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This game is garbage

Mon, Apr 19 2010 12:35 PM (35 replies)
  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Sat, Apr 17 2010 4:37 AM

    BillyDeeMarcus --- your a class act.

    Playing WGT one month and your first post may be the best one I have read in almost a year.  Accurate - to the point - and tells it like it is. 

    Good luck in the world of WGT.   Look me up for a game sometime.  I'd be honored to tee it up with you.


  • AlaCowboy
    1,321 Posts
    Sat, Apr 17 2010 11:15 AM


    Sorry, I know there are lots of fans of this 'game' but c'mon, it's just rubbish. There's absolutely no consistency with shot making whatsoever. You can hit the exact same shot ten times dead centre, in the same conditions (lie, wind, green speed etc) and get TEN DIFFERENT RESULTS! And those results can vary considerably. It's a joke and makes the game way too frustrating to play. I'm beginning to think that the developers make the free clubs behave like this deliberately in order to frustrate players into buying better clubs........well I'd tend to think it frustrates them into giving up on the game instead! 

    I've been playing golf games for many years now, and I'm normally very good at them, but I've never come across a game like this, it's so poor it's not funny.

    Were we in the same location I'd challenge you to go to a driving range and hit 10 shots in succession within a 3 ft radius for $1,000. I'd be richer, and laughing.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Sat, Apr 17 2010 1:31 PM

    Were we in the same location I'd challenge you to go to a driving range and hit 10 shots in succession within a 3 ft radius for $1,000. I'd be richer, and laughing.

    I dunno, Cowboy... for a grand you could fly to whereever he lives and challenge him like this...  You'd still be laughing, still be richer, and get to see someplace you've never seen before, no?

  • TarheelsRule
    5,509 Posts
    Sat, Apr 17 2010 1:47 PM

    I'll take that bet Cowboy, I choose my putter from 15 feet.

  • Georgiaboy1
    37 Posts
    Sun, Apr 18 2010 2:00 AM

    u know wat golf ant consistant this game is the *** the closest ive ever seen 2 a realistic golf game everyday on the course is different and stop cryin and bet somethin

  • AlaCowboy
    1,321 Posts
    Mon, Apr 19 2010 12:35 PM


    I'll take that bet Cowboy, I choose my putter from 15 feet.

    This past season I would have challenged you to hit 10 3-pointers in succession. lol