McCoog40
    1 Posts
    Tue, May 25 2010 9:19 AM

    It seems that every time I blow a drive (happens playing on a laptop) and end up out the fairway, it takes multiple shots to get back on.  The first shot will move me 5 or 6 yards ahead, ditto with the second shot.  Even with the default shot/club selections, this still happens.

    Can anyone help me out with these shots?  What is the best way to hit out of these lies? 

    Also, how do determine approximate distance from sa certain percentage lie?

  • drewsterinone
    190 Posts
    Tue, May 25 2010 10:34 AM

    Hi McCoog40


    From my experience, and many have much more of it. I have learned to just take the most open part of the fairway i can get to, and get to it!!!  Usually a nice solid punch should get you out of it..... if your too far into it use a full shot....Try maybe a 6-7 iron...full or 6-7 iron punch with loft...and again...shortest way to the fairway..


    Again, this is just from my experince, many have much more of it!!!   Dont end up in the rough!!!! lol sometimes you just dont click your mouse in time..


    GL ALL and have fun...wish eveyrone would keep their scores no matter how they play!

    Playing with a master right now that is a 78!!! i commend him for keeping a real avg.





  • Golfspieler
    1,614 Posts
    Tue, May 25 2010 10:35 AM

    That's tough to answer what with all the possible types of lie and distances to the hole. Buy if you need to blast it out of the fescue and back on the fairway try a punch shot with top spin. That seems to work pretty good for me. Remember the caddy isn't so bright so don't depend on his advice LOL, use your own judgment and experience.

  • PSUrangers11
    208 Posts
    Tue, May 25 2010 10:48 AM

    The "caddie" will suggest the iron that you need to reach the hole when you obviously need the correct club to just get yourself out of the deep rough/fescue.

    My suggestion would be to hit 8-iron, 9-iron, or even wedge just to try and advance it 50 - 75 yrds so you can try and scramble and somehow save par or get no worse than bogey.

    long irons will never work in the long stuff... not in real life and not in WGT life...

    good luck.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, May 25 2010 11:09 AM

    Can anyone help me out with these shots?  What is the best way to hit out of these lies? 

    This will get you started, McCoog. 30-40% add 1 club to whatever the caddie says and swing full.  40-50% add 2 and for 50-60% add 3, all with full swings. This will give you an idea of how that fescue affects the ball and you can adjust accordingly from there.

    70-80% punch a lofted club into the fairway. You'll never get distance from that lie so play smart and recover. MAKE SURE YOU RE-AIM. 


  • TheLighterDark
    1,404 Posts
    Tue, May 25 2010 12:59 PM

    If you're right in the edge (not too far from the fairway), just try to take a medium-range iron, like a 6-8 iron, and hit it as far as you can... making sure to leave plenty of room for error with a large portion of fairway.

    But I think that YankeeJim's advice is pretty genius if you ask me.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,498 Posts
    Tue, May 25 2010 1:02 PM

    The punch shot seems to work best out of rough that is 30 to 40%.  The light rough seems to have very little effect on the shot, maybe a little less spin.  In the case of St Andrews fescue or any place where you are 60% or more, basically much as in real golf, take a wedge and hack it out to the fairway.

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Tue, May 25 2010 1:07 PM

    It's definitely not about trying to reach the green, as a certain PGA Tour golfer tried to do on the 18th on Sunday afternoon, throwing away a chance at his first tour victory.

  • wayfader
    50 Posts
    Fri, Jun 18 2010 8:43 PM

    Punch with top spin with no more than a 60% lie or less. The distance  club meter, given by caddy, is almost right on. (less a small %) that has been my experience, whitch is only a few months.