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Re: Respect amongst all players

Mon, Sep 23 2024 2:05 AM (40 replies)
  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,682 Posts
    Sun, Apr 7 2024 11:57 AM


    I have played some guys who have made outrageous comments, but i have never bothered answering them. I guess they get frustrated with no answering. Pretty much all of them will run the clock down to 0, and some even hit back and forth, using as many shots as possible just to annoy me.

    Oh, I can't even count how many times I've gone through this type of idiot you just described!

    What frustrates me the most is even if you report them to CS, either nothing's done about it or they're right back a week later after having a soft, tender slap on their wrist! Now I don't waste my time writing to CS anymore.

    All these abusers, cheaters, multis... WGT practically aid and abet IMO.

  • BOZskills
    417 Posts
    Sun, Apr 7 2024 5:41 PM

    Simon,as usual i'm with you mate. I also am one of those that has shut the chat off like 3 years ago and never looked back. To your point about multi acounters,it seems like everytime I play a coin room game,after game's over and go in to see their profile page. When i type in their name more times than not,there are 2 or 3 other names that are incredible similar,usually just different number configuration.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,682 Posts
    Sun, Apr 7 2024 8:29 PM

    When i type in their name more times than not,there are 2 or 3 other names that are incredible similar,usually just different number configuration.

    I know, Boz! They don't even try to hide it or make it less obvious, do they? LOL If I were WGT staff, I would've taken it as an insult but I guess they're okay with that. 🙄

  • CaptRon48
    190 Posts
    Mon, Apr 8 2024 11:43 AM

    In previous game I played the guild/clan leaders helped police bad actors. Scolding or removal from guild some even blackballed from other guilds. Obviously all bad actors not in guild but every little bit helps

  • BrianCheese
    45 Posts
    Sun, May 26 2024 10:44 AM

    These guys must use different email addresses or even different equipment because I used to have two accounts, this one and the original one I had. I used to use the original to gift this account balls so I could save up coins for equipment, but they realised both came from the same IP address and shut down one of them about five years ago.

    Oddly enough 'Bill Wall' is still active in here - not being used but it still exists and I wonder if sometimes WGT uses all the dormant accounts when they suggest that millions of people play the game, like Facebook claims there's a billion users despite about 50% of people having at least two accounts...

  • callaghan159
    6,424 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2024 2:25 AM

    I just started playing the h2h coin games because of the quitters as was reported in the forums. I have met a few of them. The other day I guy said to me ns, I did not respond. Next thing you know he saying fck U and for that reason I dont chat during coin games. LOL. Comments like those have been said to me more than a few times.

  • Imahacker58
    375 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2024 6:35 PM


    I just started playing the h2h coin games because of the quitters as was reported in the forums. I have met a few of them. The other day I guy said to me ns, I did not respond. Next thing you know he saying fck U and for that reason I dont chat during coin games. LOL. Comments like those have been said to me more than a few times.

    Most days before playing I turn chat off in settings so I have no idea if anyone is chatting unless they are so aggrieved that they leave a message on my wall which gets deleted and they get blocked, lol. Freedom from speech is a thing too. 

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2024 9:01 AM

    why worry about what anyone says to you in a game?  I've been sworn at more times than i can count. 

    i have chat on. but they don't know that. I just don't respond to BS. Win my game and move on. i probably won't see them again. 

    It's always people who are bad at the game. They are always relegated to the lower coin rooms eventually. 


    (other than this one brit who always asks me to forfeit. "These are my last coins will you forfeit to me please?" well he used to. when i said no he'd always go on a rant. now he doesn't bother. I still don't think he's beat me yet in a coin game. I run into him every few months or so.)

  • BlackBogey
    600 Posts
    Fri, May 31 2024 1:15 PM



    As a legend that has played this game for probably 10 years now I want to say for the most part it's a great community of people.

    I play with all levels of players and respect them all because I have been there. But lately mostly amongst some of the Tour Masters I have played with I am being dissed when I lose to one of them which I sometimes do, I'm not invincible.

    This behavior is absolutely unacceptable in a game played world wide by millions of people.

    Please if your going to play, be civil about it.

    OK my rant is done.

    Best Regards,

    Chad McManus

    You've played for 10 years, but yet your starting date (on this account anyway) says 12/2019, so more like less than 5 years. Are you sure you're posting from the correct account?

    You sometimes lose to TMs because you're not invincible?  Based on your being here either 5 or 10 years (depending on what you choose to go on) but still only being a Legend with a 62 avg and below average stats, I'd say you are extremely far from invincible.  In fact I'd be surprised if you weren't getting your butt handed to you by Masters and TMs on a more or less regular basis with those stats.

  • SamSpayed
    5,045 Posts
    Sun, Jun 2 2024 1:42 PM

    I'd say you are extremely far from invincible.  In fact I'd be surprised if you weren't getting your butt handed to you by Masters and TMs on a more or less regular basis with those stats.

    Jay, I think Chad understands that he's not the best player.  But I think his point is not that he's losing to TMs... it's the disrespect they're showing him when they beat him - presumably in chat.

    I think he has a good point.  There's no need for anyone to be rude to other players, even if you beat one who's at a higher tier.