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Re: Great club

Thu, Oct 27 2022 11:17 AM (1 replies)
  • jerseyjake72
    352 Posts
    Sun, Oct 23 2022 2:34 AM

    Would you like to have the opportunity to play in some fun tourneys  as well  also  what WGT offers, meet new friends who always try their hardest but consider having fun the  highest priority,  use Discord to chat and set up games, and have an owner who is active and always looks out for her members? If so, then perhaps Kasia's Korner is the club for you.


    KK is a fairly new club just been open over 1 year  with about 40  members. Among the member events are a match play league, a monthly medal competition, the KK tour, and a Ryder Cup type event  plus various other fun games. Many events offer some prizes. The club also participates in World Cup each year and uses a strategic approach to get the most out of the bi-weekly Clashes for those who choose to play in those contests. We have a dedicated Discord channel to facilitate communications among the membership.


    You can contact me directly on WGT, Kasia1967, or Discord, kasia1967(MA"AM#8141, (be careful with the missing parenthesis), or any of my directors to learn more about whether we would be a good fit for you. Many of our members also belong to the Discord channel "Friendly Golfers Open Chatroom" if you would like to pop in and get to know some of our members and our friends from other clubs as well

  • kasia1967
    1,325 Posts
    Thu, Oct 27 2022 11:17 AM

    Bump ,,

    check us out