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You know I have been a club owner for what 13 yrs.

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Mon, Jul 31 2023 2:30 PM (0 replies)
  • AlexBorgesjr
    1,301 Posts
    Mon, Jul 31 2023 2:30 PM

    I believe in free agency- I believe a player can come and go wherever he chooses. I believe Owners can if they want recruit from the best teams If your club is good no one ever leaves unless to maybe join a friend or maybe he was offered a Admin position, or he wants to help save a failing club, there's a million reasons good clubs lose quality players - It always boils down to two things the player wanted to try something different or the owner wasn't in contact with him and he felt no loyalty to the owner. But that's not why I am here if a player chooses to leave a club- Leave with class. Don't leave a message pointing fingers at the former owner or mentioning the owners name, if you and him were playing a group game the night before and the former owner and the owner thought you were friends. that's like you are Bipolar or something laughing and saying good night the night before then you quit and say cowardly things in the club's forum. and the club now has a distain for the player and a stain that's going to be hard to remove, for future players feelings about your club. Who knows how they will feel about him or the new club he just joined - show Class whenever you leave some where take the high road- remember Roaches don't even love roaches the eat each other- take the high road, first player in 13 years who is banned for Life from the AGA for spieling Lies, half our team has left and returned there free agents why not? we are a Micro club 20 to 45 players some have been here 13 years one just passed away if you guys knew Brian Wiggs [ Senior Wiggy} he's moved on to better courses first member of the club. we miss him. adios everybody takes the high road when you can.